

mardi 16 juin 2015

GSG9 Special Unit - Episode 12 - Go Fast - Part 1

Any resemblance to persons 
 or real situations or dead  
is purely coincidental

GSG9 Special Unit -  episode 12 – Go Fast

Part 1: Discovery

Sankt Augustin near Bonn, Germany
Shopping street Sunday, 8:40

Ben Capiscol "Tenroc, I was sure to find you the best French bakery in town ... I need you"

Ben Capiscol : "We must join Karoline ZIMMERMANN, next to Sarreguemines in France This is close to our border.".

Captain Tenroc, French GIGN , "Why there?"

Ben Capiscol : "It is in the presence of French gendarmes But she did not tell me more .... If we have problems with the French authorities, you may be able to help us ....."

Rouhling town, near Sarreguemines, France
Sunday, 10:56

Ben Capiscol : "We are expected Commissioner Ben Capiscol and gendarmerie captain Tenroc ...."

Gendarme , "Okay, go there !!!"

Ben Capiscol "Hello Karoline .... So tell us everything."

Karoline ZIMMERMANN : "I discovered this woman with whom I had an appointment here died ..."

Karoline ZIMMERMANN : "I warned the French autrority immediately ..."

Captain Tenroc , "Who was that?"

Karoline ZIMMERMANN : "It was a prostitute Hamburg Elma ZUPPER It was my informant in this environment ....."

Karoline ZIMMERMANN : "It depended on Rabbits Angels ..."

Karoline ZIMMERMANN : "I approached and it was she who had allowed my agent can be integrated into the gang of Rabbit Angels, there 3 years."

Karoline ZIMMERMANN : "The same agent who had helped stop Jacknap ( link here ), which was found killed in the suburbs of Hamburg, there are 1 month (. Link on ) "

Ben Capiscol : "And what were you doing here?"

Karoline ZIMMERMANN : "She had taken a vacation and I had to find Elma here about a drug importation in Germany I think the suspicions of the arrest of Jacknap ended up clear on it ....".

Karoline ZIMMERMANN : "This is Lieutenant Stéphane MARTIN, of the French gendarmerie Research section."

Lieutenant Stéphane MARTIN : ".. Hello She was shot by two bullets According to initial findings, she was killed elsewhere besides missing a shoe that we did not find here ...."

Identification Technician Criminal  : We found a paper in the back pocket of the victim. It is written: Wednesday, A2, Eigen, 12.00 to H, 4 cars: Porsche, 2 X6, Mercedes coupe "

Ben Capiscol : "Thank you We will investigate our side and inform you later.."

Lieutenant Stéphane MARTIN : "We've known Captain I have my brother, who is also the GIGN But I do not remember you when I went to Satory during a medals ceremony ...?."

Captain Tenroc : "I am currently in Germany for 2 months to observe the work of GSG9 and advise them on our methods, but we had certainly crossed us without speaking ...."

Captain Tenroc : "Oh, we must go forward to meet again at greater length next time ...."

Lieutenant Stéphane MARTIN : "I remain at your disposal for further investigation ..."


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