

jeudi 18 juin 2015

GSG9 Special Unit - Episode 13 - Part 5

Translation by:

Any resemblance to persons  
or real situations  or having existed  
is purely coincidental

GSG9 Special Unit - 13th episode - POTUS -


Part 5: The shoot 


Checkpoint Charlie, Obama's speech

Barack Obama : "This is why I thank you and ...."


Bodyguard : "Shot on president !!!"

Bodyguard : "GO, GO, GO !!!"

Ben Capiscol "The 4x4 of the president, HURRY !!!"

Ben Capiscol "GO, GO !!!"

Ben Capiscol "POTUS is in the 4x4 ...."

Bodyguard into 4x4  : "Drive !!! "

Bodyguard : "We will not stop."

Bodyguard : "Go to Embassy ...."

Gustav Falger, responsible to the Ministry of Interior of protocol visits : "The wife of the President is immune You saw where the shot is gone.?"

Ben Capiscol ". Not Sniper 1, you saw where went the shot Sniper 1 They do not respond ... 2 men with me? !!!?."

Ben Capiscol "PETER PETER ??? ???"

Ben Capiscol "Ho my god ...."

Bodyguard : "I found a body"

Ben Capiscol : "It's Peter ...."

20 minutes later
Oskar FINDER, director of GSG9 : "But how is that possible?"

Ben Capiscol : "I do not understand This area was secured by our men down I really do not understand ....".

Ben Capiscol "The sniper I found first fell on the back ..."

Criminal Expert in white : "I confirm the person or persons who killed them were very close to them when they shot them ... Either they knew their aggressors and are not suspicious, or they were taken by surprise. but there was no response to impact, then why have they been separated? "

Oskar FINDER : "We see that the bulletproof glass has the ball stopped dead the president of the United States would not have been hurt, but the sniper could shoot other balls There fired into that... Strange ...  "

Oskar FINDER : "That said, Kommandeur Capiscol Ben, you are relieved of your duties during the preliminary investigation so that we understand what happened ..."

The end of this épisode


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