

jeudi 18 juin 2015

GSG9 Special Unit - Episode 13 - POTUS - Part 1

Any resemblance to persons 
 or real situations or dead  
is purely coincidental

GSG9 Special Unit - 13th episode - POTUS -

Part 1: Preparation

Tuesday, Berlin 10:42, the German Ministry of Interior

Gustav Falger, responsible to the Ministry of Interior of protocol visits : "Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered today to complete the final preparations for the arrival of the US President on German soil ... will happen in 3 hours to Berlin "

Gustav Falger . "He will be present for 2 days for the first day, just after deplaning, he will visit the Winston Hotel in the center of Berlin, to meet and make a speech to our President Federal as well as politicians and German businessmen in the hotel conference room "

Gustav Falger : "Then he will go on to talk about the Checkpoint Charlie Berlin Wall destroyed there 25 years before a Berlin crowd Finally he meets our chancellor in the Bundestag ...."

Gustav Falger : "His public speaking will be the most dangerous time for POTUS .... It will be exhibited in the midst of many buildings I rely on maximum security."

Gustav Falger "Throughout the visit, he will be escorted by the GSG9, both when traveling by car, such as when traveling on foot ... We can expect reactions of extremists on all sides C. is why we will do extremely attention to the crowd during his public appearance .... I count on your professionalism throughout the duration of his visit ... "

Ben Capiscol "Come Tenroc, we will inspect the route by which will pass POTUS"

Captain Tenroc , "Who I heard Gustav Falger talk"

Ben Capiscol "POTUS is the chairman of the US code name that are made initials: President Of The United States"

Moments later

Ben Capiscol : "Here we are in the street where it will arrive to the hotel Winston ..."

Ben Capiscol : "The street was blocked to traffic since this morning ..."

Ben Capiscol : "Communal Employees install barriers"

Ben Capiscol : "It is from here that will Potus his speech ..."

Ben Capiscol : "As this will be the most difficult place to monitor, police keep the platform and bulletproof glass were installed .."

Ben Capiscol "Journalists also settled ... Let us go now to the observation point."

Ben Capiscol : "Then Peter, all right?"

Peter : "Yes Commander, we cover the streets and buildings look behind the podium."

Ben Capiscol : "Indeed, the view is perfect ... I imagine that you too you install the GIGN snipers in strategic places ...."

Captain Tenroc : "Indeed Ben, we install on all high points like you ...."

Ben Capiscol : "I am from BERLIN IS my childhood I lived near here My father was also border guards on the Soviet side He spoke very little of his life ... And you... Captain, you've been here? "

Captain Tenroc "Yes, my mother is from West Berlin. My father was French military in the French zone of Berlin, in the Napoleon district, met here ... It is indeed died in Berlin in 1988. ... "

Ben Capiscol : "I'm sorry Tenroc ..... I did not know ...."

Ben Capiscol "continue the inspection, Come to the Grand Hotel where Potus will make his first speech ..."

Central Berlin, 11:36

Capiscol Ben : "Well here we are near the Grand Hotel WINSTON."

Ben Capiscol "Again journalists have been placed for the arrival of Potus ...."

Capiscol Ben : "You end ask the barriers"

Ben Capiscol "Here the law enforcement units that arrive ...."

Captain Tenroc : "Why?"

Ben Capiscol : "In case of protesters slipped into the crowd would attack the presidential convoy"

Ben Capiscol "or when the president out of the hotel ..."

Ben Capiscol "As the industry Checkpoint Charlie, was put snipers on the rooftops"

Ben Capiscol "The Berlin will arrived behind these gates ..."

Ben Capiscol : "The first guests arrive ... of German businessmen"

Ben Capiscol "and Bundenstag policies, the German parliament ..."

Ben Capiscol : "As our President of the Federal Republic: Arnold WANTZ"

Captain Tenroc "President you had saved a drone led by terrorists, there is a month?"

Ben Capiscol : "Indeed, this and indeed he ( Link on this episode here )

Ben Capiscol: "I leave you now I am going to the airport for the arrival of Potus ... Here is a PASS which gives you access to all sensitive areas to observe our device ...."

Captain Tenroc "Thanks Ben this evening for the debriefing of the day ....."


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