

dimanche 7 juin 2015

GSG9 Special Unit - Episode 7 - Part 1

Translation by:

Any resemblance to persons
or real situations  or having existed
is purely coincidental

The GSG 9 for Grenzschutzgruppe 9 is a response unit of the German police in charge of operations against terrorism, hostage-taking, negotiation, bank robberies, in support of the federal or local police. Here are their actions

Any resemblance to persons 
or real situations  or having existed 
is purely coincidental

GSG9 Special Unit - 7th episode - Transfer -

Part 1: Moving 

Federal Jail in Hamburg, 9:04

Captain Tenroc the French GIGN  , "Well here's a new side of GSG9 I had not seen. "

Ben Capiscol  : "Indeed, for some very dangerous prisoners, we escort them into their jail and the court. And this one is especially dangerous because you were there when he was arrested ... "

Ben Capiscol  "This is Jacknap ... The head of the Rabbit Angels gang we had stopped there 2 weeks ( link here to see this episode ) "

Ben Capiscol  "Go on up !!! "

Ben Capiscol  "Caution, here we go ..."

Ben Capiscol  : "More than 30 men are mobilized on the convoy to prevent his escape ..."

Ben Capiscol  "Bikers will open up the road ..."

Ben Capiscol  : "The goal is to always be in motion .... "

Captain Tenroc  : "I see ..."

Ben Capiscol  "Here convoy head, pay caution we get in traffic ... Be prepared to put feet on the ground ..."

Ben Capiscol  "GO !!!"

Ben Capiscol  : "We make a protective bubble around the vehicle which transported the detainee. "

Ben Capiscol  : "It's good we leave ... All units on foot, Step back !!! "

Ben Capiscol  : "We show that we are heavily armed ..."

Ben Capiscol  : "Although we know very well that in the face it could be desperate to get their head .... "

Ben Capiscol  : "The traffic is always dense ..."

Ben Capiscol  "Go against the direction it takes !!! "

Ben Capiscol  "Perfect !!!

Ben Capiscol  "Here we come to the court ..."

Ben Capiscol  "We will go with secure underground parking ..."

Captain Tenroc the French GIGN  , "And your mission stops there? "

Ben Capiscol  : "No. We'll stay with him until the end of the hearing and bring in his cell once it is completed ... "

Ben Capiscol  "Come. We'll put him in his cell before the start of the trial in 30 minutes ... "


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