

mercredi 10 juin 2015

GSG9 Special Unit - Episode 9 - Part 5

Translation by:

Any resemblance to persons 
or real situations  or have existed 
is purely coincidental

GSG9 Special Unit - 9th episode - ATLAS -

Part 5: Flashback 


Lieutenant Colonel Peter O'tool  :   "Our drone flying over the area of the beginning of the pirate broadcast that had taken control of the drone"

Lieutenant Colonel Peter O'tool  :   "There, on the left .... 3 vehicles ...."

Lieutenant Colonel Peter O'tool  :   "2 cars depart"

Lieutenant Colonel Peter O'tool  :   "A truck with a TV satellite dish .... It's probably in this way they managed to hack into the controls of the drone ..."

Lieutenant Colonel Peter O'tool  :   "The two cars that are just left a Seat Leon and a gray jeep cherokee blue ..."

Lieutenant Colonel Peter O'tool  :   "They will recover a road ...."

Lieutenant Colonel Peter O'tool  :   "They take the direction of the town of St Peter Ording ....

Lieutenant Colonel Peter O'tool  :   "I see three black cars with flashing lights like 4X4 arriving at their meeting .... "

Wielfried Zuruk alias Ali Jahannam  "Cops here .... It’s not possible ... Half round !!! "

Ben Capiscol  "crash into the car !!! "

Ben Capiscol  "catching up the other car !!! "

Wielfried Zuruk "Hell ... Other cops cars ..."

Wielfried Zuruk "We'll escape through the fields with this 4X4 !!!"

Lieutenant Colonel Peter O'tool  :   "It flies over it. We can block it with our last missile .... "

Oskar FINDER  :   "If you can stop, okay. But do not destroy the car terrorists, I want them alive !! "

Lieutenant Colonel Peter O'tool  :   "All right, not the car .... Here we go ..."



Wielfried Zuruk : "Warning !!! the tree"

Wielfried Zuruk "Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhh"

Ben Capiscol  "Enjoy they are shocked by the accident of their car ... I want them alive !!!"

Ben Capiscol  : " game is over ZURUK !!!"

Wielfried ZURUK : "For me can be, but this is only the beginning of the fight, but you have not yet understood ..."

Captain Tenroc : "You stopped the most dangerous ..."

Capiscol Ben  : "Yes, but it will remain vigilant ..."

End of episode 9

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