

dimanche 30 octobre 2022

The funeral processions of the American Presidents - English Version


- The funeral processions of the American Presidents -

  - English Version -

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(Sorry if there are errors in the meaning, word or verb of the expressions). 

Up date: 31/10/2022

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Procession at the Ceremony in Washington for the burial of President Warren H. HARDING in 1927
At the time of the deaths of American presidents, great military and national ceremonies are held for tributes of the Nation to its deceased leaders.
Body of the American President Gerald FORD in the Rotunda of the Capitol on 30/12/2006
The overall planning and decision to hold a state funeral is determined by the sitting President and the family of the deceased.
If the family agrees, there is a whole ceremony that must be followed... The President's casket is brought to Washington, D.C., where it remains for two days in the Capitol Rotunda for a wake where Americans can come and pay their respects to the casket.
 Funeral procession in Washington of President Franklin D. ROOSEVELT on April 14, 1945
On the day of the funeral, a procession is established, as here during the funeral procession of Franklin D. ROOSEVELT (32nd President from 1933 to 1945). It takes the direction of the Capitol from "Constitution Avenue". Units of the different army corps march at the front of the procession.
Funeral procession in Washington of President Franklin D. ROOSEVELT on April 14, 1945
The casket is placed on the base of a gun carriage and is pulled by six white horses and three riders. Military men walking alongside are the pallbearers.
Video of this funeral procession on 04/14/1945

In front of the Capitol in Washington, the 25/11/1963, the body of Kennedy is put on the funeral carriage
After the drama of DALLAS in November 1963, the President John Fitzerald KENNEDY (35th President from 1961 to 1963) will also have right to a national funeral with military honors. The widow of the deceased requested that a black horse without a rider and boots back in the stirrups follow the casket.

Funeral procession of JFK on 25/11/1963
On this photo we can see this black horse following the carriage. The symbolism of this horse equipped with an ornamental caparison, with the sword and the boots upside down in the stirrups represents the fallen soldier who will never ride his horse again. This symbolism has been done for centuries in some armies for officers in cavalry regiments.

Funeral procession of JFK on 25/11/1963
In this case, the wife of JFK, Jackie KENNEDY, wanted to symbolize the end of the mandate of her husband as head of the American army.

Funeral procession of JFK on 25/11/1963
As with Franklin D. ROOSEVELT in 1945, JFK was carried on a gun carriage base pulled by six white horses and three riders.
Funeral procession of JFK on 25/11/1963
On either side, military personnel flank the casket.
Funeral procession of JFK on 25/11/1963
 Following the procession, all the officials who came for the funeral
Funeral procession of JFK the 25/11/1963 with the American President
In the first limousine, the wife of the deceased, with the American President Lyndon B. JOHNSON (1963-1969)

Funeral procession of JFK on 25/11/1963 towards the cemetery of Arlington
Then follows the family of the deceased, followed in turn by heads of state, kings, princes and other important people who matter to the family of the deceased.

Here is a video of JFK's funeral procession
Video of EISENHOWER's funeral procession in March 1969
For the funeral of the former president Dwigth EISENHOWER (34th president from 1953 to 1961), in March 1969, he also had a state ceremony with military tributes for his past during the second world war and his action during his eight years of mandate. We can see in this video the symbolism of the horse with the carapaçon used for the first time during the burial of JFK.
  Arrival of the coffin of the former president EISENHOWER in Abilene station
Former President EISENHOWER was taken by train back to Abilene, Kansas, where he was buried.
Funeral procession of EISENHOWER through the streets of Abilene, Kansas in March 1969
A procession was made to go from the train station to the cemetery.

  Funeral procession of EISENHOWER in the streets of Abilene in Kansas in March 1969
Followed by his relatives and the American President of the time.

 Harry TRUMAN's funeral in early January 1973 in Independence
 Funeral of Harry TRUMAN in early January 1973 in Independence
President Harry S. TRUMAN (33rd president from 1945 to 1953) died on December 26, 1972. His family did not wish to have a state funeral and preferred a private ceremony, held at "Independence" in MISSOURI.

Also, President Richard NIXON (37th president from 1969 to 1974) chose not to have a state funeral. He died on April 18, 1994.

Funeral procession of Lyndon B. JOHNSON in the streets of Washington in late January 1973
President Lyndon B. JOHNSON (36th president from 1963 to 1969) died one month after Harry TRUMAN on January 22, 1973. He had a state funeral and was buried in Stonewall, Texas.

Funeral procession of Ronald REAGAN in the streets of Washington on 09/06/2004
President Ronald REAGAN (40th President from 1981 to 1989) also had a state funeral in Washington. He was transported from California where he died on June 05, 2004 in Los Angeles, to Washington, on board one of the "Air Force One".

The black horse without rider during the funeral procession of Ronald REAGAN on 09/06/2004
There again, the horse with the caparison with the sword and the boots upside down in the stirrups was present.

Departure of the body of Ronald REAGAN on 09/06/2004 towards an airport of Washington
His coffin was taken towards the military airport of ANDREWS.
Departure of Air Force One with the body of Ronald REAGAN on board on 09/06/2004
Then the body was brought back in one of the "AIR FORCE ONE" in California. 
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Arrival in California of the body of Ronald REAGAN on 09/06/2004
Indeed, he was buried in Simili Valley in California on June 11, 2004.
Funeral procession of the body of former President Gerald FORD on 12/30/2006
During the burial ceremonies of Gerald FORD, (38th president from 1974 to 1977), his body also arrived by plane, then was transported in a hearse followed by a simple procession, stopping in front of the "National World War II Memorial" in memory of his service during the second world war. There was no procession on horseback as per the wishes of the deceased.

Departure of the casket of former President Gerald FORD on 02/01/2007 from the Capitol in Washington
He was taken to the Capitol Rotunda.
His body was brought back by plane, aboard an Air Force One to his burial place in "Grand Rapids" in MICHIGAN.

Exit of the Coffin of G.H.W BUSH Senior in front of the Capitol on 05/12/2018
The solemn ceremony for President George H.W BUSH Senior (41st President from 1989 to 1993) who passed away on November 30, 2018, was also simple, because like Gerald FORD, President G.H.W BUSH did not want a horse-drawn procession.
Arrival of the body of G.H.W BUSH senior aboard Air Force One on 05/12/2018
Died in TEXAS, his body was flown aboard Air Force One to Washington, D.C. on December 05, 2018. He was then brought from the Washington airport aboard a hearse, marked on the body with the discreet U.S. presidential seal.

Video of the entry into the Capitol
Then entered for a ceremony in the Capitol

Video of the Exit from the Capitol
Then followed the departure ceremony,

Video of the Passage in front of the White House
then a passage in front of the White House.

His body was then taken by train back to Texas where it was transported again in a hearse and buried in the family vault.

Here is the video of the arrival of the coffin in TEXAS

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of American Presidents



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