

mardi 15 novembre 2022

Spanish National Riot Control Forces - English Version

Unidad de Intervención Policial 
of the Spanish National Police

 - English Version -

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(Sorry if there are errors in the meaning, word or verb of the expressions). 

- Version Française -
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Created in 1989, the UIP for Unidad de Intervención Policial (in English Police Intervention Unit), is specialized in the control of large gatherings and meetings in public places in major cities in Spain.

It is specialized in the control of large gatherings and meetings in public places in the major cities of Spain, such as social or sports events, as well as in large public events.

In 1999, the UPI signed a cooperation protocol for some Latin American Police forces to create their own riot control units based on its model.

It represents more than 2,700 members in the 15 largest Spanish cities:

Madrid, Barcelone, Valence, Seville, Grenade, Malaga, Bilbao, Pampelune, Valladolid, La Corogne, Vigo, Oviedo, Las Palmas Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Zaragoza.

The UIPs intervene in all major demonstrations in Spanish cities to prevent any overflow.

The units deployed in the field have conventional shields,

as well as ballistic shields.

The Canadians did some investigative work during the 2001 Summit of the Americas on the categories of demonstrators: Whatever the country, the demonstrators are not homogeneous. They are divided into several categories:

- The demonstrator who asks for permission to march and does not break anything.

- The pacifist who is less convenient,

- The adept of civil disobedience and sitting deliberately obstructing official ceremonies.

But it is on the fringe of these majority groups that
the "dangerous categories":
- First of all, the rioters, for whom the demonstration serves as an alibi; 

- The groups made up of autonomists and anarchists, better and better equipped and using the method known as "Black Blocs", i.e. individuals hidden behind black masks, black gloves and black clothes and operating in groups so as not to be spotted during violent actions or degradations.

   - English Version -
- The action of masked gangs in demonstrations -
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Spain has participated in the GODIAC project in the analysis and research of new methods of policing and dialogues with demonstrators.

  - English Version -

However the increasingly violent acts of aggression pose a real reflection as you can discover on the link below:  

  - English Version -
  - English Version -

The UIP is equipped with reinforced vans

and some "water cannon" trucks.

These are equipped with blades to push obstacles back onto the road.

It has been using them for a few years.

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Some videos of their interventions:

They integrate the other four corps that also provide security and maintenance of order throughout the Spanish territory:
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Spanish Version

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