

mercredi 10 juin 2015

GSG9 Special Unit - Episode 9 - Part 1

Translation by:

Any resemblance to persons 
or real situations  or have existed 
is purely coincidental

The GSG 9 for Grenzschutzgruppe 9 is a response unit of the German police in charge of operations against terrorism, hostage-taking, negotiation, bank robberies, in support of the federal or local police. Here are their actions

Any resemblance to persons 
or real situations  or have existed 
is purely coincidental

GSG9 Special Unit - 9th episode - ATLAS -

Part 1: The cell in Hamburg 

Berlin Friday 7:30 am, the German Ministry of Interior

Oskar FINDER, CEO of GSG9  "Gentlemen !!! We are here today as part of the ATLAS project ( link here ) "

Oskar FINDER  : "This project, I remind you, has 36 special units of the Police from the 27 member states of the European Union plus Norway and Switzerland. "

Oskar FINDER  : "The threat DAECH this Iraqi-Syrian Islamist terrorist group, launched on Europe, leads us to consider a terrorist act of great magnitude. "

Oskar FINDER  : "In coordination with the GSG9, who currently chairs the ATLAS group, we will intervene preemptively arresting many suspects in the various countries of the union"

Oskar FINDER  : "Division" 6 "in charge of terrorism and Islamic extremism of the"  Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz  "( BfV ), the German intelligence service operating in its national territory, (in english: The Federal Office for Protection the constitution) gave us 3 goals it deems dangerous.

Oskar FINDER  : "One in Hanover, Bremen and a third in Hamburg. The GSG9 will intervene on these three objectives simultaneously. "

Oskar FINDER  : "The main target for Germany is Hamburg, where the BfV think that Islamic terrorist cell would be reformed. Remember to that of 2001, which had been involved in the September 11 attacks with Mohammed Atta, one of the suicide bombers ... "

Oskar FINDER  : "The arrest will be led by Ben Capiscol and a unit of GSG9 supported by the team SEK Hamburg. We also coordinate interventions in France, England, Belgium and Denmark, which militarily attack the bases and positions DAECH in Iraq "

20 minutes later
Oskar FINDER  : "You understand Ben. Your action is crucial. If the BfV does not make mistakes. This cell may be ready to commit a terrorist act of great magnitude on Europe .... "

Ben Capiscol  : "I disappoint you director Her !!! "

Captain Tenroc the French GIGN : "How lucky these arrests .... Our trainings conducted in 2013 will serve" 

Ben Capiscol  "Go, we go for Hamburg !!! "

Hamburg, 4 hours later, 11:47 am

Ben Capiscol  "Gentlemen, in 10 minutes every ATLAS commandos will intervene on the whole of Europe to stop Islamic terrorists. Our goal is to stop a cell from 5 suspects found in this building. "

 Ben Capiscol  "The BfV agents saw no suspects out. The door of their apartment is armored and will use a hydraulic cylinder to enter. Permission to shoot on sight if they defend themselves !!!  "

Ben Capiscol  : "The police cars and policemen stop traffic and passersby. Go gentlemen, get ready !!! "

Ben Capiscol  : "Alex, be careful for this first mission to GSG9 !! "

Alex BOBOD  : "As in training, Commander !!! "

11:58 am
Ben Capiscol  "Position?"

Alex Bobod : "Ready to go ... Cylinder in position ..."

Ben Capiscol  "Top Action !!! "


Peter  : "Nothing in the first room !!! "

Alex BOBOD  "OK, we continue !!! "

Alex BOBOD "POLICE !!! "

Alex BOBOD "nothing in the second room ...."

Ben Capiscol  "Commander, here BOBOD, no occupants in the apartment, you can ride, but you'll be surprised .... "


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