

mercredi 10 juin 2015

GSG9 Special Unit - Episode 9 - Part 2

Translation by:

Any resemblance to persons 
or real situations  or have existed 
is purely coincidental

GSG9 Special Unit - 9th episode - ATLAS -

Part 2: Indices 

Hamburg, 12:10

Ben Capiscol  "Where are they ??? "

Alex BOBOD  "They ran away, despite our surveillance and you will understand why: it's in the other room ... "

Alex BOBOD  "Look, they broke the wall facing another apartment   of a building that touched them. They were able to get out without being detected ... "

Helma SCHEFER "Look Commander !!! Plans of a drone with signs of the US Air Force ... "

Ben Capiscol  : "Indeed. But for what purpose? "

Captain Tenroc "and here the plans of the German coast ... with a kind of journey .... "

Ben Capiscol  "I'll take pictures and send them immediately to Berlin"

Command Post 
German Ministry of Interior, Berlin, 12:09

Oskar FINDER  : "It is received, Capiscol. In other countries where the ATLAS commandos intervened, they stopped all their targets. Only Germany has drawn a blank. In Bremen and Hanover, there was not suspicious. They also broke a wall to access in an apartment of another building in Hanover ... However, they found a map of the St Peter Ording. It is located on the coast north of Hamburg ... "

Oskar FINDER by telephone : "That would mean they just go on the offensive .... We will look for a connection with the plans of the drone and flight plans you have discovered and the St Peter Ording ... "

Ben Capiscol  "OK. Meanwhile, we will head towards St Peter Ording ... "


And immediately north of St Peter Ording, 
near the park Wattenmeer Nordfriesisches

Policeman  : "Number 1 way ..."

Edgar BLIT "Hello Mr. President. Did you have a nice trip? "

Arnold WANTZ : "Yes and I longed to get Edgar ..."

Driver of the gray Seat : "The bird is in the cage"

German Air Force in Schleswig-Jagel, 12:28 am

Operator Schleswig-Jagel  , "Here control tower Schleswig-Jagel, authorization for the Whisky Alpha drone takeoff 973,034 for North sea trials, Track 2"

Somewhere in the US, US drones command room

Lieutenant Colonel Peter O'tool  :   "Thanks control tower, it's gone ..."

Drone takeoff

Command post of the German Ministry of the Interior, Berlin, 12:26 pm

Oskar FINDER  : "Where are you on? "

Police Officer  : "We have identified the plans of the drone that we received through the photos sent to the apartment. This is an RQ 1 Predator, an American drone. "

Policeman  : "One of the information that the BfV has provided on one of the suspects is that Hamburg is a former soldier of the German Luftwaffe, the German Air Force and was among our forces in Mazar -i-Sharif. His name Wielfried Zuruk and converted   to Islam on his return from Afghanistan. He calls himself Ali Jahannam Ali hell ... "

Oskar FINDER  : "And what was his role there at Mazar-i-Sharif? "

Policeman  : "He was through with the US in the US Air force in airstrikes drones .."

Oskar FINDER  : "Good. Contact the Luftwaffe to see if it has this type of drone !!! Hello, Capiscol, where are you? "

Ben Capiscol  : "We reach area near Tönning 10 kms from St Peter Ording ...."

Oskar FINDER  : "OK, if we have other things I warn you once ..."

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