

samedi 7 mai 2022

Color of the Hamburg police cars


Color of the Hamburg police cars
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The Hamburg police force has police vehicles with a different color from the other German states. Of a gray livery with blue markings, the difference is on the hood. Indeed, there is no blue color on the hood, simply marked POLIZEI.

Each German state chooses its vehicles and adapts them according to the needs of the service. For example, the German police vehicles are equipped with a second battery.

Here are some 1/87 models of the HERPA brand:
Brand: HERPA    Scale: 1/87   Modele: Mercedes Classe E

Brand: HERPA    Scale: 1/87   Modele: BMW Série 5

The uniforms of the Hamburg police are black.

As a rule, the uniform of the police in the other German states is blue shirt, black pants and white cap

Or blue shirt, black pants and black cap.

Find the history of the colors of the German police cars:

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Voici des dioramas au 1/87 de la Police Allemande

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ainsi que des sujets sur des véhicules d'intervention:

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Retrouvez aussi des dioramas au 1/87



et la web série GSG9 1/87 Unité spéciale

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