

dimanche 2 octobre 2022

The aerial means of Heads of State and Royalty - English Version


The aerial means of heads of state and royalty

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(Sorry if there are errors in the meaning, word or verb of the expressions).

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Sign of power and representativeness, the air travel of political or royal personalities is done by means specific to the States.


Here are some important governmental air fleets 




An AIRBUS A340-313 of the German FBV

Germany: The German official transport fleet is managed by the "Flugbereitschaft des Bundesministeriums der Verteidigung". This one depends on the LUFTWAFFE, the German Air Force. It has two AIRBUS A340-313 and two AIRBUS A319 CJ aircraft for the trips of the President of the Republic, the Chancellor and the members of the government, for medium and long flights.



For smaller routes across Germany or Europe, it also operates four BOMBARDIER GLOBAL EXPRESS 5000s, which are easier to deploy than the larger aircraft.






The BOEING 747-400 of the Chinese President

CHINA: The official travels of the Chinese government are managed by the national airline AIR CHINA. However, for the trip of the Chinese President, he has a BOEING 747-400 which is assigned for long distances.
You can also discover the Chinese presidential limousines under the link below:

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The AIRBUS A330-200 of the French ET 60

FRANCE : Since 1948, France has had a unit depending on the French Air Force which takes care of the flights of the government and the President of the Republic, with a fleet of small, medium and large aircraft, as well as helicopters. This unit will have different names over the years, as you can discover in the history of this unit below.


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Also discover the French presidential vehicles on the links below:


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 - The French Presidential Cars -
- From 1955 to 2016  -
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The UNITED STATES of AMERICA: The President of the USA travels on board AIR FORCE ONE. Certainly the most famous presidential aircraft in the country, but also appearing in American action movies. It is currently two special BOEING 747-200B. They will be replaced by 2023 by new aircraft and a new livery on the fuselage. You can find many anecdotes and information under the link below.


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AIR FORCE ONE supersonic aircraft project
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The American President also has at his disposal MARINE ONE, helicopters that allow him to get closer to the places where the people he meets are or to return to the White House as soon as he gets off AIR FORCE ONE. You can find his story on the link below.

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Discover also CADILLAC ONE and the members of his close guard, the CAT :


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BAe 146 of the ROYAL AIR FORCE Squadron 32

UNITED KINGDOM: The British Royal Family as well as members of the British Government used to travel on BAe 146s operated by the ROYAL AIR FORCE 32 Squadron until now. They were introduced in the 1980's and will be retired from active service in 2022 and will not be replaced.


The AIRBUS A330 VOYAGER of the British Prime Minister

The AIRBUS A330 VOYAGER of the British Prime Minister
The King can to use the British Prime Minister's plane, an AIRBUS A330 VOYAGER, during official trips.

Discover also the cars of the British Prime Ministers
from 1950 to nowadays:

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SIKORSKY S-76C of the British Crown

The British Royal Family always has a helicopter for their travels on the British Isle. The model is a SIKORSKY S-76C


Video of the arrival and departure of the "Queen's Helicopter Fligth"

Discover also the limousines of the Queen, as well as those used during her travels around the world:

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Ilyushin II-96 of the Russian National Transport Company

RUSSIA: The Russian National Transport Company has at the disposal of the Russian President two ILIUSHINE II-96.


Ilyushin II-96 of the Russian National Transport Company

They allow the Russian President to make medium and long distance trips to different Russian provinces or around the world.


Videos of the arrival of the Russian President at the American-Russian Summit
in Geneva on June 15 and 16, 2021 

The Russian President also has at his disposal Mil Mi 8 helicopters in Russian colors. In this photo, we can see one of them in August 2018 in France, in Marignane, during a visit with the French President.
Also discover the Russian presidential limousine and its escort service under the links below:

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The Russian President's limousine
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The AIRBUS A340-500 of the Turkish President

TURKEY: The Turkish President has at his disposal many AIRBUS managed by the TURKISH AIRLINES Company. Because of an economic and military policy of expansion in the Maghreb, the Middle East and Africa, the President and the Government travel a lot. The size of Turkey is also an important factor for presidential travel by air.
You can also discover on this site the limousines of the Turkish President and his personal protection service during his trips below.


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   - English Version -

- General Directorate of Protection Services -
- of the Turkish Presidency -
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South Korean President's BOEING 747-400

SOUTH KOREA: The South Korean President is traveling on a BOEING 747-400 operated by KOREAN AIR. His call sign is "CODE ONE". This allows the President to travel long distances for official political and economic visits in different countries of the World.
You can also discover on this site the limousines of the South Korean Presidents and their close protection service, the CAT under the links below:

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  - English Version -
- South Korean CAT -
 - The protection service of the South Korean President
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Pope Francis I's visit to Switzerland in 2018

THE VATICAN: Popes have always traveled on short, medium and long-haul flights aboard planes of the national airline ALITALIA. Traditionally, the Pope arrives on an ALITALIA chartered plane and leaves on the national airline of the country he is visiting. The papal flight code is "SHEPERD ONE".
Below you can find a link to the Papamobiles around the world:


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A BOEING 737 Business Jets of the 34 Squadron of the ROYAL AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE

AUSTRALIA: It is the 34 Squadron of the ROYAL AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE that manages the presidential fleet and is based in CANBERRA, the political capital of Australia. Two BOEING 737 Business Jets are at the disposal of the Governor General of Australia, the Prime Minister and the Minister for Foreign Affairs.



The country is so vast that 34 Squadron also has smaller aircraft such as BOMBARDIER CHALLENGER 604 or DASSAULT 7X.



These aircraft are also used by the British Royal Family when one of its members visits Australia.





Types of Canadian government AITBUS A310-300

CANADA: The Royal Canadian Air Force operates five AIRBUS A310-300 based and managed by No. 437 Transport Squadron at TRENTON. Of different typologies, some are assigned in priority to the Governor General of Canada and the Prime Minister of Canada because of the size of the country.


BOMBARDIER CHALLENGER 601 of the Royal Canadian Air Force

The Royal Canadian Air Force also owns four BOMBARDIER CHALLENGER 601 managed and based by 412 Squadron in OTTAWA. They are also used by the British Royal Family, as well as government officials.





AIRBUS A310 of the Spanish Government

SPAIN: Since 1956, the Spanish Air Force has been managing the government and royal air fleet through the 45 Grupo de Fuerzas Aéreas. It manages two AIRBUS A310 for medium and long haul flights.


FALCON 900 of the Spanish Government

It also owns five FALCON 900 and several helicopters that allow the transport of the King of Spain, the President of the Government, as well as his ministers.






Two AIRBUS A319-115 of the 31st Stormo of the Italian Aeronautica Militare

ITALY: Here again, it is the military air force that manages the transport of the Italian leaders. It is the 31st Stormo (wing) of the Aeronautica Militare based in Rome that takes care of it. It puts at their disposal three AIRBUS A319-115.


A FALCON 900 of the 31st Stormo of the Italian Aeronautica Militare

For short and medium haul flights it also has three FALCON 900 and two FALCON 50.


An Agustawestland AW139 of the 31st Stormo of the Italian Aeronautica Militare

It also manages two Agustawestland AW139 helicopters also for the President of the Italian Republic or his ministers. The Pope occasionally takes these helicopters.





A Japanese presidential BOEING 777-300

JAPAN: Japan has at its disposal two BOEING 777-300s which are used mainly by the Japanese Prime Minister, the Emperor and his Imperial Family. They are managed by the Japanese Self Defense Air Force. Their call signs are "JAPANESE AIR FORCE ONE/TWO".
You can also discover on this site the limousines of the Japanese Emperor below:



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An EMBRAER 175 of the Polish Government

POLAND: The Polish Government has had two EMBRAER 175s since 2010, which it leases to the National Company LOT Polish Airlines. Previously, it had two TUPOLEV Tu-154, but following the crash of one of them, on April 10, 2010 in SMOLENSK, killing the Polish President at the time, the government decided to entrust this service to the national company. The 36th Special Regiment of the Polish Military Aviation, in charge of the management of the TUPOLEV, was disbanded shortly after the tragedy.





A GULFSTREAM IV of the Transport Och Specialflygenheten

SWEDEN: Sweden has three GULFSTREAM jets. They transport the government and military leaders as well as the Swedish Royal Family. They are managed by the Transport Och Specialflygenheten under the Skaraborg Air Force Wing.





Le FALCON 900EX du Gouvernement fédéral suisse

SWITZERLAND: The Swiss Federal Air Transport Service (STAC) under the Swiss Air Force manages the federal fleet based in BERN. The special aircraft for governmental travel is a FALCON 900EX. For VIP travel by helicopter, the 6th Air Transport Squadron manages several SUPER PUMA and EC635.

 Discover also on GSG9 1/87
episodes with staging of
 of presidential aircraft in 1/87 scale:
Images extracted
from episode 5 of Season 5 of "GSG9/1/87  


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