

lundi 9 mai 2022

GSG9 Grenzschutzgruppe 9 - English Version


- GSG9 -
- Grenzschutzgruppe 9 -

   - English Version -

Translated with (free version)

(Sorry if there are errors in the meaning, word or verb of the expressions).

Update: 18/08/2022

- Version Française -
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The GSG9, which stands for "Grenzschutzgruppe" in German, or the English translation of "Border Protection Group 9", is an intervention unit of the German Police.

This unit was created following the failure of the intervention of the German Police
during a hostage taking, on September 05th 1972, during the Olympic games organized in Munich in Germany.

Eleven Israeli athletes were murdered by a cell
of the Palestinian terrorist group "Black September".

The German policemen of that time were ill-equipped and not at all trained for this kind of situation. The operation was a total failure.
Many countries will create, thereafter, similar units
 counter-terrorist units to protect their countries.

On September 26, 1972, GSG9 was officially created. West Germany (FRG) quickly understood the need to have a unit to fight terrorism and organised crime, like the American SWAT or the British SAS...

In its early days, GSG9 was a border police force, carrying out border surveillance and traffic prevention, as well as protection
of high West German dignitaries...

As here to protect the federal president during a stay in September 1977 in Hamburg. Indeed, at the beginning of that month, a German employer had been kidnapped by the German terrorist group RAF...

But this unit also had to intervene quickly on the whole German territory.

Its home base is located in St. Augustine Hangelar, near Bonn
in the west of Germany.

The training and equipment for the early days were provided by the British SAS.
Also, some officers will do training courses with  French GIGN français (lien en cliquant ici).

The material was adapted to their interventions

and organized operating procedures...

For many years, the GSG9 has perfected its skills in interventions in different environments...

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Now, the missions of GSG9 are very varied in addition to its main mission which is counter-terrorism. It supervises, for example
major international and sporting events.

But the risk of terrorism is still present on German territory:
For years, this one has taken on different faces:

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Solutions have been found and these units have adapted to them:

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It also intervenes in the protection of German diplomats, outside German territory, in high risk or war zones...

In the same way, it is used to support the Federal, local or SEK or BFE+  for emergency situations, such as hostage taking, bank robbery, arrest of wanted and dangerous persons...

The GSG9 has 3 distinct units:

The GSG 9 - 9/1 is the main activity unit: It is in charge of counter-terrorist missions. It is responsible for counter-terrorist missions, whether in urban areas, hostage recovery or rescue, negotiation, interventions in hostile environments, as well as fire support thanks to its snipers (snipers).

Sniper GSG9

It also has the mission to search for major German criminals on the run
or to be arrested.

The GSG9 - 9/2 is the marine intervention unit: It is specialized in
against maritime terrorism. 

It intervenes by marine or underwater environment to invest a boat or an island.

Pictures of Web Série "GSG9 Special Unit"

- Version Française -

She could be embarked in counter-piracy missions
 on German civilian ships.
Finally, it ensures the protection of German military maritime installations.

The GSG9 - 9/3 is the parachutist intervention unit: It intervenes in infiltration missions or insertion by air. It can intervene in airplane hostage taking.

GSG9 trainiing in the plane
All its members are confirmed parachutists and master the techniques of operational fall...

Member du GSG9 with a drone
GSG9 also has a technical support and documentation team that allows this unit to be at the forefront of intelligence.

GSG9 also uses Bundespolizei helicopters for rapid deployment, enabling it to intervene rapidly throughout Germany and to enter a building from the roof...

In its scheduled operations, it uses camouflage and surprise to stop drug traffickers during Go Fast operations (use of fast cars loaded with drugs)

The GSG9 has more than 350 members.

In order to support them in case of multiple terrorist attacks on German territory, this type of first responder unit was also created:

Visit of German Interior Minister Thierry de Maizière at the opening of the "Direktion 11" in Berlin on 08/08/2017
In August 2017, the "BundespolizeiDirektion 11" was created. This new service of the German Federal State, based in Berlin, brings together several directorates of units such as GSG9, the air support unit of the Federal Police (Bundespolizei Flugdienst), the unit for protection abroad (Polizeilichen Schutzaufgaben Ausland der Bundespolizei), and other police entities.
The aim is to strengthen the reactivity of the federal forces to terrorist acts on German territory in the event of a major crisis.

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In 2018, a second GSG9 base is planned to be set up in BERLIN. 
The reason for this new unit is the terrorist risk in the German capital: previous attacks have very often taken place in European capitals. Also, the hypothesis of multiple attacks in different German states shows a need to have several entities across the country in order to intervene quickly.

That's why GSG9 members regularly train in different cities in Germany in cooperation with local police units, in full-scale exercises or as evaluators.

Members of GSG9 intervening in the Lichtenberg station on 25/09/2017
as here in September 2017 at Lichtenberg station in BERLIN.

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Link to other interventions:

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Member of GSG9, the German intervention unit during the ATLAS 2017 exercise
in the military training center of LEST in Slovakia
GSG9 also trains with members of the ATLAS program, a group of intervention units ready to intervene throughout Europe in the event of a major crisis involving multiple simultaneous terrorist attacks or cross-border hostage taking.

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Exercice ATLAS 2018
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Exercice ATLAS 2017 - Slovaquie
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Photos de l'exercice ATHOS 2016
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GSG9 had won the Annual Warrior Competition in 2012, which brings together different special units in Jordan:

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Other German response units

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German policewoman and German soldier during the GETEX from 07 to 09/03/2017
And since March 2017, has been integrated the German army for deployments in the German states in case of multiple attack situations. A first in German history since World War II:

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Videos of this unit
during interventions and trainings

GSG9 has also been mentoring members of the PSA BPOL since 2013, a unit whose purpose is to protect German ambassadors in conflict zones, as above, an ambassador and members of the PSA BPOL ensuring his protection.

The German Ministry of the Interior decided to provide this security to these government members in various countries such as Afghanistan and Iraq following the 2001 attacks.

This is to ensure effective protection against the risk of kidnapping or attack.

Here is a video of these men protecting a German diplomat:

France also has this type of service within the GIGN, the elite unit of the Gendarmerie Nationale:

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About this blog:
This blog was born from the creation of stories about the GSG9, posted on the net on a French forum and materialized by 1/87 scale miniatures

The reason of "Why the GSG9 in web series in 1/87 rather than another elite unit ?" and "in French" is due to the more important distribution of German scale models in 1/87 and that the creator of these stories is French...

You can also discover the Web series
on a French soldier by clicking here:

- Version Française -
 >>> en cliquant ici <<<

You can find all the fictional adventures of the
  of the GSG9 Special Unit here:



Season 3


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