

mercredi 9 novembre 2022

French Riot Control Trucks - English Version


French Riot Control Trucks
   - English Version -

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French CRS pump truck
Faced with increasing violence and rampages during demonstrations, French authorities are increasingly using riot trucks.

Demonstration on May 1, 2017 - Paris
Indeed, we have seen this in recent years, with molotov cocktails thrown at French CRS . Like here, in this photo, on May 1, 2017 in Paris, where several members of the police force were seriously injured during a demonstration.

French CRS exercise in the 2000s.
Already in the 1920s, the use of fire hose was implemented to repel protesters.

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France used this type of vehicle in the 1950s.

French riot trucks - May 68
Some were used in May 1968.


French riot trucks - 1970s
Afterwards, some vehicles were purchased, in the 70s and 80s, by the Paris Police Prefecture, and rarely used in the provinces.

DOPC riot truck of the Paris Police Prefecture
In the 90's, the Paris Police Prefecture acquired 3 trucks of this type. Attached to the DOPC (Direction de l'Ordre Public de la Circulation), they support the CSI (Compagnie de Sécurité et d'Intervention) and supervise certain demonstrations.

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Engine of the Prefecture of Police of Paris on 01/12/18 in a street of Paris
The DOPC also has a engine to destroy barricades as seen in the streets of Paris during the riots of November and December 2018.

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Training 2003 with Belgian Anti-riot trucks and French EGM
During the 2003 G8 summit in Evian, Belgium had lent its riot trucks to repel alterglobalists, as France did not have enough to cover the whole area to be protected.

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Training 2003 with Belgian anti-riot trucks and French EGM
The French Mobile Gendarmerie Squadrons had trained to be able to maneuver with the Belgian crews.

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In the early 2010s, some of the trucks are tankers of the "Eaux et Forêts", used in firefighting and which have been rebranded as CRS trucks.

Cours des 50 Otages in Nantes, 22/02/2014
Similarly, trucks of type IVECO, are used, as here, on February 22, 2014 in Nantes.

Here is a video of their uses that day.

Riot truck of the French CRS
Subsequently, new riot pump trucks arrived.

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11/06/2016 - Marseille
They were used in Marseille, during the Euro 2016 against violent supporters.

Riot truck of the French CRS
The usefulness of these vehicles allows to respect the doctrine of French law enforcement: "Keep demonstrators at a distance, avoid injury as much as possible",

Barrier of CRS
and allows to reinforce a wall of vehicles to make obstacle.

Here is a video of its use during demonstrations on Nantes in 2014.

or here during a demonstration of the Public Service in March 2018
(from the 33rd minute)

Demonstration of the CRS riot truck

Riot truck of the French CRS
It is equipped with a blade at the front that allows it to push back obstacles such as garbage cans, containers and other objects blocking a street.
On this model presented, there is a jet.

Riot control truck of the French CRS
It also exists with 2 jets.

Presentation of the new Renault CRS riot truck in December 2016
The recent reception of other riot control vehicles in 2016 indicates the will to manage demonstrations differently.
CRS riot control truck in Lille in June 2016
They are deployed to anticipate risks of outbursts during matches for example, as here in June 2016, during the EURO 2016, facing Hooligans.

Anti-riot truck CRS in Nantes on 31/03/2018
or during risks already encountered in previous demonstrations, as here, on March 31, 2018, in Nantes, facing zadists of Notre Dame des Landes, known for violent actions in the streets of Nantes, during their demonstrations...

Use of riot trucks to keep violent protesters away
in Nantes on 14/04/18
or as here during a demonstration on April 14, 2018 against the evictions of the NDDL ZAD still in Nantes

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Water launcher protecting a street, close to the Champs Elysees, from hooligans
during the Final of the World Cup 2018
or here during the World Cup 2018 during the Final France-Croatia to evacuate the Champs Elysees of many casseurs who came to discover with the Forces of Order

Water throwers during the Final of the World Cup 2018 on the Champs Elysees
We can see here 4 water throwers progressing to make these individuals move back

Riot truck during a demonstration of the "Gilets Jaunes" on 24/11/2018 In Paris on the Champs Elysees.
Or here on the Champs Elysees, facing violent protesters, taking advantage of a movement called "Yellow Vests" in November 2018.

Demonstration of the "Yellow vests" on the Champs Elysees in Paris on 24/11/18
The effectiveness in keeping violent people at bay is demonstrated as in this photo.

or here with this video of this day.

Riot truck during the demonstration of 15/08/2017 in Bure
They are also used in rural areas, as here in August 2017 near Bure.

Water truck blocking one of the bridges of Bayonne on 24/08/19
or during organizations of governmental summits, as here, in the city of BAYONNE, on August 24, 2019 in margin of the G7 BIARRITZ.


  Here is the replica in 1/43 of a Renault TRM 2000 LAMA. This vehicle, designed in 2014 has only one copy, and is located at the GBGM of Versailles Satory, is an experimental truck for the restoration of order designed by the French National Gendarmerie.

Thanks to its dosing blade, it can push back flaming tires or small barricades set up by demonstrators.

Loaded with a water tank, it is topped by a water cannon that can turn 360°.
However, the French National Gendarmerie did not follow up on a production of other models on this basis...

German WaWe 10000 Riot Control Truck
Other countries have also been using this method for many years:

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To remove obstacles erected in the streets to prevent their progression, they exist armored vehicles like the French VBRG (Véhicule Blindé sur Roues de la Gendarmerie) put into service in 1974.

Bulldozer breaking a barricade in May 1968
Resulting from the Reflection of the means that were lacking in May 1968, the VBRG is a machine that allows to progress in safety while pushing obstacles on the road.

VBRG utilisé en Guadeloupe en 2009
It is still in use and is mostly deployed in Overseas.

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Video of 2 VBRG in action

VBRG near a squat that has just been destroyed on 09/04/18
They were used in April 2018 during the evacuation of the NDDL ZAD.

Masked individuals in front of a VBRG on the ZAD of NDDL on 10/04/18
They allowed to advance to break barricades on the roads,

Projectiles and Molotov cocktails thrown at a VBRG on the NDDL ZAD on 11/04/18
and were hit by molotov cocktails during progress on the zone...

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 They will be replaced by 90 "VBP CENTAURE" belonging to the French Mobile Gendarmerie over 3 years, from 2022 to 2024.

VBRG near the Arc de Triomphe on 08/12/2018
The 1974 VBRGs were also deployed in Paris and several cities in France during the December 2018 riots.

VBRG in Marseille, 08/12/18
From the symbolic side of sending tanks of the French National Gendarmerie in the streets of France, facing the chaos created by individuals, these also allowed to advance the Forces of Order in security.

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EGAME of French National Gendarmerie
Here is the EGAME of the French Gendarmerie. EGAME meaning "Engin du Génie d'Aménagement" , it supports the French Mobile Gendarmerie Squadrons during progress in difficult areas:

- French Mobile Gendarmerie Squadron (EGM) -

EGAME during an intervention on the SIVENS site
The EGAME has other missions than breaking barricades. It can clear brush to advance in forest areas, but also be equipped with a snow bow or a snow cutter, as well as a carpet unrolling system to advance on unstable areas.

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Finally, there is this vehicle: the TRM 2000 DRAP.
 DRAP meaning "Autonomous Public Restraint Device".
 About ten have been configured on this principle in metropolitan France.

On a Breton road in front of the Bonnets Rouges movement in 2013
Subsequently, a dozen others were created to be sent overseas. Their creator is Major RENOU of the Technical Center of the National Gendarmerie, who had made the first example in 2008.

Cours des 50 Otages à Nantes, 22/02/2014
These vehicles depend on the Armored Group of the Mobile Gendarmerie (GBGM) of Versailles Satory. They are regularly used in front of demonstrations that can degenerate as during G20 or as above in Nantes against an airport project in February 2014.

- The Forces of order in the world -
Other countries also use riot control vehicles:

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