

mercredi 25 janvier 2023

Operation "Vigilant Guardian" in Belgium - English Version


Opération Vigilant Guardian en Belgique
"English Version

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Patrol in the streets of Brussels
After the Paris attacks in January 2015, Belgium deployed its soldiers in the cities of Belgium in the operation "Vigilant Guardian".

Patrolling a covered street in Brussels
Since the launch in January 2015, this has lasted until August 2021. If there is a risk of an attack now, the Belgian Army will be deployed with a methodology close to the UK's system, as we will see later in this article.

Brussels - Late November 2015
At these beginnings, this operation was considerably accentuated during the attacks in France on November 13, 2015 following the placing of a state of absolute emergency on the Brussels Agglomeration which experienced a total "Black Out" for 3 days at the end of November 2015.

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Belgian military in the Brussels metro
The March 22, 2016 attacks in Brussels, at its airport and in its metro, also mobilized these forces.

Figures of European jihadists who left to join DAESH in 2015
Indeed, the risk of Belgian returnees (British men and women who left to fight alongside DAESH or ISIS, in Syria and Iraq, about 470 Belgians in 2015, and who would have returned to Belgian soil) is strong. The risk that they continue the ideological fight in their place of birth is very likely.

Indian soldier in front of the "Taj Mahal" hotel in Bombay where the terrorists had entrenched themselves in 2008
Similarly, the risk of a terrorist attack like in Bombay in 2008, which lasted two days, requires that a country be prepared for multiple attacks
in a city.

Two Belgian soldiers in the Brussels train station
The fact that the Belgian army was mobilized in Belgium had never happened before.

Deployment of Belgian military
Indeed, the Belgian army has always been deployed outside the territory, in aid or training missions, but never to protect its own territory, except during the Second World War.

Searching pedestrians to support the Belgian police
The collaboration with the Police force was very present. The aim is to secure all sensitive places in Belgium,

Two soldiers in front of a Belgian nuclear power plant
going from Nuclear power plant,

static guard
in the tourist zones,

Patrol in the corridors of a metro
to public transport,

Surveillance at the entrance of the Brussels Central Station
at urban exchanges such as train stations,

Surveillance in a Belgian airport
as well as airports,

Surveillance at the entrance of a Belgian official building
governmental institutions,

Guard post in front of the European Parliament in Brussels
and European institutions.

Videos of these Belgian soldiers
during the operations "VIGILANT GUARDIAN:

  The Belgian authorities offer a free digital alert application to warn its population about all kinds of terrorist, health, natural and technological risks.

Here is the official Belgian website of Be Alert:

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Members of the BBT of ANTWERP during an arrest
It also has intervention units to neutralize a terrorist risk in progress or for difficult arrests:

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Exercise in a Brussels theater of the CET in July 2017.
To complement these intervention units, the Belgian authorities have designed a casualty evacuation unit, to support the assault columns of the Belgian police forces during terrorist attacks, by evacuating them, through extraction corridors, to emergency physicians


Anti-ramming vehicle barrier device in a Belgian city street
To complete the protection of populations, many cities are going to equip themselves to face the terrorist risk on public roads.
French military personnel patrolling the Gare du Nord in Paris on 08/24/2015.
Other countries have raised their security levels in conjunction with the military. The first was France with the "VIGIPIRATE" plan, which was supplemented by the "SENTINELLE" operation, mobilizing between 7,000 and 10,000 French military personnel depending on the alert level :

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German military, deminer and police officer during the GETEX from 07 to 09/03/2017
In March 2017, German army exercises took place in several lander with German Police Forces, a first in German history since World War II...
2005 - Training of Danish Military Policemen
Other European countries, such as Denmark, are also thinking about using their army on their territory for law enforcement
and in support of the local police.

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New York National Guard soldiers at Grand Central Station in NY, March 22, 2016.
Faced with alert levels or attacks, such as the attacks in the Brussels subway and airport in March 2016, countries like the USA also react by deploying, as in the photo above, the New York National Guard (US Army Reservists) in sensitive locations, such as here, in New York's "Grand Central" station
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A police officer and a military man patrolling in front of Westminster and Big Ben in London on 24/05/2017 
The United Kingdom has an operation called "TEMPERER" which mobilizes more than 4,000 British military personnel when the "Critical" level, the highest level of alert, is reached. They come to support the police forces for a limited period of time just after the attacks, to counter the risk of multiple attacks on the British territory.

Italian soldiers in front of the Colosseum in Rome
Italy too has launched an operation to secure its territory with Italian military patrolling cities and controlling access points which is called "STRADE SICURE":

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Belgian military on patrol in the Brussels metro
This phenomenon of the military intervening on the national territory has generalized on Europe.

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Other topics on responses to the attacks:

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