Public Alerting Networks
in real time
in real time
"English Version"
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(Sorry if there are errors in the meaning, word or verb of the expressions).
- Version Française -
>>> Cliquez ici <<<Faced with a major risk that can be encountered in all countries, there are ways to prevent and reassure your loved ones.
Indeed, there is on the social network FACEBOOK, the"Safety Check" which allows you to warn in real time that you are safe to your loved ones.
Here is how it works: When a serious incident, such as an earthquake, hurricane, mass shooting or building collapse, that could pose a danger to the public occurs, a global crisis reporting agency alerts FACEBOOK.
If a large number of people in the affected area post information about the incident, the "Safety Check" is also triggered and these people can receive a notification from FACEBOOK allowing them to mark themselves as safe. Internet users who click on the Safety Check notification will also see if their FACEBOOK friends are in the affected area or are safe.
If a large number of people in the affected area post information about the incident, the "Safety Check" is also triggered and these people can receive a notification from FACEBOOK allowing them to mark themselves as safe. Internet users who click on the Safety Check notification will also see if their FACEBOOK friends are in the affected area or are safe.
The French government has also signed a partnership with FACEBOOK allowing it to activate the "Safety Check" in case of an alert...
Here is the link on how to activate the "Safety Check" function
>>> by clicking Here <<<
Here is the link on how to activate the "Safety Check" function
>>> by clicking Here <<<
The French government has also created a dedicated account on "TWITTER":
This will allow to notify very quickly on this social network precise information
on the smartphones of subscribers.
on the smartphones of subscribers.
In France, many partnerships between the French government and public and private operators have also been signed to quickly inform their networks of alert information such as France Televisions, Radio France, RATP and VINCI Autoroute
Finally, GOOGLE will automatically highlight, on its search engine, the content of the authorities to warn Internet users who would be absent from social networks.
In France, the threat of terrorism, as well as industrial, technological and health threats, is present as in the rest of the world.
Since the end of 2021, a new alert system for the French population allows the massive and fast sending of priority messages compared to traditional communications. It is in application in priority areas with high population or representing a particular risk and generalized to the whole country since June 2022.
For this, there is a very complete site on the measures to adopt in case of serious situations:
I advise you to copy them
and print them.
and print them.
Technological Risks
How to react to: an Industrial accident, nuclear accident, mining risk,
dam rupture, transport of dangerous materials
dam rupture, transport of dangerous materials
>>> Link by clicking here <<<
Health Risks
Ebola - Epizootic - Flu pandemic
>>> Link by clicking here <<<
Natural Risks
How to react to: an avalanche, heat wave, cyclone, volcanic eruption, forest fires, extreme cold, flooding, land movement, earthquake, storm, tsunami
>>> Link by clicking here <<<
Cyber risks
How to react to : Cybercrime, image damage, espionage, sabotage
>>> Link by clicking here <<<
Terrorist Threat
>>> Link by clicking here <<<
As well as sections:
The French governmental site
on the prevention of major risks
on the prevention of major risks
>>> Link by clicking here <<<
Zello's logo
There are also applications to transform your cell phone into a walkie talkie like the "ZELLO" application under android. It transforms the smartphone between a walkie talkie and a CB. No need for a phone number, Zello allows you to communicate by voice with a group of interlocutors simultaneously even in times of crisis. You need a little bit of Wifi or 2G to be able to transmit and receive...
France has also implemented emergency levels to face the terrorist threat:
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COMING SOON IN "English Version"
Belgium has a free digital alert app to warn its population to all kinds of terrorist, health, natural and technological risks.
Here is the official Belgian website of Be Alert:
>>> Link by clicking here <<<
Here is the official Belgian website of Be Alert:
>>> Link by clicking here <<<
You will also find on the link below
the attitude to adopt in case of an armed attack.
the attitude to adopt in case of an armed attack.
Many countries have put in place measures to help protect their population as you will see on these links:
Other topics on responses to the attacks:
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OF "GSG9 1/87":
OF "GSG9 1/87":
Des dioramas sous différentes échelles:
et au 1/87
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et la web série au 1/87
" GSG9 - Unité spéciale "

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Jeux d'action-aventures sur ordinateur
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