

mercredi 17 août 2022

The INVEX of the French Special Forces of the COS - English Version


The INVEX of the French Special Forces
of the COS

 - English Version -

Translated with (free version)

(Sorry if there are errors in the meaning, word or verb of the expressions).

Updatet: 12/02/2023
- Version Française -
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British SAS Emblem
Specialized military units, such as the British SAS (Special Air Service), created in 1941, have shown their effectiveness in infiltration, exfiltration and interventions in dangerous environments.

GSG9 training - 1970s
In the same way, the GSG9, the elite unit of the German Police, at its creation, had been trained with British SAS instructors to perfect this type of knowledge:

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The French COS, for "Command of Special Operations", was created in 1992, following the 1991 Gulf War. At the time, France felt the need to federate the action of special forces under the authority of a single operational command.

Commando Marine
Subsequently, the FS (Special Forces) of the COS, working in special operations and similar to intervention actions as the French GIGN or the French RAID, such as the arrest of terrorists

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- GIGN -
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- RAID -
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or the liberation of French hostages outside of France, have integrated for a few years, the possibility to intervene also on the French territory in support of the French Police forces and French Gendarmerie forces.

CPA 10 exercise with evacuation of nationals
Moreover, these FS also intervene in the evacuation of nationals during armed conflicts in a country. One of the fears of the French authorities is a multiple terrorist attack on the main boulevards of French cities, creating street fighting with the intervention forces.

Indian soldier in front of the "Taj Mahal" hotel in Bombay where the terrorists had taken refuge in 2008
  This situation took place in Bombay, INDIA in November 2008 and lasted two days. Here again, this type of experience is necessary to evacuate civilians. The Paris BRI unit , a Police Special Force from PARIS, has trained in this type of street fighting exercise with their Lebanese counterpart in Beirut. 
Indeed, the terrorist risk is real on the French territory:
For years, this one has taken on different faces:

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Solutions have been found and these units have adapted to them:

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CPA 10
Through dedicated groups such as the INVEX (standing for Investigation Extraction) groups, they regularly train for these different scenarios.

Indeed, the mission of these INVEX teams is to invest a building to extract one or more people, or even capture or neutralize a perfectly identified enemy.

1er RPIMA - 2011
  Or as above with this training during a progression in the corridors of the Parisian subway in 2011 with the French 1st RPIMA, (French Regiment of Parachutists of Marine Infantry).

1er RPIMA with French RAID - 2012
or here with the French RAID during a training in 2012 to intervene on a hostage taking in a bus.

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- RAID -
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This type of exercise also called DRILL is done regularly in real situation in France,

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as well as in other countries by the intervention units:
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Exercise of the French Air Commando CPA 10 during the exercise "Mountain Swat"with their Swiss counterpart on 15/05/17.
These units also combine bilateral exercises with other countries in counter-terrorism and hostage rescue, as above with Switzerland during Operation "Mountain Swat" in May 2017.

CPA 10
The large number of intervention units armed to deal with the risk of terrorism requires that all these units be ready for all types of actions.

Commando Marine
In addition the necessities of employment of the special forces of the COS, in support of the French Gendarmerie and the French Police, are the knowledge acquired as the RETEX (Return of Experiences). For example, a marine commando is more familiar with interventions on a military base, on a boat or in a street fight
than a police officer or a gendarme.

Sniper close to the PONANT during its hostage taking in 2008
or against piracy for "marine" units.

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Zodiac of marine commandos and GIGN at the back of the PONANT after the assault
Here on the link to follow, one of their intervention to free hostages.

Opération THALATINE - Libération du PONANT
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Training on a PSMP gendarmerie boat
However, for several years, the French Gendarmerie Nationale, through the French Gendarmerie Maritime, has had special units to intervene in port and maritime areas thanks to the "PSMP".

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- PSMP -
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French Gendarmes of the PSPG during an exercise of progression in a nuclear power plant
or to protect French nuclear power plants with the "PSPG":

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- PSPG -
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CPA 10
In the same way, as in the United States, the intervention of the French FS (Special Forces) can intervene on sites like on the naval base of TOULON or BREST where there are ships with nuclear technology like the Aircraft Carrier Charles de Gaulle or the attack submarines at quay. However, to protect the bases of the French Navy as first responders, there are the Marine Fusiliers and for the Air Force air bases, the Air Parachutist Fusiliers.

French Video Air Rifleman

Links on the American units of protection
protection units:
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CPA 10
The INVEX outfits are similar to those of the French GIGN, RAID and BRI teams with heavy helmets, bulletproof visors and assault weapons. They also have CBRNE (Chemical, Bacteriological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosives) outfits.
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Various French COS units such as the aforementioned 1er RPIMA, Marine Commandos or the CPA 10 (Commando Parachutiste de l'Air 10) are solicited for this type of intervention.

CPA 10 - Exercice Reghaïa 2010
The CPA 10 also distinguished itself in 2013 during the competition of counter-terrorism units competition in Jordan:


  Two French FS on the left and Two American FS on the right in Ouagadougou - 2016
Some French COS units have already intervened recently as here during the terrorist attacks in Ouagadougou in January 2016 against a hotel and a restaurant with the intervention of French FS and American FS.

Arrest by Marine commandos of the PONANT pirates in Somalia.
or a few years ago, in 2008 with the intervention of the French GIGN on the hostage taking of the boat PONANT, off the coast of SOMALIA, by Somali pirates and who were arrested during their escape by Marine commandos.

Opération THALATINE - Libération du PONANT
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Helicopter intervention of the French FS during the attack of the French embassy in Ouagadougou on 02/03/18
or as here on March 02, 2018, in Burkina Faso, following the terrorist attacks against the French Embassy and the Burkinabé Army Headquarters in Ouagadougou, causing about thirty deaths and dozens of injured Burkinabés...

Like the French Police and French Gendarmerie units, the French COS units have snipers to protect the progression of the INVEX units.

Commando Marine
as well as ballistic protections to get closer to the danger.

They are trained on several army training bases which allow them to perfect their operating modes of intervention on buildings.

exterior progression,

interior progression,

or like here the CENZUB, (Centre d'Entraînement aux actions en Zone Urbaine), allowing life-size trainings in a reconstituted city.


Official handover of the Command of the GIGN on 02/10/2020 to General Ghislain Réty

This defense plan is part of this rise in military intervention forces with, among other things, the reorganization of the New Generation GIGN, with 1,000 gendarmes, announced by the Director General of the Gendarmerie, Christian RODRIGUEZ, when the new General of the GIGN, Ghislain Réty, took command in October 2020.

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Various videos of the COS SFs:

Commando Marine

Videos of the 1st RPIMA:

CPA 10
Air Force Commando

Anti-terrorist simulation in Vienna on 11/04/18 with the Austrian Special Forces
Other countries also engage their Military Special Forces like here in Vienna, Austria in 2018 with an anti-terrorism exercise.

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Demonstration of joint Army - Police - Rescue intervention during BAYTEX 2018 in PENZING
Others include the military directly in anti-terrorist operations like here in Germany:

French military close to the Bataclan attack on 13/11/2015
These devices allow the integration of military personnel to ensure protection in case of terrorist attacks, as here in France with the soldiers of the "SENTINELLE" Operation during the attacks of November 13, 2015 in Paris. You can find the alert levels set up in France below:

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Military in the center of Brussels - Late November 2015
The Belgian army had deployed in Brussels following an imminent risk of attack in late 2015, and which since then maintains the "VIGILANT GUARDIAN" Operation:

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A police officer and a military man patrolling in front of Westminster and Big Ben in London on 24/05/2017
The British Army also deploys according to the threat on its territory, with its operation "TEMPERER" Operation:

Italian soldiers in front of the Colosseum in Rome
And the Italian army, with its "STRADE SICURE" Operation:

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This rise in force of the armies on their own territory enters a strong security logic:

 Other topics in Terrorist Attacks


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