Research Assistance Intervention Dissuasion
of the French National Police
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The RAID is a Special unit Police of the French National Police which means
"Research, Assistance, Intervention, Dissuasion"
Created in October 1985, its role is to intervene for the liberation of hostages, the fight against organized crime, protection, expertise and training of elite units in other countries as well as in counter-terrorism.
- English Version -
Indeed, the terrorist risk is real on the French territory:
For years, this one has taken on different faces:
Solutions have been found and these units have adapted to them:
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Its motto is: "To serve without fail."
Equipped with the latest generation of equipment, it can progress in complete safety to discover the target to be neutralized.
For proof, the RAID uses ballistic protections like the tactical shield "RAMSES" to progress in the closest to the danger.
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In 2015, a reorganization of the Elite Intervention Units of the French National Police is operated: the 7 GIPN of the Metropolis (intervention groups of the National Police) integrates the RAID, in addition to the BRI-BAC:
The number of RAID personnel has increased to more than 300 members.
In 2016, three additional branches were created in Toulouse, Montpellier and Nancy
It also supports the service of protection of the high personalities for certain missions.
Like when presidents of other countries come to France.
And the protection of VIPs who may be at risk of kidnapping or attack...
It is present in some of the most dangerous embassies in the world to protect French ambassadors and embassy staff. Their trainings are regular to be ready at the highest risk, as the service of the French Gendarmerie Nationale: GIGN FSP.
Member of the RAID on the right at the Kabul airport on August 18, 2021
It was present in the Kabul French Embassy when it fell in 2021 in Afghanistan and allowed the first departures of French nationals and Afghans having worked for France to the capital's airport in August 2021.
Members of the GIGN during the joint exercise between the RAID and the GIGN
After the 2008 Mumbai attacks, which showed multiple coordinated attacks, France will bring together two of its elite units, the GIGN and the RAID, for joint training operations.
France will even use military Special Forces to support French Police Units and French Gendarmerie Units against the risk of street attacks on major French boulevards and to support special units in case of multiple attacks on the territory:
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France will even use military Special Forces to support French Police Units and French Gendarmerie Units against the risk of street attacks on major French boulevards and to support special units in case of multiple attacks on the territory:
Here are 2 intervention vehicles of the RAID.
Some of them are armored vans, from models designed for bank convoying, and having a strong ballistic protection, as here, with this MERCEDES van.
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They have been modified to allow interventions, during progressions and to be able to go up to the 1st floor of a building.
RAID PVP of Renault Truck Defense
The RAID has acquired 9 PVP (Small Protected Vehicle) for all its units.
You can find other vehicles on this link:
You can find other vehicles on this link:
A new vehicle has arrived in 2023: the BLACKWOLF from Canadian manufacturer CAMBLI.
This vehicle offers better visibility than the other armoured vehicles currently owned by the RAID.
RAID deployed in Nanterre on 28/06/2023
RAID units, along with the BRI and GIGN, were deployed during the riots of late June and July 2023 to support the Forces of Order and Law.
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- GIGN -
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Indeed, some of the rioters were armed with firearms or Molotov cocktails capable of injuring or killing police officers or gendarmes...
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Videos presenting these vehicles:

The RAID had in test during the COP 21, a world meeting on the climate organized in France in 2015, the "TITUS" from the Manufacturer NEXTER.
To complete its range of vehicles the RAID has recently acquired a Toyota LC 200, model "Fortress 200 Intervention "for missions of escorting VIPs, dangerous detainees and interventions in front of an entrenched madman.
Its armoring is made in France by the Manufacturer CENTIGON France.
The French National Gendarmerie, through the GIGN and DGIGN, has already been equipped with this vehicle for several years.
Thirteen CENTIGON Fortress 200 for the French GIGN
Here they are, coming out of the factory of CENTIGON FRANCE SAS in Lamballe, France, ready to leave for the French GIGN units.
This reorganization will allow these units to intervene quickly throughout France against anti-commando actions as France may have experienced during the 2015 attacks...
For Euro 2016, the football competition, it will also train on the risk of attacks in stadiums,
like here during this simulation in April 2016, in Toulouse:
On public places, as here in 2016 in Lyon:
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Or here in Bordeaux, also in 2016:
Exercise in the auditorium of Pau on 08/03/2017
It continues its simulations in 2017 to perfect itself
in the intervention times and its intervention operating modes:
in the intervention times and its intervention operating modes:
Simulation d'attaque dans un cinéma à Laval le 20 juin 2017
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Simulation d'attaque d'une salle de spectacle à Pau
dans les Pyrénées Atlantiques - 2017
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dans les Pyrénées Atlantiques - 2017
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Find on the link above other simulations
that took place in FRANCE recently:
that took place in FRANCE recently:
It also trains at the European level with other units, as it is a member of the ATLAS program which brings together many European intervention units facing a risk of multiple simultaneous attacks throughout Europe.
Exercice ATLAS 2018
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The RAID depends on the structure of the FIPN
(Intervention force of the French National Police).
(Intervention force of the French National Police).
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The RAID is part of the ATLAS program which gathers
many European special forces
many European special forces
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In Germany, to support the SEK and GSG9, German anti-terrorist intervention units in case of multiple terrorist attacks on German territory, this type of first responder units was created as the RAID does during its interventions:
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Here are different videos of this elite unit
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Discover the others adventures
in "English Version":
Discover the Web Series "GSG9 1/87 Special Unit"
- Link to the episodes translated into English -
- Link to the episodes translated into English -
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OF "GSG9 1/87":
Des dioramas sous différentes échelles:
et au 1/87
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et la web série au 1/87
" GSG9 - Unité spéciale "

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Jeux d'action-aventures sur ordinateur
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