Responses of the emergency services in Europe
to terrorist attacks or mass killings
to terrorist attacks or mass killings
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French RAID police officers in front of the Bataclan - 11/13/2015
Europe has been facing increasingly violent terrorist attacks, with the potential to cause many casualties, while terrorists may still be active.
Operation Strong Tower in London on 07/30/2015
The United Kingdom was the first country to organize a method to accompany the assault columns of the special units of the English Police, creating columns of extractions that follow them from July 2015.
Operation Strong Tower in London on 07/30/2015
A color code was established for the role of each rescuer.
Operation Strong Tower in London on 07/30/2015
These are equipped with specific equipment for their individual protection, with helmet and bulletproof vest like the police.
Later, France also adopted this principle.
Exercise with police and firefighters equipped with police bulletproof vests
on the extraction of victims on a simulated attack in Nîmes - 18/11/2016
on the extraction of victims on a simulated attack in Nîmes - 18/11/2016
Indeed, one of the points raised by the French Commission of Inquiry on the attacks of November 13, 2015 in Paris, had raised this problem during the intervention in the Bataclan concert hall.
NOVI exercise in front of the Discotheque Villa DONA in St Etienne on 15/11/2016
During many trainings, French rescue workers are equipped with the same protective equipment as law enforcement.
Exercise in a Brussels theater of the CET in July 2017.
The latest country to create this type of rescue capability:
Belgian rescue workers with the "Casualty Extraction Team."
Belgian rescue workers with the "Casualty Extraction Team."
Exercise in a Brussels theater of the CET in July 2017.
Belgium, too, has been hit by this type of attack.
Exercise in a Brussels theater of the CET in July 2017.
The intervention methodologies, thanks to the secure extraction columns, thus allow the evacuation of the wounded to rescue them safely, and allow the assault columns to neutralize the threat, without having to rescue the wounded.
Demonstration of joint intervention Army - Police - rescue during BAYTEX 2018 in PENZING
In the framework of joint trainings, Army - Police - Rescue, the German Army also intervenes in anti-terrorist trainings to enable the evacuation of victims of terrorists:For civilians, here are some tips that may be useful to you
during an armed attack
during an armed attack
Applications on social networks exist to warn of emergency situations in real time:
Here is the official Belgian site of "Be Alert":
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You can also find on the link above
the behaviors to have in case of CBRN attack
(Nuclear, Radiological, Bacteriological and/or Chemical)
the behaviors to have in case of CBRN attack
(Nuclear, Radiological, Bacteriological and/or Chemical)
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- CBRNE Risk -
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FRANCE has signed partnership agreements with several social networks, as well as public and private actors to alert in real time on their network or billboards an alert message:
Anti-ramming vehicle barrier device in a Belgian city street
Other topics around the risk of attacks :
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