

vendredi 19 août 2022

Creation of elite counter-terrorism units - English Version


Creation of elite counter-terrorism units

 - English Version -

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(Sorry if there are errors in the meaning, word or verb of the expressions).

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Definition of Terrorism: Tactic of using violence (Sabotage, attacks, assassinations, kidnappings, hostage taking...) for political purposes to destabilize and strike massively the public opinion and the concerned states. Terrorism can be the work of individuals or non-state groups fighting against a political regime.

Any attempt to define terrorism invariably raises debates because it raises the question of legitimate violence and the right of resistance on the one hand, and the illegitimacy of state violence on the other. The term "terrorist" used by states, institutions or political parties is highly pejorative, and always contested by those it designates as (individuals or) enemy groups.

Definition from the French magazine "Le Monde diplomatique"  

Terrorist in the Olympic village in Munich in 1972
A hostage situation, on September 5 and 6, 1972 at the Olympic Games held in Munich, ended in a bloodbath.

The 2 helicopters which were to be used by the terrorists
to escape with their hostages on the airport of Munich

11 members of the Israeli Olympic team were murdered, a West German policeman was killed, 5 out of 8 terrorists were killed and the other 3 were captured.
All the western states are under the shock...

German policemen intervening
during the hostage taking in the Olympic village in Munich in 1972
Indeed, they realized that they were not prepared for this type of intervention:
- Being confronted with this type of hostage taking by armed and determined men, ready for the ultimate sacrifice (death),
- To have specific means to intervene on this kind of arrest or neutralization of the threat, requiring professional members
and equipped accordingly.

GSG9 training in the 1970s
The Western States start from scratch. The Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) then turned to what the British had created in 1941: the SAS (Special Air Service). This special forces unit of the British Army specialized, over time, in commando operations and acquired equipment and know-how that allowed it to approach its targets, to control them or to neutralize them with maximum efficiency.

Arrest by a British soldier in Ireland
His experience in counter-terrorism, with his actions in Northern Ireland or urban guerrilla warfare in Aden, Yemen, have allowed him to teach strategies and tactics to face future threats. The British SAS has also sent observers and advisors to hostage situations in other countries to perfect its methods.

GSG9 training in the 1970s
The Germans then created the GSG9 at the end of 1972, with the help of these SAS, in order to rescue hostages more efficiently.

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Presentation of the GSG9 unit in 1978

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Then at the end of 1973, France creates the GIGN which will be operational thereafter at the beginning of 74.

The GIGN will become a specialist in actions against terrorists and still trains, like the GSG9, elite units of the police forces of the whole World against terrorism.

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GIGN team climbing into a helicopter in the 70's
Other units in Europe will be, it also, constituted at this time :

Unités d'intervention Européenne 
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As for the Americans, they had created SWAT. The acronym meaning at that time: Special Weapons Attack Tactics.
The new acronym of SWAT is : Special Weapons And Tactics

SWAT of the NYPD in the 70's
The most famous, and certainly the oldest, is the Los Angeles SWAT in California created in 1968. Later, other American cities followed and created in their turn these intervention units.

Members of the Black Panthers in the 1970s
The United States, too, was confronted with domestic terrorism in the late 1960s and 1970s, among others, by the Black Panthers, or by the AFNL (Armed Forces Of National Liberation), a Marxist group.

The equipment of these units was basic, but over time it evolved:


German search sheet for terrorist members of the RAF
European countries will be faced with violent Marxist currents such as the RAF (Rote Arme Fraktion) in West Germany, Action Directe in France, the Red Brigades in Italy or by nationalist terrorism such as the IRA (Irish Republic Army) in the United Kingdom or the ETA (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna) in France and Spain or even by the FLNC (Front de Libération Nationale Corse) for France.

Intervention of the Saudi commandos in the cellars of Mecca in 1979
The French GIGN will also intervene as an advisor in complex hostage-taking operations, as in the photo above with the 1979 Mecca hostage-taking, by advising the Saudi commandos.

French Capitol train, 29/03/1982
Other attacks, in the Eighties, turned around Islamist groups, will take place in France, like the attack on March 29, 1982 in a train Capitole in France, between Paris and Toulouse causing 5 deaths and more than twenty wounded...

Rescue in front of the restaurant where the attack of the Rue des Rosiers took place on 09/08/82
or on August 09, 1982, the attack of the Rue des Rosiers in Paris, causing six deaths and twenty two injured.

Boarding hall of the South Terminal of Orly in France, July 15, 1983
or the attack of July 15, 1983 at Orly by Armenians, the ASALA, causing 8 dead and more than 50 injured in the hall of the south terminal, in front of the boarding counters of Turkish Airlines.

Evacuation of an injured person from one of the two attacks committed in the department stores, Bd Haussman, in Paris, on December 7, 1985
December 07, 1985 will be the beginning of a series of attacks in France, first in Paris, in the big stores of "Galeries Lafayettes" and the "Printemps", with two simultaneous attacks, making about forty injured...

Police in front of a shopping center of the Champs Elysées shortly after the attack of 03/02/86, in Paris
On February 03, 1986, a bomb explodes in a shopping area of the Champs Elysées, injuring eight people and the same day, an explosive device is defused on the Eiffel Tower. Then the next day, a bomb exploded at a bookstore in Place St Michel, injuring five people. On February 5, a third attack at the Forum des Halles injured 20 people.
The CSPPA claimed responsibility for these attacks and called for the release of three important but unrelated terrorist leaders.

Row hit by a bomb explosion in the TGV Paris-Lyon on 17/03/86
And the black series continues, with an attack in a TGV going from Paris to Lyon, on March 17, 1986, injuring 11 people. Then on March 20, killing two people and injuring about twenty, again on the Champs Elysées, in another shopping center.

  Rennes Street in Paris, 17/09/1986
The attacks will start again on September 08, 1986 in a post office of the Hotel de ville of Paris making 1 dead and 21 wounded.  Then on September 12, in the restaurant of a shopping center in La Défense, in Paris, making 50 wounded. On September 14, an explosion in a café on the Champs Elysees caused one death and injured two police officers.  On September 15, an explosion at the Paris Police Headquarters, in the department that issues driver's licenses, killed one and injured 51. But it was the attack in the Rue de Rennes, in Paris, on September 17, 1986, which killed 7 people and wounded more than 50, always by the same group asking for the release of 3 terrorists and asking to stop France's support to Iraq. The intelligence services of the time (the DST) will demonstrate that this series of attacks is carried out by the Iranian regime and succeed in stopping the attacks by arresting 7 people. The end of the Iran-Iraq war in 1988 and the end of a dispute with Iran put a definitive end to this series of attacks.

GIGN assault of the Air France plane in Marignane in 1994
This will continue in the middle of the 90's: During the assault, on December 26, 1994, of the Air France plane by the GIGN in Marignane, it was demonstrated the operational modes of intervention on this type of machine: intervention by means of assaults using mobile ladders, exfiltration of the hostages with a sorting as soon as they are freed because terrorists can be hidden among the freed hostages, and neutralization of the hostage takers.

INA video of the 1994 Assault

RER B train, St Michel station, in Paris 25/07/1995
  There will be an attack in cars of the line RER B, on July 25, 1995, in the station St Michel, claimed by the GIA, the group Islamic Armed Algerian, causing 7 deaths and more than 80 injured...

Body of Khaled KELKAL in Vaugneray, on 29/09/1995
A gas canister which will not explode on August 26, 1995 will make it possible to identify 2 bombers of which Khaled KELKAL. Another bomb exploded on September 7, 1995, in front of a Jewish school in Villeurbanne, but no one was killed but 14 were injured. Khaled KELKAL will be shot on September 29, 1995, by the gendarmes of the EPIGN.

Intervention of the RAID in ROUBAIX, March 1996
The French RAID intervened in Roubaix on March 29, 1996, against an Islamist group that had attempted to attack Lille.

Intervention of the RAID in ROUBAIX, March 1996
Nicknamed the Roubaix gang, because they committed a series of violent armed robberies in order to finance the Jihad, they were neutralized in their hideout in Roubaix after a furious exchange of fire against the police.

Place of the crash of a part of the PanAm 103 plane on the city of Lockerbie
Other countries were also affected, as in the crash caused by an explosion in the cargo hold on December 21, 1988, with the attack on flight PANAM 103, flying from London to New York, which crashed into the town of Lockerbie. There were 270 deaths (259 passengers and crew members, and eleven residents of the city).

Caskets of victims of the attack of 17/11/97 of Luxor, in Egypt of which 36 were Swiss citizens
as well as in countries of the Middle East, as on November 17, 1997, with a terrorist attack on the archaeological site of "Luxor" in Egypt making 62 dead, of which many tourists. Six terrorists had disguised themselves as security forces, thus deceiving the victims...

The United States, also, will be confronted with different threats
Islamists, right-wing extremists, and sectarians,
 also in the 90s:

Photo of the damage in the parking lot of the World Trade Center in 1993
- by Islamist terrorists with the 1993 World Trade Center bombing in an underground parking garage.

Federal building in Oklahoma City after the explosion
- by right-wing anti-federal activists as in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing in front of a federal building that killed 168 people and injured more than 600.

Farm of the WACO sect on fire in 1993
In the same way, the authorities of the USA are confronted with a population that can buy different types of weapons, including machine guns, and will find themselves with the headquarters of a religious sect in Waco in 1993, killing 86 people including 4 federal agents.

From the 2000s, terrorist attacks
 will multiply: :

USA - New-York - september 2001

The attacks
2001: USA, September 11 attack in New York (2277 dead + 19 hijackers and more than 6,000 injured)
2004: Spain, Madrid commuter train bombings (200 dead, 1,400 injured)
2005: United Kingdom, London subway and bus bombings (56 dead, 700 injured)
2013: USA Double Boston bombings (3 dead + 1 terrorist and 1 other arrested and over 260 injured)
2017: Russia, Explosion of a bomb, by a suicide bomber, in a subway train in St Petersburg, 14 dead and more than 45 injured

RUSSIA - Beslan - 2004

Hostage taking :
2002: Russia, Doubrovka theater in Moscow (130 dead + 40 terrorists and more than 700 injured)
2004: Russia, North Ossetia, Beslan school (334 dead, including 186 children and more than 780 injured)
2013: Algeria, In Amenas gas complex (67 dead including 38 hostages)

KENYA - Nairobi - 2013

Mass murders:
2008: India, 10 simultaneous attacks in Mumbai (188 killed + 9 terrorists and over 310 injured)
2013: Kenya; attack on the Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi (68 dead, 175 injured)
2014: China, Xinjang province, attack on the Kumming train station (29 dead and 130 injured)
2015: France, Attacks in the streets of Paris and at the Bataclan (130 dead + 7 terrorists and over 480 injured)
2015: USA, Attack in San Bernardino (14 dead + 2 terrorists and 23 injured)
2016: USA, Attack in a gay nightclub in Orlando, (49 dead + the terrorist and more than 50 injured)
2016: France, A man drives a truck into the crowd attending the July 14 fireworks in Nice (85 dead + the terrorist and over 430 injured)
2016: Germany, A man drives a truck into a Christmas market in Berlin, (12 dead and more than 50 injured.)
2017: Sweden, a man drives into a shopping street in Stockholm, 4 dead and dozens injured 

FRANCE - Paris - january 2015

Radicalized fanatics
 (Syrian, Iraqi, Yemeni, etc):

2011: Russia, an explosion in a baggage delivery area at Moscow's Domodedovo International Airport leaves 35 dead + the terrorist and 180 injured.
2012: France, terrorist attacks by a radicalized Frenchman in Toulouse and Montauban (7 dead + the terrorist and 6 injured).
2013: United Kingdom, stabbing of a British soldier in the suburbs of London (1 dead)
2013: France, knife attack of a French soldier on Vigipirate patrol in La Défense, Paris region (wounded)
2013: Russia, a woman wearing an explosive belt kills 17 people and causes more than 30 injuries, in the Volograd train station in Russia.
2014: Canada, attack on 2 soldiers in front of a memorial then the shooter headed to the Ottawa parliament (1 soldier dead + the terrorist + 1 injured)
2014: Belgium, attack on the Jewish Museum in Brussels by a Frenchman returning from Syria (4 dead)
2015: France, Paris attacks in the editorial office of "Charlie Hebdo" and in a small supermarket (17 dead + the 3 terrorists)
2015: France, 3 soldiers attacked with a knife in Nice in front of a building housing the Jewish branch (2 soldiers slightly injured)"
2017: France, 4 soldiers attacked at the Louvre Museum by a man with 2 machetes (1 soldier slightly injured)
2017: France, 1 man wounded a police officer in the head during a traffic stop, shot without causing death in a cafe and tried to disarm a female military officer present for the Vigipirate operation in Orly airport. He is shot by 2 soldiers to prevent him from using her machine gun.
2017: London, 1 man ran over pedestrians near the English Parliament and then stabbed a policeman in front of the Parliament entrance: 5 dead including the policeman + the terrorist and more than 28 injured.

ALLEMAGNE- Berlin - December 2016

The following years show that the risk of threatening
of attacks by fanatics in Western countries is still present:

March 22, 2016: Belgium, 2 Suicide Attacks one at the Brussels airport and the other in a Brussels metro station by 3 terrorists (32 dead + the 3 terrorists and over 340 injured)
June 13, 2016: France, Assassinations of 2 members of the Ministry of Interior at their home by a terrorist who was waiting for them (2 dead + the terrorist)
July 14, 2016: France, A man drives a truck into the crowd attending the July 14 fireworks in Nice (85 dead + the terrorist and over 430 injured)
July 18, 2016: Germany, Pakistani refugee attacks with a knife and an axe the passages in a train in Würzburg (5 injured and the terrorist shot by the police)
July 24, 2016: Germany, Syrian refugee commits bombing near music festival in Ansbach (15 injured and terrorist killed with his bomb)
July 24, 2016: Germany, Syrian refugee armed with a machete kills a woman and injures 2 others in Reutlingen
July 26, 2016: France, a priest's throat is slit in a church by 2 radicalized men in St. Etienne du Rouvray and wounds a parishioner (1 dead + the 2 terrorists and 1 parishioner injured)
August 06, 2016: Belgium, 2 policewomen are attacked by a man with a machete in Charleroi (The man is shot by the police)
December 19, 2016: Germany, A man drives a truck into a Christmas market in Berlin, (12 dead and over 50 injured.)


Law enforcement around the car that hit numerous pedestrians near the British Parliament in London, 03/22/17

February 03, 2017: France, 4 military personnel attacked at the Louvre Museum by a man with 2 machetes (1military personnel slightly injured)
March 18, 2017: France, 1 man wounded a police officer in the head during a traffic stop, shot without causing death in a cafe and tried to disarm a female military officer, present for Operation SENTINELLE, in Orly airport. He is shot by 2 soldiers to prevent him from using her machine gun.
March 22, 2017: United Kingdom, a man drives his car into pedestrians on a bridge leading to the English Parliament in London, then kills by stabbing a policeman in front of the entrance of this parliament: 5 dead including the policeman, more than 25 injured.
March 23, 2017: Belgium, The day after the attack in London with the car that had driven onto the bridge leading to the English Parliament, a car drives into a shopping street in Antwerp. This one is stopped. Miraculously, no one was hurt. It is found in the car many weapons.
April 07, 2017: Sweden, a man drives a stolen truck into a shopping street in Stockholm causing 5 deaths and a dozen injuries.
April 20, 2017: France, 1 man gets out of his car on the Champs-Elysees in Paris with a machine gun, kills a police officer , injures 2 other police officers, one of them seriously, and a female bystander. He is shot by the police officers who defended themselves.
May 22, 2017: United Kingdom, a suicide bomber blew himself up at the end of a concert in Manchester killing 22 people and injuring more than 60 .
June 03, 2017: United Kingdom, 3 men in a van hit pedestrians on "London Bridge", before getting out armed with knives, and attacking people around them in the "Borough Market" area. 7 people were killed and more than 50 were injured. The 3 individuals were shot by the British Police.
June 06, 2017: France, 1 police officer was attacked by a man with a hammer on the square in front of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.
June 19, 2017: United Kingdom, a man drove a van over people leaving a London mosque, 1 dead and 8 injured.
June 19, 2017: France, 1 man drives his car into a convoy of gendarmes on the Champs Elysees in Paris, with his car having a gas canister inside. There were no victims except the man who died in his car.
June 20, 2017: Belgium, a man exploded a suitcase in a Brussels train station. The explosion caused no casualties. The man then threw himself at a military officer. He is shot by that military officer.
July 28, 2017: Germany, a man stabbed people in a supermarket in Hamburg killing 1 and injuring 6
August 09, 2017: France, 1 man runs over 6 Operation SENTINELLE soldiers while driving a rental car in Levallois Perret. 3 were seriously injured. The perpetrator was arrested.
Aug. 17, 2017: Spain, a van plows into the busiest avenue in Barcelona killing 14 people and injuring more than 100.
August 18, 2017: Spain, at 1 a.m., a car drives into Cambrils, a Spanish seaside resort, 1 woman is dead, 6 injured including a police officer. 5 terrorists shot dead.
August 25, 2017: Belgium, a man armed with a large knife attacked 2 Belgian miitaries who were patrolling a neighborhood in Brussels. One of them returned fire and shot the individual dead.
September 15, 2017: United Kingdom, An explosion on a suburban subway in west London injured 29 people.
September 15, 2017: France, A soldier in Operation SENTINELLE was threatened by a man with a knife. The man was subdued.
September 30, 2017: Canada, a man wounded a police officer with a knife and hit 4 people with a van in Edmonton.
October 01, 2017: France, a man kills 2 women outside the train station in Marseille. He then attacks military personnel and is shot dead.
October 31, 2017: USA, a man drives a Pick Up into the street and mows down cyclists and pedestrians. 8 dead and 11 injured.

Gendarmes at the location where the terrorist who took hostages was holed up, in Trèbes, Aude, on 23/03/18

March 23, 2018: France, An individual kills a man to steal his car on Carcassonne, then shoots 4 joggers who were plainclothes CRS and wounds 1, to end up taking people hostage, in a convenience store in Trèbes in Aude. He shot two men inside and killed his hostage, a gendarmerie officer. There were 4 dead and 15 wounded.
May 12, 2018: France, an individual kills on Paris, in the Opera district, a man and wounds 4 people before being shot by the Police.
May 29, 2018Belgium, a man kills two female police officers in Liege, slitting their throats and stealing their service weapons. Then he shoots a passenger in a car. He is killed a few minutes later by police.
August 14, 2018: United Kingdom, A man tried to run over cyclists and pedestrians in front of the English Parliament in London and crashed into the protective bollards at the entrance to the Parliament Car Park. Minor injuries and no casualties.
August 20, 2018: Spain, A man armed with a knife ran into a police station near Barcelona, shouting Allah Akbar. He was neutralized by the police officers present. No injuries and no casualties among citizens and police.
31 August 2018: Netherlands, a man attacks with a knife 2 tourists in Amsterdam injuring 2.
October 27, 2018: USA, a man opens fire in a synagogue killing 11 people in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. There were 6 injured including 4 police officers.
October 15, 2018: Germany, a man injures two people at Cologne train station.
November 08, 2018: France, 4 people were arrested and were preparing to attack the President of the French Republic with a knife during commemorations in Charlesville Mézières.
09 November 2018: Australia, a man with a knife killed one person and injured two others in Melbourne.
December 11, 2018: France, A man opened fire near the Christmas market in Strasbourg and killed 3 people and injured 12 others.
December 31, 2018: United Kingdom, A man stabbed two people and a police officer at a Manchester train station.  


Army helicopter in front of the prison of Condé sur Sarthe on 05/03/2019

March 05, 2019: France, a radicalized inmate with the help of his girlfriend who came during a visit attacked with ceramic blades and injured two prison guards at the Prison of Condé sur Sarthe.
March 15, 2019: New Zealand, two individuals broke into two mosques in the city of Christchurch and killed 50 people and injured a dozen others.
May 24, 2019: France, an explosion occurred in a shopping street in Lyon causing about ten injuries. The perpetrator was arrested.
October 03, 2019: France, an administrative agent working in the Intelligence Directorate of the PARIS Police Prefecture killed 4 police officers and injured two others and was shot dead.
October 09, 2019: Germany, a German man targeted a synagogue and a Turkish restaurant in HALLE ON SAALE killing two.
November 29, 2019: United Kingdom, A man stabbed passersby on London Bridge in London. He kills 2 people and injures three. He is shot dead by the Police.


Police officers protecting rescue workers in HANAU following the attack by a German on bars on 19/02/2020, killing nine people

January 03, 2020: France, a man in Villejuif, killed one person and wounded two others and was arrested by police.
January 06, 2020: Germany, a man attacked two German police officers with a knife while shouting Alla Akbhar before being shot dead in front of the police station in GELSENKIRCHEN, near DORTMUND.
February 19, 2020: Germany, a German opened fire on several shish bars in HANAU, near Frankfurt, Germany, frequented by the Kurdish community killing nine people.
April 04, 2020: France, in Romans sur Isere in the Drôme, a Sudanese man killed two people and wounded five others with a butcher knife.
April 27, 2020: France, in Colombes in the Hauts de Seine, a man hit two police officers during a traffic stop.
June 20, 2020: United Kingdom, a Libyan man killed 3 people and seriously injured 2 others near READING in West London.
September 25, 2020: France, a Pakistani man seriously injured two people with a cleaver in front of the former editorial office of CHARLIE HEBDO in PARIS. He was arrested by the Police in the following hours.
October 16, 2020: France, a man beheaded a history teacher near his college in Conflans St Honorine, then was killed by the Police
October 29, 2020: France, a Tunisian man killed three people in the Basilica of Nice.
November 04, 2020: Austria, a Macedonian naturalized Austrian killed 4 people with firearms and injured 22 others, 7 of them seriously in Vienna. 


Search at the home of the killer of the policewoman in Rambouillet on 23/04/2021

April 23, 2021: France, a woman dies following a knife attack in the entrance of a police station in Rambouillet. Her attacker, a 36 year old Tunisian, was shot by the police.
It should be noted that knife attacks by terrorists have multiplied in recent years, due to the difficulty of finding firearms and the ease with which they can be concealed...

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Mogadishu attack in Somalia on 10/14/2017
There are also all the waves of attacks committed every year in different areas, such as the Middle East, Africa or Asia, where the number of victims of these fanatics killed thousands of innocent people... (For examples, in Iraq, July 3, 2016 in Baghdad with a truck bomb that killed more than 292 people and more than 200 injured or in Somalia, in Mogadishu, October 14, 2017, with a double attack in the same place a few minutes apart to cause maximum casualties with rescue workers and people who came to help causing more than 300 deaths and a hundred injured, again with a truck).

According to the Global Terrorism Index (GTI) of 15/11/2017, the number of victims of terrorism was down in 2016 (25,673 deaths, a 22% decrease from the peak of 2014). However, the number of countries affected by terrorist attacks is increasing (77 countries in 2016, compared to 65 in 2015). The 5 most affected countries remain Iraq (with 9,765 Terrorism-related deaths in 2016), Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria...

Norway Oslo, july 22, 2011

Lone Wolves:

1976 - 1995: USA, campaign of attacks by an environmental activist, Theodore Kaczynski, nicknamed "Unabomber" (3 dead and 23 injured)
2011: Norway, attacks by extremist Anders Breivik in Oslo and on the island of Utoya (93 dead)
2017: Canada, Shooting in a mosque in Quebec City by a far-right student (6 dead)

The terrorist risk therefore remains real over Europe and other Western countries:

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Solutions have been found and these units have adapted to them:

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Training of  French gendarmes in the framework of the PSIG SABRE
A mass terrorist attack lasts between 30 and 80 minutes. The response to this type of attack is to have rapid intervention teams and with an appropriate armed response, that is to say weapons of war against weapons of war by trained and qualified personnel.
Patrouille de militaires de l'opération SENTINELLE à Paris devant le Musée du Louvre
These actions represent the scheme of economic warfare that the terrorists want to achieve: by attacking soft targets (targets with little protection), tourist, transport, this forces countries to strengthen their security (as in France with the operation VIGIPIRATE reinforced by 7.000 to 10.000 soldiers according to the degree of alert, within the framework of SENTINELLE), to exhaust them in financial resources to protect themselves by the equipment and the manpower on the ground but especially, by paralyzing the tourist economy of this one by creating a fear in the spirit of the tourists of the whole World... (Tunisia, France, Egypt, etc).

Rescuers giving first aid to the victims hit by a van
on the Rambla in Barcelona, 17/08/17

The terrorist attacks that took place in Germany in Berlin, in the United Kingdom in London and Manchester, in Spain in Barcelona and Cambrils, in Belgium in Brussels, but also in Tunisia at the Bardo Museum, show that Islamist terrorist attacks affect all countries. However, tourists have now integrated this risk. For proof, the year 2017, was for France a very good year for tourism...

Exercise on a train with different European units
The difficulty is that in each intervention, the hostage takers or terrorists have a head start in the psychological scheme of attack.

Training of the Dutch BSB in CBRN uniform 
Today, elite units must constantly reinvent themselves in order to adapt their interventions to major and increasingly creative or improbable threats: massive attacks in different places with explosive belts, bullet-proof vests and machine guns firing high velocity bullets, intervention in chemical warfare situations or dirty bombs with radioactive waste, terrorists disguised as police or military, etc.
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Training with masks of GSG9 and Belgian police forces in 2014
For this purpose, the European special forces carry out joint exercises and exchanges of feedback through the ATLAS Program, among others:

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As well as exercises with their specialized units on their territory:

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French military patrolling the Carrousel du Louvre in Paris
Similarly, more and more countries are mobilizing their military in exercises or patrols on their own territory. This rise in force enters a strong security logic:


Melbourne bomb squad shortly after a hostage situation claimed by DAESH, 06/06/2017
Australia is also targeted for attack risk.
Between 2014 and 2016, it foiled 12 attempted attacks on its territory, including a terrorist plot on Christmas Day 2016 in Melbourne and 61 people have been charged since the Alert level was raised in September 2014.

Risques d'attentats en Australie
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Members of the GIGN during the joint exercise between the RAID and the GIGN in the Stade de France in 2008
After the 2008 Mumbai attacks, which showed multiple coordinated attacks, France will bring together two of its elite units, the French GIGN and the French RAID, for joint training operations.

France will even use military Special Forces to support police and gendarmerie units against the risk of street attacks on major French boulevards and to support special units in case of multiple attacks on the territory:

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Two "Colombine High School killers" in the US caught on video surveillance - 04/1999
The United States has been facing mass killings by unbalanced people for several decades like in Columbine in 1999 by 2 students who killed 15 students and injured more than 20 or when a man in Las Vegas on October 01, 2017 opened fire on an outdoor concert and killed 59 people and injured more than 500...

Police officer outside the Mandalay Bay Hotel in Las Vegas,
The day after the worst mass killing in the US - 02/10/2017
Between 2000 and 2014 in the United States, there were more than 133 mass shootings.
Also the homicide rate is one of the highest in the World.

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Video on Gun Violence in the USA
summarized in 18 graphics

This denomination of behavior is called "AMOK" A term of Malaysian origin and means "Killing Madness."

Two German police officers during AMOK training

The new patterns of this type of killers, whether they are unbalanced, terrorists, or lone wolves, impose new practices on the elite units: Instead of surrounding the building and establishing a security perimeter, the principle is to locate the active killer and neutralize him at all costs.

In order to face this problem, several European countries have set up
of rapid intervention groups:

In Germany, the country has different services to intervene quickly:

In the UK, ARVs (Armed Response Vehicle) that belong to SCO 19:


In France, several services have been created or regrouped
 following the attacks of 2015:

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- RAID -
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- GIGN -
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- PSMP -
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- PSPG -
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These countries will perfect their interventions
in life-size simulations:

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English rescue workers during an exercise in London in 2015
The English, Belgian and French authorities have set up extraction columns of injured people in case of terrorist attacks while these individuals are not neutralized. You can find these units by clicking on the links below:


Other topics in the terrorist attacks 


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