samedi 7 mai 2022

New color for Bavarian police cars - English Version


New color for Bavarian police cars
- Version Française -
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Each German state chooses its vehicles and adapts them according to the needs of the service. For example, German police vehicles are equipped with a second battery.

The last state to have kept the green color was Bavaria.

The latter adopted the new livery from the end of 2016. The Bavarian police fleet of more than 3,600 vehicles will be completely changed to the new livery by the end of 2018.

As well as the new police uniform with white cap and dark blue outfit. It replaces the old khaki outfits with black jackets.
The new uniforms arrived in late 2016.

Since mid-2018, all 42,000 Bavarian police officers are now equipped.

Presentation of the new Bavarian uniforms and vehicles

Diorama presentation of the new Bavarian uniforms and vehicles Scale 1/87

New uniforms for the Bavarian state police
and their new color of police vehicles

Old uniform of the police of the state of Bavaria
and old color of their vehicle
Patrol cars of the city of MUNICH 

BMW X1 of the Munich Police
Modèle: BMW X1
Marque: Herpa   Echelle: 1/87   Référence: 093033

Intervention 2016 in a district of MUNICH

Diorama of an intervention in 2016 in a district of MUNICH

BMW Serie 5 Touring of the Munich Police
Modèle: BMW Série 5 Touring
Marque: Herpa   Echelle: 1/87   Référence: 094603

BMW Serie 5 of the Munich Police
Modèle: BMW Série 5
Marque: Herpa   Echelle: 1/87   Référence: 094566

 BMW Serie 3 Touring of the Munich Police
Modèle: BMW Serie 3 Touring 
Marque: Herpa   Echelle: 1/87   Référence: 095549

VW Touran of the Bavarian Police
Modèle: VW Touran
Marque: Herpa   Echelle: 1/87   Référence: 093293
AUDI A4 Avant 
of the Ingolstadt Police Department
Modèle: AUDI A4 Avant
Marque: Herpa   Echelle: 1/87   Référence: 095501

Former color of the Bavarian Police

Marque: Herpa      Echelle: 1/87   Modèle: BMW Série 5


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OF "GSG9 1/87":

Des dioramas sous différentes échelles:

et au 1/87


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et la web série au 1/87

" GSG9 - Unité spéciale "

Jeux d'action-aventures sur ordinateur

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Dioramas avec les anciennes couleurs 

Marque: Herpa      Echelle: 1/87   Modèle: BMW Série 3

Voici des dioramas au 1/87 de la Police Allemande

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