samedi 7 mai 2022

New silk-screening of German police vehicles since 2016


New silk-screening of German police vehicles
 since 2016

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Each German state chooses its vehicles and adapts them according to the needs of the service. For example, German police vehicles are equipped with a second battery.

  Front camera behind the rear view mirror on these 2 police cars
Some of them also have a front video system that allows to film what is happening on the road. Others have a rear loading system on a slide which allows to quickly store the equipment.
The fleet is recent, as it is often rented from manufacturers for a period of 4 years. They are then dismantled and sold as used cars to private individuals.

The models of the last few years were blue on a grey background

Brand: HERPA    Scale: 1/87   Modele: BMW Serie 5

Many states have decided to adopt this livery adopted at the end of 2016:

The new vehicles are blue on a grey background with yellow fluorescent strips for better visibility at night.

Brand: HERPA    Scale: 1/87   Modele: BMW Serie 5

Find out the history of the colors of the German police cars:

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Here is another model of the brand HERPA (Scale: 1/87) :
Brand: HERPA    Scale: 1/87   Modele: Mercedes Sprinter

Some German cities have chosen to keep the bottom of the body in white:

Brand: BUSCH    Scale: 1/87   Modèle: Mercedes VARIO

Brand: BUSCH    Scale: 1/87   Modele: Mercedes VARIO

Brand: HERPA    Scale: 1/87   Modele: Mercedes Sprinter

The dress code is also starting to be identical in many Länder with a white cap and blue outfit.

Previously they were beige...
Discover also the colors of the federal states of Bavaria and Hamburg:

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OF "GSG9 1/87":

Des dioramas sous différentes échelles:

et au 1/87


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et la web série au 1/87

" GSG9 - Unité spéciale "

Jeux d'action-aventures sur ordinateur

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Autres histoires sur les couleurs de véhicules de police:
Voici des dioramas au 1/87 de la Police Allemande

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ainsi que des sujets sur des véhicules d'intervention:

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Retrouvez aussi des dioramas au 1/87



et la web série GSG9 1/87 Unité spéciale

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