with the purchase and use of its armoured vehicles ?
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(Sorry if there are errors in the meaning, word or verb of the expressions).
An RCMP/GRC Navistar Defence Canada armoured vehicle
For many years, CANADA has been dealing with increasingly armed gunmen.
VANCOUVER Police Department's "Thunder 1"
Since 1960, more than 80% of Canadian police officers have been killed with a rifle or shotgun.
OTTAWA Police LENCO BEARCAT acquired in 2010
Unlike the United States, which uses its vans during social movements, the Canadians only use them to neutralize entrenched individuals.
The "Thunder 1" of the MONTREAL Police Department
For example, the "Thunder 1" of the Quebec brand "CAMBLI" received in December 2013 by the MONTREAL Police is used between 5 to 6 times a year and the one from VANCOUVER 1 to 3 times a month, that is to say about 30 times a year.
An RCMP/GRC Navistar Defence Canada armoured vehicle
Armor cars, in some Canadian provinces, has never even been used.
VANCOUVER Police Department's "Thunder 1"
This intervention policy is highly regulated, regardless of the Canadian province, whether in VANCOUVER, NEW SCOTLAND or NEW GLASGOW.
Intervention in the region of WINNIPEG with a "GURKHA" of the Canadian brand "TERRADYNE
Indeed, these vehicles are used when there is a mortal risk for the police officers during the intervention, such as a hostage taking,
Arrest of a suspect deemed dangerous in June 2014 in Moncton
of forcenaries barricaded in their homes,
Arrest of a suspect deemed dangerous in June 2014 in Moncton
of an active shooter attacking the population,
Arrest of a suspect deemed dangerous in June 2014 in Moncton
or during high-risk searches.
An RCMP/GRC Navistar Defence Canada armoured vehicle
They should not be used or deployed for crowd control during social demonstrations.
The demilitarized armored car "GRIZZLY" of the NEW GLASGOW Police acquired in 2013
Faced with the significant investment of such a vehicle, the Canadian authorities retrofitted five GRIZZLY armored vehicles belonging to the Ministry of National Defense.
The demilitarized armored car "GRIZZLY" of the WINDSOR Police
These vehicles have been disarmed and demilitarized
Edmonton Police "GRIZZLY" demilitarized armour during a February 2020 response
One armoured vehicle was donated to Edmonton Police in 2007, two GRIZZLY armoured vehicles to British Columbia in 2010, one to NEW GLASGOW and one to WINDSOR, Ontario in 2013.
The Edmonton Police "BLACK WOLF" Armoured 4X4 during an intervention in February 2020
Two RCMP/GRC Navistar Defence Canada armoured vehicle
In 2012, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), which serves as the territorial police force for Canadian provinces, purchased 18 armored trucks from Navistar Defence Canada for $14 million and distributed them across Canada.
The " Thunder 1 " of the QUEBEC Police
Even if there are polemics from elected officials and citizens for the acquisition of these vehicles, some of which speak of useless expenses (The "Thunder 1" of MONTREAL cost $365,000 or the one acquired by GALGARY at $500,000) and with a fear of a militarization of the Police, other countries have taken the same path in the acquisition of heavy armored vehicles for their Police or for their Royal Gendarmerie
The " Thunder 1 " of the YORK Police
In fact, the "extremism" of some madmen, or even terrorists or active shooters, also called "AMOK", shooting at the crowd or students, implies that the Police Forces can approach them to disarm them, or even neutralize them with the least risk for them.
The "Thunder 2" of the "Sureté du Québec" GTI during an intervention in December 2018
The Groupe Tactique d'Intervention (GTI) of the "Sureté de Québec" has ordered a new vehicle in 2018: a "Thunder 2" still from the Quebec brand CAMBRI.
The "Thunder 2" of the Sureté du Québec GTI during an intervention in December 2018
This elite unit lacked a means of approaching both high buildings and aircraft, a vehicle that would allow it to access these important heights.
The " Thunder 2 " from CAMBLI
The "THUNDER 2" is equipped with two large walkways and can thus reach the roofs of houses, small buildings, company roofs or aircraft doors.
The " Thunder 2 " from CAMBLI
This allows the special forces to intervene quickly on high points and to create a surprise effect.
The " Thunder 2 " from CAMBLI
It can also be equipped with a ram, with hydraulic cylinder, which allows to facilitate the entry by breaking down a door or an external wall rather than the deposit of explosives to make a breach.
2019 GALGARY Police Armor
In April 2019, it is the GALGARY Police Department's turn to purchase a CAMBLI armored vehicle to replace their old vehicle.
2019 GALGARY Police Armor
The old armored vehicle was purchased in 2007 and has been "heavily used." CALGARY police first used an armored vehicle in 1974 during a shooting that left one person dead and several injured. At that time, the police had to borrow the armored vehicle from the Army. This intervention led to the creation of the department's first tactical unit.
The "GURKHA Armoured Patrol" of "Niagara Regional Police"
We can also note all the 4X4 armoured vehicles of type "GURKHA Armoured Patrol" of the Canadian brand "TERRADYNE Armored Vehicle" which supplemented the services of Police of Canadian cities, also in an effect of renewal of armoured vehicles, as here with that of the "Niagara Regional Police"
The "GURKHA Armoured Patrol" of BRANDFORD Police Department.
or here, that of the city of BRANDFORD in ONTARIO,
The "GURKHA Armoured Patrol" of TORONTO Police Department
or there, with the "GURKHA" of the TORONTO Police Department,
The City of Montreal's "Thunder 1
In conclusion, the Canadian Police follows the movement of other countries that have chosen, in order to have a maximum of protection for their elite units, to possess vehicles that, it is true, are expensive to buy, but can be used in exceptional situations.
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