lundi 7 novembre 2022

The LC 200 "Fortress Intervention" of the GIGN - English Version


  LC 200 "Fortress Intervention" of GIGN

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The Groupe d'Intervention de la Gendarmerie Nationale Française (GIGN) (in English: Intervention Group of the French National Gendarmerie) has received more than a dozen of this armored vehicle of the brand CENTIGON FRANCE SAS which will allow to equip the GIGN Central based in the Paris region, and the DGIGN (Detachment of the GIGN in the provinces) which are located in different French regions.

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This model is a Toyota LC 200, model "Fortress 200 Intervention"

 Thirteen CENTIGON Fortress 200 of French GIGN

Here they are, coming out of the factory of the CENTIGON FRANCE SAS company in Lamballe, France, ready to leave for the French GIGN units.

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It is armored against weapons of war, as well as against explosives and is equipped with "RUNFLAT" tires that allow to drive even if the tires are flat.

It allows to intervene, despite its weight, quickly with a top speed of 180 kms/h. Indeed, in the face of the terrorist threat and multiple terrorist attacks, it is necessary to be able to intervene as quickly as possible.
Members of the GIGN in progress
Knowing that a mass terrorist attack lasts between 30 and 80 minutes, the need for rapid intervention and appropriate armed response, i.e. weapons of war against weapons of war by trained and qualified personnel, allows for rapid deployment.

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It can carry up to six members of the GIGN.

Ballistic tests of different calibers show its resistance.

Also, on this video, we can see its resistance to explosive risks facing
15 kilos of TNT at two meters.

It also has an opening roof that allows it to protect shooters
during tactical approach.

Escort vehicle during the visit of the Prefect of Loire Atlantique at the end of January 2018 at NDDL
  The Prefect of Loire Atlantique, at the end of January 2018, inspected a road where there were obstacles, installed by Zadists present on the area, near "Notre Dame des Landes" in France. Members of the GIGN were present to escort him, aboard two LC200s.

Several LC200s were also used, during the extraction from Fleury Mérogis, of the last surviving terrorist of the November 13, 2015 attacks, during his transfer to Belgium for a trial on February 05, 2018.

Here a video of the escort of the terrorist of 13/11/2015 in Paris
during his transfer for trial in November 2021


Members of the DGIGN of Nantes descending from an LC200 during the tracking of the fugitive on May 28, 2021

They can also be integrated in a device launched in 2021, in the tracking of armed forcenes, in addition to the VBRG of the French Gendarmerie: 


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Three FORTRESS 200 of the GIGN in May 2021
They were used during the tracking of a madman in the Alpes Maritimes during a DIAG operation in May 2021.
Centigon Fortress Intervention of the DGIGN of Reims
The price of this type of vehicle varies between 160.000 and 250.000 euros depending on the options.

Demonstration of the GIGN during the Eurosatory 2018 exhibition
See this vehicle in action during a demonstration at Eurosatory 2018 .

Demonstration videos at Eurosatory in 2018


Freddy BAILLY's creation

This vehicle already equips, in high-risk areas, the members of the GIGN FSP for the protection of ambassadors in war zones, such as in Iraq.

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Gendarmes in bangui in Central Africa - 20/01/15 
Some have been used in Overseas Operations like here in Central African Republic, Bangui in 2015.

  French Gendarme in bangui in april 2014
These vehicles allow the French Gendarmes a real protection without having military type devices that can provoke a hostile reaction from the population.

They also equip the GTA (Gendarmerie des Transports Aériens).

These vehicles replace the VBRGs that used to escort high-risk flights,

as can be seen in this picture.

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Renault SHERPA APC of the GIGN
This rapid intervention vehicle completes the other vehicles already owned by the GIGN, namely the armored Renault SHERPA APC which can reach buildings of several floors,

Renault SHERPA APC of the GIGN
thanks to the deployment of its tactical assault bridge,

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Chevrolet SUBURBAN of the GIGN
as well as the Chevrolet SUBURBAN received at the beginning of the years 2000 to be able to intervene on the planes,

Assault of the GIGN in Marignane at the time of the taking of hostage of a plane of AIR FRANCE on 26/12/1994
   The intervention on Marignane had shown the lack of this type of fast vehicle to give the assault and to open the doors of plane, rather than the vehicles staircases used which roll slowly and are not practical to open the doors.

INA video of the 1994 Assault

Panhard PVP of the RAID in the yard of the Lycée Guy MOLLET in Arras - 15/03/2017
Other units have equipped themselves with armored vehicles to also be able to intervene against entrenched terrorists or people.

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 Faced with terrorist threats, armed entrenched people or AMOK (a single person or sometimes two, taking weapons and shooting at random in a school, a shopping center or an administrative building), other countries such as USA, FRANCE, CANADA, GERMANY, ENGLAND, have also equipped their intervention forces with this type of weaponry and vehicles:
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