Evolution of the violence in the demonstrations
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(Sorry if there are errors in the meaning, word or verb of the expressions).
Updatet: 10/11/2022
- Version Française -
>>> Cliquez ici <<< Demonstrators against a G8 in Rostock, Germany
The demonstrations attract more and more aggressive groups, either from sensitive neighborhoods, or from violent members of a strong community relationship, or from anarchist and "Antifa" movements
from the Ultra Left, as well as from the Ultra Right.
from the Ultra Left, as well as from the Ultra Right.
We could see through the first group from sensitive neighborhoods, urban violence as in England, after demonstrations, riots in several cities, with principles of violence close to guerrilla warfare: burning shops, buses, cars, attacks against the forces of order.
Video of looters arrested by the Police during riots in Paris on 08/12/18
Also of looting, after riots, as in France, on the sidelines of protests in December 2018.
Also of looting, after riots, as in France, on the sidelines of protests in December 2018.
Intervention of the police and gendarmes in the Val d'Oise - 07/2016
In the second case of violence, due to violent members who are part of a strong community relationship of the "Travelling People", "belonging to a country", "people of color" or "religious" type, we can find ourselves in movements of violence and urban guerrilla, following for example a deceased person.
As here with the link below in France, in 2016, during an intervention of the forces of order, which had entailed several days out of control and requiring a firm recovery of the ground.
As here with the link below in France, in 2016, during an intervention of the forces of order, which had entailed several days out of control and requiring a firm recovery of the ground.
"Justice for Theo" rally on 18/02/2017
We can also see, in demonstrations in support of people who have died or been arrested, strong community demands and show real tension with slogans: "no justice, no peace", indicating a pressure that will always be present.
Demonstration in support of Adama Traoré's sister in PARIS in 2018
We will also find during demonstrations for social, racial or gender discrimination, individuals who will slip among the demonstrators so that the situation degenerates...
>>> Cliquez ici <<< Riots in France in 2005
The use of media relays and social networks brings another perception of the facts. The historian G. BENSOUSSAN indicates for example, that in France, 2 nations cohabit on the same territory, which do not share the same values, nor the same culture, nor the same projects...
Migrants turned away from Calais in France - 2016
Accentuation also made by the refugee crisis. They are tempted to move closer to places where there is a strong concentration of their community of origin, with the risk of exactions in areas that have not known such important arrivals.
Mai 2013 - Stockholm - Suède
Sweden has also experienced situations in neighborhoods considered difficult, in 2013, with violent and uncontrolled reports, of a mass of people, committing many illegal actions in the streets.
You can find on these links these urban violence:
You can find on these links these urban violence:
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Individuals dressed in the same way and hiding their faces during a demonstration in Germany
In the last group, coming from the anarchist movements of the Ultra Left, as well as from the movements of the Ultra Right, some coordinate themselves by gathering in Black Blocs: Principle of moving in group, dressed in dark clothes, masked and harassing the forces of order in SWARMING technique (Swarms)
The rest of this article will present the action of the ultra left in the demonstrations throughout France and other countries.
Pierre Joseph PROUDHON
To understand the logic of the Ultra Left movements, we must go back to the very beginning of the anarchist movement which dates from the beginning of the industrial era around 1840, and will find its bases with Pierre Joseph PROUDHON, French polemicist, journalist, economist and philosopher. He declared in a book he wrote "What is property? His answer is: "What is property? His answer is: "What is property? It is theft" and immediately causes a scandal. It is in his profession of faith that the birth certificate of the anarchist thought was born:
"Well! Are you a democrat?
- No, I am not.
- What! You would be monarchic?
- God forbid.
- So you are an aristocrat?
- Not at all.
- You want a mixed government?
- Even less.
- What are you then?
- I am an anarchist."
Book by Pierre Joseph PROUDHON
The rest of this article will present the action of the ultra left in the demonstrations throughout France and other countries.
Pierre Joseph PROUDHON
To understand the logic of the Ultra Left movements, we must go back to the very beginning of the anarchist movement which dates from the beginning of the industrial era around 1840, and will find its bases with Pierre Joseph PROUDHON, French polemicist, journalist, economist and philosopher. He declared in a book he wrote "What is property? His answer is: "What is property? His answer is: "What is property? It is theft" and immediately causes a scandal. It is in his profession of faith that the birth certificate of the anarchist thought was born:
"Well! Are you a democrat?
- No, I am not.
- What! You would be monarchic?
- God forbid.
- So you are an aristocrat?
- Not at all.
- You want a mixed government?
- Even less.
- What are you then?
- I am an anarchist."
He points out the property as being the foundation of a certain social order and to say to be anarchist is to say: I attack the foundation of the social order identified as being the property. For him there are close links between the political domination exercised by the state, the economic domination exercised by capital and the religious domination exercised by the idea of God. He thinks that it is necessary to destroy them at the same time to change the social structure.
Drawing representing the crowd dispersed by the forces of order on 01/05/1886 in Chicago
Video from May 01, 2016 with groups made up of Black Blocs
in their ranks in Seattle
Drawing representing the crowd dispersed by the forces of order on 01/05/1886 in Chicago
May 1st became a founding date in the labor movement. Indeed, it is on May 1st 1886, during a general strike, launched in Chicago in the USA, that a workers' protest was born: More than 300.000 workers met to claim the 8 hours day. The police violently repulsed the demonstrators and killed one of the strikers. The walls were covered with posters calling for revenge.
Drawing of the bomb that exploded among the police force on May 4, 1886 in Chicago
On May 4, 1886, a protest march took place on the Haymarket square in Chicago, and in the evening, while it was dispersed, a bomb was thrown in the direction of the police, killing 15 Chicago policemen. 8 anarchist syndicalists were judged on November 11, 1886 despite a lack of evidence. 3 were sentenced to life imprisonment, and the other 5 were hanged. They will all be rehabilitated several years later: the governor of Illinois confirms that it was the chief of police of Chicago who had organized everything...
in their ranks in Seattle
It is from there, that the anarchist movements during May Day demonstrate and sometimes spill over into violent actions.

Forces of order pushing back demonstrators in a street of Paris in May 68
In May 68, the beginnings of this ultra-left had already shown a violence during demonstrations and street fights...

Demonstration against police violence in the city of Nantes - 01/11/2014 - France
In France, they consist of a few thousand individuals, meeting according to the news and demonstrations in certain cities. The most dangerous being in cities often students such as Toulouse, Nantes, Grenoble, Rennes, Lyon, Montpellier and in the Paris region...
Violent group during a demonstration against the Labour Law in France - 2016
Their violence being, for them, legitimate in the face of the capitalist world and the defiance to be had against Western states. Their demands are superior to the laws of these countries...
For that, we can find them in many countries, and some also move according to the themes of the demonstrations,
For that, we can find them in many countries, and some also move according to the themes of the demonstrations,
Video summarizing the 2 days of riots in Seattle in 1999 following the WTO
during a demonstration in Malmö - 24/08/2016
We find them in Sweden,
We find them in Sweden,
We find them in Sweden,
Video during an anti-WTO demonstration in Geneva, Switzerland - 2009
in Switzerland,
Destruction of businesses on the sidelines of the peaceful protest
of the "Occupy Wall Street" movement in Seattle - 01/05/2012
in USA,
Riot after the commemorations of the 45th Anniversary of the military repression on students in 1968 that had caused 50 deaths - Mexico City - 02/11/2013
Demonstration against the effects of the 2008 economic crisis in Rome - 15/10/2011
in Italy, Demonstration against the holding of the World Cup in Brazil - Sao Paulo - 24/01/2014
in Brazil,
in Brazil,in Brazil,
Destruction of businesses on the sidelines of the peaceful protest
of the "Occupy Wall Street" movement in Seattle - 01/05/2012
in USA,
Riot after the commemorations of the 45th Anniversary of the military repression on students in 1968 that had caused 50 deaths - Mexico City - 02/11/2013
Greek police officers repelling violent groups in Athens
as well as in Greece. Since the economic crisis of 2008, extreme violence creating chaos in the center of Athens can be seen in this country, regularly during demonstrations.
With also attacks with Molotov cocktails thrown at the forces of order, with the aim of seriously injuring.
German riot police facing a group prepared to fight
We also witness in Germany, such drifts, which with time put at evil the techniques nevertheless of comprehension and accompaniment of the parades:
GODIAC Project
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Video of clashes during a demonstration
in Leipzig, Germany - 12/12/2015
Body of the student Carlo GIULIANI shot by a policeman during the G8 in Genoa - Italy - 2001
We can also point to the rise in violence by these groups over several years. A demonstrator was killed by a policeman in Genoa in July 2001, in Italy, during a demonstration against the G8, which brought together the richest countries, and where the violence on both sides was extreme,
Demonstration against the G8 in 2003 near the Swiss border
This violence was also repeated in 2003 in France against the G8,
Small group confronts law enforcement during the 2009 NATO summit in Strasbourg
Or at a 2009 NATO meeting in Strasbourg, France.
Unit of the Strasbourg Security Company in 2009 repelling violent groups
This year was also in France, because of the confrontations during this summit with these groups, the year where the number of injured among the CRS and the mobile gendarmes was the most important compared to the previous years (More than 275 injured among the mobile forces)
Notre Dame des Landes - FRANCE - Fall 2012
Similarly, during violent demonstrations and unrest during operations to evacuate areas such as the construction of the Notre Dame des Landes airport near Nantes in FRANCE,
or the Sivens dam, near Toulouse. The clashes encountered with the demonstrators resulted in 1 death among the demonstrators, as well as several injuries, and for the mobile police and gendarmerie forces, exceeded the bar per year of more than 300 injuries (in 2013, more than 330 injuries, and in 2014, more than 380 injuries.)
On this video of November 1, 2014, during a demonstration against police violence, we can hear slogans: "Remi in Tribute, Resistance and sabotage" or "cops, fascists, you are the terrorists" or "a cop, a bullet, social justice".
One can also see the continuation with the outbursts which will follow.
One can also see the continuation with the outbursts which will follow.
Individuals throwing objects at the forces of order in Nantes on 01/11/2014
during a march against police violence and in tribute to Rémi FRAISSE
during a march against police violence and in tribute to Rémi FRAISSE
After the death of Rémi FRAISSE, one of the demonstrators in SIVENS in FRANCE, a French parliamentary report in 2015 was carried out on : "Establish an inventory and make proposals in terms of missions and modalities of maintaining republican order."
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Masked individuals at a demonstration in France
This one brought a light on the practices of structured groups without any link with the demonstration engaging in criminal acts and confrontations with the police forces.
Explosives manufacturing manuals, as well as manufacturing materials were found during the evacuation of SIVENS. The units present had dealt with bottles filled with acid and aluminum mixture, rockets, gas bottles , etc.
Video of clashes during a demonstration against the labor law in Paris, France - 09/15/2016
You can see this type of explosive at the beginning of this video.
Demonstration in London, United Kingdom
These movements can be worrying because they create tense situations that can cause serious injuries on both sides, affecting both the demonstrators and the police, but also passers-by or residents.
Riot truck of the French CRS
Means are now associated during this type of demonstrations as the anti-riot trucks:
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Demonstration during the G20 in Hamburg from 06-07-08 July 2017.
Despite the presence of 20,000 German police officers from all over Germany, more than 200 of these police officers on the evening of the 2nd day of the G20 were injured during clashes with violent protesters.

- English Version -
Who was behind the violence
that took place during the G20
on July 06 - 07 and 08, 2017?
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Protest during the G20 in Hamburg from 06-07-08 July 2017
Cobblestones were knocked off the pavement to be thrown at the police. Also barricades were erected in different streets around the meeting place of the G20 officials.
Demonstration during the G20 in Hamburg from 06-07-08 July 2017.
Banners stating "Welcome to Hell" or "Pulverize the G20" show a willingness to be violent during this type of official meeting.
Demonstration during the G20 in Hamburg from 06-07-08 July 2017
To indicate the tension during one of these demonstrations, a police officer pulled out his service weapon and fired in the air and then took refuge in a store, information indicated by the Hamburg Police...
that took place during the G20
on July 06 - 07 and 08, 2017?
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Protest during the G20 in Hamburg from 06-07-08 July 2017
Cobblestones were knocked off the pavement to be thrown at the police. Also barricades were erected in different streets around the meeting place of the G20 officials.
Demonstration during the G20 in Hamburg from 06-07-08 July 2017.
Banners stating "Welcome to Hell" or "Pulverize the G20" show a willingness to be violent during this type of official meeting.
Demonstration during the G20 in Hamburg from 06-07-08 July 2017
To indicate the tension during one of these demonstrations, a police officer pulled out his service weapon and fired in the air and then took refuge in a store, information indicated by the Hamburg Police...
French Policemen CRS on the area of SIVENS - FRANCE - 2014
The new areas of protests, also in rural areas, show a difficulty of intervention and arrests.
EGAME, Gendarmerie vehicle - SIVENS - FRANCE - 2014
The logistics and means to get to the zone, to evacuate, and to progress show real difficulties in restoring order.
Police car set on fire on the sidelines of demonstration against the Labor Law on May 18, 2016
The mediatization of actions through social networks and the media is also part of the means to influence the facts.
Demonstration against the holding of the World Cup in Brazil - Sao Paulo - 24/01/2014
as well as by recurring messages as for example, the tag A.C.A.B put on the walls (All Cops Are Bastards), or slogans of the type: "Neither God, nor master" "Everybody hates the Police..." as well as "No Border, No Country" or "We are ungovernable".
Burned police cars in Los Angeles on May 31, 2020 with ACAB tags on them
We could also see during demonstrations at the end of May and in June 2020 in the USA, following the death of George FLOYD killed by a policeman, antifa actions mixing with the demonstrators so that the demonstrations degenerate into anarchy.
Demonstration against the holding of the World Cup in Brazil - Sao Paulo - 24/01/2014
as well as by recurring messages as for example, the tag A.C.A.B put on the walls (All Cops Are Bastards), or slogans of the type: "Neither God, nor master" "Everybody hates the Police..." as well as "No Border, No Country" or "We are ungovernable".
Burned police cars in Los Angeles on May 31, 2020 with ACAB tags on them
We could also see during demonstrations at the end of May and in June 2020 in the USA, following the death of George FLOYD killed by a policeman, antifa actions mixing with the demonstrators so that the demonstrations degenerate into anarchy.
Group with masked people dressed in dark clothes harassing CRS
during a demonstration in Paris - France
during a demonstration in Paris - France
Here, an excerpt, again from this French parliamentary report of 2015, an analysis that must make everyone take responsibility for this kind of situations, which if not addressed, will always be constantly increasing and will cause major human and societal dramas in the balance of all democratic countries:
"In a more global way, we must reflect on a European model, bearing in mind the events that took place at the summits of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in Strasbourg, Seattle, Genoa or Copenhagen. We must be concerned about defending the rights of everyone, citizens, police officers and gendarmes (...) Policing is a matter of society and not only of security or freedom. All of us - the Parliament, the Government, the observers, the academics - must think in this perspective. What face does our country want to present? The answer requires all political leaders, especially parliamentarians, to make decisions in good conscience."
Group all dressed in dark clothing and masking their faces
during a demonstration in Germany
Videos of different demonstrations around the world
with violence exercised by these movements:
Demonstrators ready to fight with the French Police Forces
For the members of the Ultraleft, it is the occupation without right, nor title of territory, with the installation of a relation of force with the political, and this often in front of the cameras of television to take the opinion to witness. This system is dangerous because it is based on insubordination, violent insubordination, all based on the relationship of force and violence.
Black Blocs on the Austerlitz bridge in Paris on 01/05/2018
We could see on May 01, 2018, in Paris, that individuals were coordinating to also meet to confront the Police. More than 1,200 individuals had coordinated to form a compact Black Bloc by putting themselves from the beginning at the head of the procession of the demonstrators of the 1st of May who came peacefully to say their oppositions to government measures.during a demonstration in Germany
Another excerpt from the 2015 French parliamentary report on "Establishing an inventory and making proposals on the missions and modalities of maintaining republican order." :
"A third and final development concerning the protesting actors was unanimously noted by the people heard by the commission. This concerns the increasingly frequent and numerous presence of violent individuals motivated, more or less, by the sole desire to disrupt public order, to commit acts of violence (including against the demonstrators themselves) or to confront the security forces."
Notre Dame des Landes - France - 2014
"These individuals differ from the historical model of the "looter" by two characteristics: on the one hand, they are structured in organized collectives deliberately seeking to commit offences"
Demonstration in the streets of Nantes February 22, 2014
"and relying on greater availability of information on social movements, they have become practically professionalized and willingly travel - including outside the borders of their country - in order to be present at the events of their choice, whatever the motives and watchwords."
with violence exercised by these movements:
Washington - USA - 20/01/2017
Paris - France - 01/05/2016
Paris -France - 31/03/2016
Milan -Italie - 03/05/2015
Londres - Royaume-Uni - 04/042015
Rome - Italie - 17/10/2011
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