The MOWAG Eagle IV
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In 2011, the German Federal Police ordered ten MOWAG Eagle IV armored vehicles for use in Afghanistan.
They returned in 2015 and were turned over to replace the Thyssen SW4s that were at various airports.
They are in the airports of Munich (3 vehicles), Frankfurt (3 vehicles), Stuttgart (1 vehicle), and Berlin Brandenburg Airport (3 vehicles) and are now in the colors of the German Police. This model exists in 1/87 scale under the brand ARSENAL M
The BUNDESPOLIZEI has also equipped itself with these Mercedes ENOK 6.1 also for its airports.
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The Zurich Police also has this type of vehicle.
He too parked in an airport. That of Zurich.
But can be used by the Zurich intervention unit SKORPION :
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Here are two pictures from a Swiss AKC-TRANS enthusiast:
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Other armored vehicles of the German Police:
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- The SURVIVOR R of Berlin and NRW -
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with terrorist threats, armed entrenched people or AMOK (a
person or sometimes two, taking weapons and shooting at random in a
school, a shopping center or an administrative building), other
countries such as USA, FRANCE, CANADA, GERMANY, ENGLAND, have also equipped
their intervention forces with this type of weaponry and vehicles:
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" GSG9 - Unité spéciale "

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