- English Version -
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
(Sorry if there are errors in the meaning, word or
verb of the expressions).
One of the first cars of the American President in the courtyard of the White House in 1909
At the beginning of the 20th century, the American Presidents will abandon the horse-drawn carriages preferring to travel in explosion cars, sign of modernity.
American President Theodore ROOSEVELT during a visit to an American city
Most of the vehicles are convertibles to allow the crowd to see the Presidents.
Parade of President W.HARDING during his inauguration in 1921
Moreover, President Warren HARDING (1921-1923) was the first to make his inauguration parade by parading in a PACKARD Twin Six. The escort is on horseback.
Franklin D. ROOSEVELT's trip in 1936
The first is so that the crowd sees him...
Franklin D. ROOSEVELT's trip in 1936
The second reason is that, because of a disease that paralyzes both legs, he will be able to remain seated when he is interviewed during a meeting. It will be agreed with the media not to broadcast or film the difficulties that the President has when he moves from the car to a platform or when he enters a building...
Here is one of the few photos showing President Franklin ROOSEVELT getting out of his car...
Speech in the back of the Presidential Car of Franklin ROOSEVELT in 1936
He will criss-cross many American states, by train where he will stand at the back to make quick speeches in each city crossed.
At the time, aviation was in its infancy, and the best way to travel across the United States was by train. Franklin ROOSEVELT is seen here arriving by car to board the presidential train in Iowa in 1936.
Other American presidents had also used this method during their reelection campaign as here with Theodore ROOSEVELT in 1905
Or here President TAFT in 1909.
President Franklin ROOSEVELT was familiar with this train exercise. Already in 1933, he traveled aboard the Presidential car "Ferdinand MAGELLAN".
His travel in the big American cities in a convertible car was a great risk, as here in Ohio in 1936.
Despite motorcycle escorts and US Secret Service guards on the running boards, the risk was present when the car slowed down or was stopped.
Departure of the car of King Alexander I of Yugoslavia in the streets of Marseille on 09/10/1934
It was agreed that King Alexander I of Yugoslavia would parade through several streets of MARSEILLES in a car with the back of the car open, so as to be seen by the crowd, but also by reporters, photographers and cameramen.
Departure of the car of King Alexander 1st of Yugoslavia in the streets of Marseille on 09/10/1934
Initially planned with an escort of policemen on bicycles around the car, it was decided that two officers, with clear swords, would escort the car...
Departure of the car of King Alexander 1st of Yugoslavia in the streets of Marseille on 09/10/1934
But hardly had he gone 200 meters, when a man came out of the crowd and fired a dozen bullets inside the King's Car killing him on the spot and mortally wounding the French Minister of Foreign Affairs Louis BARTHOU.
Shooter on the running board of the car of King Alexander I of Yugoslavia
When the cameramen are filming, the shooter has already fired. The officer on horseback on the right will arrive too late. Only the driver of the car on the right will have time to hold the shooter from inside the car as can be seen on this picture...
Shooter on the running board of the car of King Alexander 1st of Yugoslavia
The officer on horseback will still shoot the gunman.
Shooter on the running board of the car of King Alexander I of Yugoslavia
Before the policemen stop him.
Departure of the car of King Alexander I of Yugoslavia after the shooting
But it was too late. Armed with a MAUSER semi-automatic pistol of 10 shots, this one allowed the assailant to shoot in burst in the car...
King Alexander 1st of Yugoslavia in the foreground and the Minister Louis BARTHOU
Several mistakes were made:
1- A convertible car was easier for a killer to aim at his target
2- The windows of the car were lowered, which allowed the assailant to climb on the running board of the car and to spray the back of the car with his 10-shot pistol more easily...
3- Twelve police cyclists were supposed to surround the car and were replaced by two officers on horseback...
That's why, in addition to the motorcyclists, the two US Secret Service agents on the running boards of the President's limousine, we can see that in the second car, US Secret Service agents are ready to pounce to protect the presidential car...
Franklin.D ROOSEVELT's trip in 1936
And this pattern is repeated in each city visited.
With the motorized escort on the sides, two agents on the running boards of the Presidential Car,
Franklin.D ROOSEVELT's trip in 1936
And the agents of the US Secret Service ready to intervene...
Re-election of Franklin D. ROOSEVELT in Washington on November 6, 1936
Here we are on November 06, 1936, day of reelection of Franklin Delanoe ROOSEVELT in WASHINGTON...
Re-election of Franklin D. ROOSEVELT in Washington on November 6, 1936
The presidential car rolls at a pace escorted by agents of the US Secret Service, the front right door open so that the bodyguard can get out immediately.
Re-election of Franklin D. ROOSEVELT in Washington on November 6, 1936
The crowd is immense as is the security personnel in civilian clothes, in case the security cordon, along the sidewalks, would be overtaken by the crowd which would arrive suddenly on the presidential car...
Re-election of Franklin D. ROOSEVELT in Washington on November 6, 1936
Direction the Capitol to go on Pennsylvania Avenue.
Re-election of Franklin D. ROOSEVELT in Washington on November 6, 1936
By moment, the cars take again speed imposing a mobile protection,
Re-election of Franklin D. ROOSEVELT in Washington on November 6, 1936
And arrival on Pennsylvania Avenue, the motorcyclists are also present in case...
LINCOLN V12 " SUNSHINE SPECIAL " with President TRUMAN on board
Successive Presidents will continue to travel in convertibles here with President Harry TRUMAN
Visit of Queen Elizabeth II in October 1957 in the USA
Always in this spirit so that the crowd and the journalists see distinctly the President and his guests. Here President EISENHOWER receiving Queen Elizabeth II in 1957 in Washington.
Members of the US Secret Service in the streets of New-York in 1962
The US Secret Service will continue to escort these convertibles with cars where their members can get off quickly.
Visit of the American President JFK to Berlin on 26/06/1963
One of the American Presidents who liked to travel with a convertible limousine was John Fitzgerald KENNEDY. He took possession of a model, the X100, which had three removable roofs.
Presentation of the X100 with the light metal roof and the Bubbletop
A fabric roof, an unshielded metal roof and an unshielded glass roof, also called "Bubbletop"
Visit of the American President JFK in Dallas on 22/11/1963
It is the assassination of President John Fitzgerald KENNEDY in November 1963 that will make people aware of the danger of travelling in a convertible, despite the escorts and security services deployed...
President Nixon in the X100
The limousine in which JFK was assassinated was later modified, with a total armor and had an opening roof...
For the following ones, it will also be provided an opening roof so that the President can greet the crowd.
President NIXON, who loved the crowd baths, nevertheless continued to appear thanks to the opening roof of some presidential limousines as here in 1969
or here during his re-election in November 1972...
We see him here during his inauguration on January 20, 1969 on Pennsylvania Avenue
Then the convoy continues without exposure of the President to the crowd...
It is at the time of the investiture of President Jimmy CARTER in 1977, that this new President will ask to move a few moments on foot on Pennsylvania Avenue at the time of his investiture in 1977, creating a new situation with a risk of attack. Indeed, the President is totally exposed...
Moreover an incident took place with a person who tried to approach the presidential couple at this moment. This shows the usefulness of the protection of the bodyguards.
The American president Ronald REAGAN with his wife during his inauguration on board the LINCOLN CONTINENTAL 1972
Following the high risk of attack or aggression on the person of the President, it will be asked thereafter to the American Presidents to remain on board the car, but they will however be able to wave to the crowd from the sunroof of the presidential limousines, here on January 20, 1982, with President Ronald REAGAN.
It is President George H.W. BUSH who will start walking on Pennsylvania Avenue again during the "Inauguration Parade"...
The successive presidents will do the same during their election and re-election, here with President Bill CLINTON in 1997 during his re-election.
Here, with President BUSH Junior during his Re-election on January 20th 2005.
Here, with President Barack OBAMA during his election on January 20, 2009.
Or here, with President TRUMP on January 20, 2017.
During his inauguration on January 20, 2021, President Biden, faced with the Coronavirus but also with the situation of the assault on the Capitol a few days before, did not get out of the limousine when going up Pennsylvania Avenue. Indeed, there was no public along the procession to avoid any overflow...
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