mardi 11 octobre 2022

Riot control trucks in the world - English Version


Riot control trucks in the world

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German riot truck
To deal with violent protesters, and to disperse them, more and more countries are equipping themselves with Riot Control trucks.

Belgian Riot Control Truck
Two countries have been using them in large numbers for many years:


Belgian Riot Control Truck
Belgium, seat of the European institutions, is equipped with
a large number of riot control trucks.

Belgian riot control truck
The principle to advance in line and to push back demonstrators is well broken and allows the Belgian forces of order to have an additional protection:

Belgian Riot Control Forces
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- The Belgian Riot Control Forces -
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Belgian riot control truck
Faced with Molotov cocktails, the vehicles are equipped with side jets that allow to extinguish the flames on their vehicle.

Belgian riot control truck
Later they changed them in 2003 by models of the ZIEGLER Brand.

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The second country is GERMANY:

German riot truck - 1980
Faced with many activists, the Germans have been equipped for several years with this type of machinery.

German riot truck during a demonstration against nuclear power -1980
This allows to move the demonstrators without contact with the forces of order.

German demonstrators braking a convoy of radioactive material - 2000s
Nowadays they support the Bereitschaftspolizei to evacuate demonstrators.

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German riot truck
Allowing to advance and disperse crowds, these trucks also allow to act in front of garbage fires or throwing of molotov cocktails

German training in the use of riot control trucks
Germany has renewed its water trucks in many landers.

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Demonstration during the G20 in Hamburg in July 2017
They were used in numbers during the G20 in July 2017 in Hamburg.

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Wawe 10000 German in the state of Brandenburg in 2019
  Some German states also use it to help against forest fires...

Slovenian Wawe 10000
Slovenia's law enforcement agencies have also chosen this model for law enforcement.
 Slovenian Wawe 10000
Arrived at the end of 2017, this one is deployed during tense sports matches between opposing fans, riots and difficult demonstrations.

Riot truck of the French CRS
France also has this type of truck.

Riot truck of the French CRS
They were very little used before the 2010s, but new models have arrived.

Here is a video of its use
during demonstrations in Nantes in 2014

Riot control truck of the CRS in Nantes on 31/03/2018
They are deployed during major risks of outbursts, as here on March 31, 2018, in Nantes, facing zadists of Notre Dame des Landes.

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Swiss Riot Truck
Other countries have also opted for this type of vehicle, such as Switzerland,

Riot truck of the city of Lucerne
which also renovated its fleet of riot trucks, as here with the one of Lucerne,

Riot truck of the city of Bern
or here the one of Bern.

The Swiss Riot Control Forces
- English Version -

Riot truck of the Spanish Police
  Spain also has them,

Riot truck of the Spanish Police
also having a blade to push obstacles on the road.

Unidad de Intervencion Policial
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Riot truck of the ERTZAINTZA
as well as in the Spanish Basque Country

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Demonstration in the United Kingdom
The United Kingdom deploys this kind of vehicle,

English riot truck
as well on London,

English riot truck
and in Northern Ireland.

English riot truck
Training is also necessary to maneuver around the vehicle

Dutch riot truck

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Dutch riot truck
with the same principles of progression.

Greek riot truck
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Austrian riot truck
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Italian riot truck

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Romanian riot trucks

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  Two Turkish Riot Trucks

Two Lebanese Riot Trucks

Brazilian law enforcement accompanied by a riot truck
as well as in South America, like here in BRAZIL,

Argentinean riot truck

as well as in demonstrations in VENEZUELA

where violence in 2017 on both sides caused
many deaths among the protesters.

American LRAD
Americans have also tested techniques to repel protesters with other means, as here with LRAD, the  "Long Range Acoustic Device".

American LRAD
This one emits an unpleasant shrill sound to make people move back...

You can see it in action on these videos:

American V-MADS
As well as an experimental American military system, the V-MADS (Vehicle- Mounted Active Denial System).

American V-MADS
This one emits heat effects on the skin like the beginning of burns with the help of microwaves targeted by means of a 360° steerable plate...

As you can see on this video

VBRG French National Gendarmerie
To remove obstacles in the streets to prevent their progression, there are armored vehicles like the French VBRG (Véhicule Blindé sur Roues de la Gendarmerie)

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Video of two VBRG in action

VBRG in a street of BORDEAUX during a demonstration on 08/12/2018
It was used again during many demonstrations at the end of December 2018 and beginning of 2019 facing demonstrations in different major cities.

Gestion des manifestations du 08 et 15/12/2018 en France
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Two VBRG near the Bourse in Paris during a demonstration on 08/12/2018
Its usefulness shows that it is certainly necessary to think about changing it because the first ones were put in service in 1974.
Here is his replacement:

They will be equipped against ballistic, incendiary and chemical aggressions, with video surveillance cameras allowing them to visualize their environment, as well as night vision cameras, a tear gas launching system and other more specific equipment such as a gunshot detector indicating the direction of a firearm shot.

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EGAME French National Gendarmerie
The EGAME of the French Gendarmerie. EGAME standing for Engin du Génie d'Aménagement (engineering equipment) supports the French Mobile Gendarmerie Squadrons:

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EGAME French National Gendarmerie
The EGAME has other missions than breaking barricades. It can clear brush to advance in forest areas, but also be equipped with a snow bow or a snow cutter, as well as a carpet unrolling system to be able to advance on unstable areas.

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Belgian riot truck
As well as Belgium.

Unimog of the Berlin police
The German forces have different vehicles including this multifunctional one,

German riot truck
as well as this type of armored vehicle allowing to break barricades.

Like here in this video above.

German riot truck
Those also allow to intervene to evacuate occupied premises...

as we can see on this one.

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Austrian riot truck
as well as the Austrians.

d'of an Austrian demonstration in 1/87
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The South African Nyala RG12
Here is also a police transport truck close to demonstrators used in South Africa,

WP 1800 of the South African Police
with a new model:

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Bozena Riot Control
Similarly, manufacturers also offer techniques such as mobile walls to contain protesters.

Bozena Riot Control
Here the Bozena Riot from a Slovakian manufacturer

Bozena Riot Control
equipped with a gondola in addition to the wall.

Bozena Riot Control
and can repel demonstrators with a water jet 

Video of this mobile wall

Wall of the London Police
The English riot police also have means to block the progress of demonstrators

London Police wall placed in Trafalgar Square.
and allow to channel the crowds.

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Demonstration against an airport in Nantes - 22/02/2014
The French Gendarmerie Mobile also has vehicles allowing to put this type of configuration.


Hong Kong riot control trucks
The Chinese riot control forces in the city of Hong Kong have also perceived this kind of protected trucks

Hong Kong riot control truck
And allowing to put barriers on the front of the vehicle.

Exercice en mai 2017 à Hong Kong
They are also used for their anti-terrorist forces.

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