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Sikorsky VH92 landing in the White House grounds in 2018
MARINE ONE is the call sign given to the aircraft that carries the President of the USA.
Sikorsky VH-3D landing in the White House grounds
These are helicopters or OSPREYS V22 (vertical takeoff aircraft) that are operated by Marine Helicopter Squadron One, a squadron of the MARINE ONE in charge of transporting the President of the USA, as well as the Vice President, Secretaries of Defense and Navy, members of the Presidential Cabinet, foreign leaders visiting the USA, as well as transporting the CAT, the US Secret Service protection unit of the President of the USA while he is traveling.
Bell H-13 Sioux on the White House lawn in Washington in the late 1950s
The first use of a helicopter for the American presidential transport goes back to 1957 when Dwigth D. EISENHOWER travelled in a BELL H-13 Sioux.
SIKORSKY H-34 having dropped off President EISENHOWER in Athens in December 1959
Previously the President travelled to return to the White House from his summer residence in Rhone Island, taking the ferry for an hour to join the presidential plane AIR FORCE ONE, then a 45 minutes flight to the ANDREWS base in WASHINGTON and then 30 minutes by car convoy...
President JFK watching a Sikorsky H-34 of the Marine Corps leave
Thanks to the helicopter, the time between the Residence and AIR FORCE ONE was reduced to 7 minutes, and successful tests of landings on the White House lawn also reduced the time between the White House and ANDREWS Airport.
John Fildgerald KENNEDY sitting in a Sikorsky H-34 "Army One" on 10/02/1961
Planned to be at the beginning a troop transport helicopter, the first presidential SIKORSKY were adapted very simply, as one can see it on this photograph, with the BELL H-34 which was in service as from 1958.
Arrival of John Fildgerald KENNEDY in the White House gardens in April 1961
Until 1976, the Marine Corps shared its responsibility for helicopter transportation with the US Army.
"ARMY ONE" on the tarmac of an airport in the mid 1960s
The SIKORSKY H-34 were replaced by SIKORSKY VH-3A from the end of 1961. Landing of a Sea King VH-3A helicopter "US ARMY" on May 08, 1962
The code for the army helicopters when the President was on board was "ARMY ONE".
President JFK boarding the "US ARMY" helicopter on May 08, 1962
In this picture, we see President John F. KENNEDY boarding a Sikorsky VH-3A.And the same helicopter taking off,
certainly to leave for ANDREWS military airport
and thus join AIR FORCE ONE.
and thus join AIR FORCE ONE.
Takeoff of a Sikorsky VH-3D from the White House gardens
The helicopter's name was changed in 1976 to "MARINE ONE" when the Marine Corps became responsible for the helicopter transport of the American President. Two years later, in 1978, the SIKORSKY VH-3D went into service.
Video of the arrival of two MARINE ONE Sikorsky VH-3Ds in 2020
Sikorsky VH-3 D in flight
The color of the helicopter has not changed with this dark green color with the top of the fuselage white.
inside a "Marine One" with President OBAMA from behind in December 2009
Inside, the President can talk with his staff and bring bodyguards.
Video of a Sikorsky "MARINE ONE" in a museum
MARINE ONE Black Hawk VH60N in front of AIR FORCE ONE
The MARINE ONE Squadron provides a 24-hour, 7-day-a-week transportation service. It provides the link between AIR FORCE ONE and the White House.

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Descent of the American President Barack OBAMA from MARINE ONE
There is always at least one MARINE Soldier in full uniform on the ground to welcome the President of the USA.
Video of a takeoff of several MARINE ONE
For safety reasons, MARINE ONE always flies in a group with other identical helicopters, sometimes up to five, as here with three OSPREYS V22 and two SIKORSKY H3A helicopters.
MARINE ONE Black Hawks VH60N in flight
In 2016, the fleet consisted of 31 aircraft, including eleven SIKORSKY VH 3D Sea Kings, eight VH 60N Black Hawks and twelve MV-22B OSPREY
Two MARINE ONE Sikorsky VH92 in flight
The current fleet will be replaced by about twenty SIKORSKY VH92s between 2019 and 2023. Six are already operational since 2018. The twelve MV-22B OSPREYs will also remain in service.
Loading a MARINE ONE Black Hawks VH60N into a C17 GLOBALMASTER
When traveling to other countries, some of these helicopters are transported by C17 GLOBEMASTER aircraft, in addition to the security vehicles...
Landing of a MARINE ONE Black Hawks VH60N at DAVOS on 25/01/2018
This allows for safer travel than deploying a huge amount of police on the ground. Here the arrival of the American President Donald TRUMP at DAVOS in Switzerland on January 25, 2018.
Video of his landing in DAVOS in 2018
Members of the CAT riding in a MARINE ONE OSPREY MV22B
When the President of the USA travels, his staff follows him. Here in this photo you can see CAT members boarding this OSPREYS MV22B
OSPREYS V22s allow for a large number of security personnel and collaborators to be embarked.
These vertical take-off aircraft have replaced the CH46E helicopters which have become too old.
Here are some videos of take-offs and landings
during its road trips,
discover also CADILLAC ONE :
discover also CADILLAC ONE :
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ALOUETTE III helicopter and French Falcon 20
France also has a unit that has provided air transport for the French Presidency, as well as its ministers and generals, since 1948, and which depends on the French Air Force. >>> Click Here <<<
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Other countries also have dedicated planes or helicopters for their presidents, ministers, high military officials or members of royal families:
Here are some models of MARINE ONE
under different scales
under different scales
Link to other photos of this diorama at 1/72
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Sikorsky VH-60 White Hawk Diecast Model
USMC HMX-1, "Marine 1
USMC HMX-1, "Marine 1
Brand: Sky Pilot Scale: 1/60 Reference: 25 577
Brand: REVELL Scale : 1/72 Reference: 1268
Link to the creation of this VH 3D HMX 1 Marine one
at 1/48
at 1/48
>>> by clicking here <<<
Reference: 5378-2 Scale: 1/150
Reference: 557368 Scale: 1/200
Reference: 5378-2 Scale: 1/150
Reference: 557368 Scale: 1/200
Find dioramas on the theme
"Air Force One", "Cadillac One" "Marine One" and
and the White House in WASHINGTON
"Air Force One", "Cadillac One" "Marine One" and
and the White House in WASHINGTON
Other topics concerning the vehicles
of American Presidents
of American Presidents
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