lundi 31 octobre 2022

The recent limousines of the American Vice-Presidents - English Version

- The recent limousines of the American Vice-Presidents -

  - English Version -

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The American number two, the Vice President, drive in armored limousines like the President of the United States of America in his CADILLAC ONE.

Here is a link to the American President's Cadillac One car:


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Vice President Mike PENCE's Cadillac at Indiana Motor Speedway in February 2018.
Indeed, the Vice President is the designated successor in the event of the death or serious illness preventing the American President from serving.
Cadillac of Vice President Joe BIDEN in Washington in November 2014
To protect the Vice President of the USA when traveling by car, he has at his disposal over-armored presidential cars nicknamed "Cadillac TWO" and bearing on the left front a white flag with the armorial of the White House.
The US President's car is dark blue with the White House coat of arms.
Visit of Vice President Mike PENCE
This call sign corresponds to the vehicle in which the Vice President of the USA is travelling. For his plane the call sign is "Air Force TWO" for the presidential plane and his helicopter "MARINE TWO".
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Vice President Joe BIDEN's Cadillac in Washington in November 2014.
Shorter than CADILLAC ONE, the Vice President's limousines are 4.90 meters long and 1.50 meters high and weigh 5 tons.

Vice President Mike Pence's Cadillac at the Indiana Motor Speedway in February 2018
They have reinforced armor throughout the body.

  The tires are reinforced with Kevlar to resist bullet impacts.

Vice President Joe BIDEN during a trip to Washington in March 2013
There are several limousines available to the Vice President. These are deployed according to the official visits in the USA and in the world.

Limousines of the US Vice President and their escort cars in a C17
During any trip in the USA or abroad, they are in pairs to circulate. They are transported by US Air Force C17 aircraft one to two days prior to the Vice President's arrival, along with the other Vice President's escort vehicles.

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It can happen that depending on the current events and the availability of vehicles, the Vice President of the USA travels in a 4X4 Chevrolet Suburban armored, as here during a summit in SINGAPORE with Vice President Joe BIDEN on March 27, 2013.

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Or here, in May 2021, with Vice President Kamala HARRIS' new Chevrolet 4X4 during a trip to Rhode Island.
Here it is in video during this visit

Two Cadillac TWO during Vice President Mike PENCE's visit to Bethesda in June 2017
It should be noted that during trips to cities, the two "CADILLAC TWO" carry the same license plate as CADILLAC ONE, so as not to indicate the correct position of the CADILLAC in which the Vice President is in case of a terrorist attack...

Investiture of the Vice President Richard NIXON on 20/01/1957, day of the second investiture of the American President EISENHOWER.

Except the day of the investiture of an American President where this one can take different plates like the Plate "2", for the Vice President during the inaugural Parade on Pennsylvannia Avenue.

Investiture of the Vice President Al GORE on the 20/01/1997 the day of the second inauguration of the American President Bill CLINTON

It is in 1997 that a second plate is added at the time of the Inaugural Parade, starting from the parade on " Pennsylvannia Avenue ": CADILLAC TWO becomes " USA 2 ".

During the inauguration of Barack OBAMA in 2009, the Vice President Joe BIDEN had a temporary plate from January 18 to 19, 2009: the plate "47" This one indicating that he became the 47th Vice President of the USA.
You can find on the link below, the protocol for the "Presidential Inaugural Plates", the license plates installed especially on the day of the inauguration of the American Presidents:

 Cadillac of the French President during the G20 summit in November 2008
Also, during meetings or summits such as the G8 or G20 organized in the USA, this plate is placed on the official limousines when the representative of the country has the rank of president,
American presidential convoy with CAT cars
The CADILLAC TWO of the American Vice-President are escorted by numerous 4X4 on board which are members of the US SECRET SERVICE over-armed:
the CAT for "Counter Attack Team".
Discover the history of the establishment of this unit:

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2010 Chevrolet Suburban of the Vice President
The fact that the cars of American presidents and vice presidents are armored and heavily protected by an escort is a result of the assassination in Dallas in 1963 of President John F.KENNEDY in the 1961 LINCOLN Continental Presidential Limousine - X100:

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