Special Response Team - Rapid Response Team
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The DEA, meaning "Drug Enforcement Administration" is the American agency that fights against drug trafficking and its use in the USA.
It shares its competences with the FBI (Federal Bureau Of Investigations), as well as with the US Border, and ICE, (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), and Homeland Security.
It is located throughout the United States, with more than 227 offices in the United States and 86 offices abroad in 62 countries.
The workforce consists of more than 11,000 people.
The workforce consists of more than 11,000 people.
In addition to the special agents, it has specialized units for dangerous situations during high-risk arrests, as well as for the protection of witnesses: the SRT, which stands for "Special Response Team".
Like any other intervention unit, SRTs have ballistic equipment and means to arrest dangerous suspects.
SRTs train regularly to assist local DEAs.
Located in 21 offices throughout the United States, their assistance is used to support
special agents in their investigations during arrests.
They are also involved in the fight against drugs outside of the United States through RTT (Rapid Response Team) units.
One of their teams is permanently based in Afghanistan, and intervenes in the fight against narcotics, but can also assist in the fight against terrorism. The others can intervene with the agreement of the country for an intervention or to train forces fighting against drug trafficking.
Video of the DEA RTT
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