The Casualty Extraction Team
of the Brussels Fire Brigade
of the Brussels Fire Brigade
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Exercise in a Brussels theater of the CET in July 2017.
Belgium has just trained firefighters to intervene in extraction columns as a complement to the assault columns of the Belgian Police.
Indeed Belgium is facing the terrorist risk on its territory:
Exercise in a Brussels theater of the CET in July 2017
Feedback from the Bataclan attacks in Paris on November 13, 2015, showed the need to have rescue units, in addition to the intervention police forces, that can evacuate victims during an ongoing attack.
French Gendarmes protecting firemen evacuating fake victims during an exercise
in a high school in Arras on 15/03/2017
Countries like France, have created this type of unit
Reactions of the French emergency services
to a terrorist threat or violence at their encounters
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to a terrorist threat or violence at their encounters
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English rescue workers during the Strong Tower exercise on 30/07/2015
as the United Kingdom:
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Exercise in a Brussels theater of the CET in July 2017.
The "Casualty Extraction Team "or CET in Brussels consists of over 80 firefighters ready to respond and equipped with tactical gear for protection.
Exercise in a Brussels theater of the CET in July 2017
In protection of the police forces, they will be able to start evacuating, thanks to secured extraction columns, the injured, to bring them closer to emergency doctors and to be able to give the first emergency aid.
Exercise in a Brussels theater of the CET in July 2017
The operating procedures are modelled on the methodologies of other rescue forces in other countries that they have implemented.
Exercise in a Brussels theater of the CET in July 2017
The speed of execution, but also their safety, will save many victims, while police forces can continue to advance to neutralize the threat.
Exercise in a Brussels theater of the CET in July 2017
Other teams complete this rescue operation in Belgium
Antwerp, Charleroi, Liege and Ghent.
Antwerp, Charleroi, Liege and Ghent.
As a complement, Belgium offers a free digital alert app to warn its population about all kinds of terrorist, health, natural and technological risks.
Here is the official Belgian website of Be Alert:
>>> Link by clicking here <<<
>>> Link by clicking here <<<
You can also find applications on several social networks to be alerted and warn your loved ones in real time a message of alert and safety:
TOMORROW IN - English Version -
Here is a video of this exercise:
Exercise in a Brussels theater of the CET in July 2017
These assets join the responses that Belgian police forces have associated with terrorist risks on their territory:
Other topics on responses to the attacks:
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