Reactions of the French emergency services
to a terrorist threat and violence against them
to a terrorist threat and violence against them
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Macon exercise on 03/11/2016
RETEX feedback during full-scale simulations of terrorist attacks have shown the need for French rescue services to equip themselves with ballistic protection means.
The terrorist risk is present and increasing for several years and France must face it. Here are the measures taken:
- English Version -
The terrorist risk is present and increasing for several years and France must face it. Here are the measures taken:
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English exercise "Strong Tower" - 30/07/15
Indeed, the English medical emergency services had set up, since July 2015, a methodology of rescue columns, which follow the assault columns, after having analyzed what had happened, in January 2015, in Paris, and on a Tunisian seaside resort, in June 2015.
English exercise "Strong Tower" - 30/07/15
These allow first aid to be given to victims, while the terrorist threat is not yet under control,
English exercise "Strong Tower" - 30/07/15
and to evacuate them quickly to ambulances
to send them to hospitals.
to send them to hospitals.
More details on this link below:
New York Fire Department drill - November 2015
The NYFD (New York Fire Department) had already integrated these means after the attacks of September 11, 2001 and realized in their simulations:
during the exercise of 09/10/2018 in LYON
French firefighters are now also equipped with soft stretchers and ballistic protection to accompany Police assault columns during tactical progression.
Progression of rescue workers protected by members of a French PSIG Sabre
during the exercise of 28/01/19
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French firefighters are now also equipped with soft stretchers and ballistic protection to accompany Police assault columns during tactical progression.
French firemen evacuating a wounded person under the protection of a mobile gendarme during the exercise of 09/10/2018 in LYON
This allowing the evacuation of the first victims to give first aid, as here during the NOVI Alpha exercise in Lyon in October 2018.

Progression of rescue workers protected by members of a French PSIG Sabre
during the exercise of 28/01/19
or Here during a simulation in a "Center Parcs" in Aisne, end of January 2019:
Exercise in a Brussels theater of the CET in July 2017
Belgium has also adopted this type of emergency casualty extraction unit:
French BRI police officers in front of the Bataclan - 13/11/2015
It took for France to have the November 2015 attacks and to read in the subsequent parliamentary report the importance of having first responders following the assault column.
French RAID police officers in front of the Bataclan - 13/11/2015
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French Police officers and members of the BRI in front of the Bataclan - 13/11/2015
Many BRI-BAC police officers, who intervened in the BATACLAN theater that day, were helpless to help the seriously injured, while their main mission was to neutralize the terrorists as quickly as possible to stop their mass killing...
Simulation in a theater in Pau - 08/03/2017
In the french assault columns of the GIGN, BRI-BAC or RAID, doctors are present to give first aid to affected police officers,
but in the face of a mass killing, this is no longer enough...
but in the face of a mass killing, this is no longer enough...
- RAID -
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- GIGN -
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Simulation in Lyon - 08/06/2016
Even if we can see on some simulations the lack of ballistic protection on rescue members,
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Simulation in a theater in Pau - 08/03/2017
Since then, many French rescue units have been equipped with these ballistic protections.
Simulation in a company in the Drôme -09/11/2016
Whether it is helmets,
Simulation in an airport in Chambéry on 18/01/2017
Carrying plates of ventral and dorsal protection,
Simulation in a discotheque in Marne - 21/03/2017
preparation for evacuation of the injured.
French Gendarmes protecting firemen evacuating fake victims during an exercise
in a high school in Arras on 15/03/2017
French Gendarmes protecting firemen evacuating fake victims during an exercise
in a high school in Arras on 15/03/2017
and creation of evacuation corridors for victims under the protection
protection of police forces.
protection of police forces.
During the Euro 2016, the Paris and Seine et Marne firefighters were equipped with bulletproof vests for high-risk interventions.
There are now tactical bulletproof vests as used by
the special intervention forces of the police.
the special intervention forces of the police.
NOVI exercise in front of the Villa DONA nightclub in St Etienne on 15/11/2016
Similarly, training of specialized teams called "GESR" for "Groupe d'Extraction Spécialisés Régionaux", are provided in order to have a rapid and controlled reaction of the rescue.
Exercise between firemen equipped with bulletproof vests and police officers
on the extraction of victims on a simulated attack in Nîmes - 18/11/2016
on the extraction of victims on a simulated attack in Nîmes - 18/11/2016
In order to intervene and protect the rescue services as effectively as possible, it is also necessary for the assault columns and police forces around the attack to ensure that there is no risk of over-attack as has happened in other countries such as Iraq, where a second bomb exploded shortly after the rescue services had arrived, or when other armed terrorists arrived.
Anti-ramming vehicle barrier in a Belgian city street
Here is a video of an exercise that took place in March 2017
With extraction of the injured.
With extraction of the injured.
First responders in NRBCE gear during the exercise on 03/22/2019.
Other simulations have been carried out, with as situation the risk of CBRNE attacks, (Chemical, Bacteriological, Radiological, Nuclear or Explosive), where again, firefighters are protected against this risk.

Simulation in St Etienne - April 2016
Here the exercise took place in 2016, near a soccer stadium, shortly before the EURO 2016, a sports competition that took place in France.
Simulation of chemical attack in Nîmes - 15/03/2016
The provisions in this scenario are draconian and must also take into account this type of threat against the population.
Similarly, training is done with law enforcement for interventions in sensitive locations.
Exercise with French firemen and French mobile gendarmes
Here again, there is a real risk that firefighters will be targeted by projectiles or molotov cocktails while they are intervening to put out a car or trash can fire.
They intervene with the help of the police or law enforcement units to intervene in these sensitive or risky areas.
As well as in French prisons, where firefighters would not be safe from receiving projectiles during a riot.
You can find on these simulations the pictures of these protected firefighters:
Simulation d'attaque d'une salle de spectacle à Pau
dans les Pyrénées Atlantiques - 2017
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dans les Pyrénées Atlantiques - 2017
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All these exercises in France have accelerated since the terrorist attacks
of January and November 2015,
as you can see on the link below.
of January and November 2015,
as you can see on the link below.
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Here are some tips in the event of a shooting, on how to behave:
These simulations are also done in other countries:
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Other topics on responses to the attacks:
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