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Sign prohibiting entry to an ZDHS
France has set up on its territory of ZDHS,
abbreviation meaning in French : "Zone de Défense Hautement Sensible" (In english: Highly Sensitive Defense Zone).
ZDHS replaces the term ZMS (Zone Militaire Sensible) since a 2004 decree. This zone is decreed by a decree of the French Ministry of Defense and includes an area of the territory that is of vital interest for France or an immediate and important risk for the population. Traffic in these zones is strictly regulated.
abbreviation meaning in French : "Zone de Défense Hautement Sensible" (In english: Highly Sensitive Defense Zone).
ZDHS replaces the term ZMS (Zone Militaire Sensible) since a 2004 decree. This zone is decreed by a decree of the French Ministry of Defense and includes an area of the territory that is of vital interest for France or an immediate and important risk for the population. Traffic in these zones is strictly regulated.
Military patrol on a French naval base
Within a ZDHS, the military and gendarmes may use force after a warning to prevent or stop any intrusion. This notion of ZDHS was intended by the legislator to allow the use of weapons, including firearms, outside of self-defense.
- Version Française -
- Version Française -
Commando riflemen in charge of the protection of the Rosnay ZDHS in INDRE
On this picture, we can distinguish soldiers securing the access to one of the most watched sites in France, which is the Centre de Transmissions de la Marine (CTM) in Rosnay in INDRE. One of the essential missions of this site, which belongs to the Strategic Oceanic Force (SOF) in French: "Force Océanique Stratégique" (FOST), is to transmit orders from the authorities on land to the submarines on patrol.
TOULON Naval Base
There are many different types of bases on French territory, such as IPDs (Priority Defense Installations), here, the TOULON Naval Base. This base includes 70% of the French fleet and eight nuclear boilers, permanently guarded by military personnel.
Illustration of the Toulon base protection barrier, seen at night
This base has a barrier against kamikaze boats,
with a floating belt.
with a floating belt.
Here is a video presenting the principle of protection
against this type of boat launched at full speed.
against this type of boat launched at full speed.
Military patrol off the Toulon base
Human marine patrols are also there, equipped with fast boats, armed marine drones and submarines to monitor and counter intrusions by divers.
Commando rifleman protecting the BA702 air base of Avord
We can also distinguish other types of ZDHS zones such as the BAVN (Base Aérienne à Vocation Nucléaire) air bases, because of their nuclear armament. They are also permanently protected by
by commando riflemen patrolling the site.
by commando riflemen patrolling the site.
Entrance of a French base with a sign forbidding the entrance
to Pokemon Go players
to Pokemon Go players
We can note situations that, starting from a simple game, can lead to risks of ill-intentioned individuals to enter secure bases. In 2016, a commercial company launched the game "POKEMON GO". The principle of this game is to track with his smartphone virtual creatures scattered in real public spaces. In July 2016, a Frenchman had been arrested, in an Indonesian military base near JAKARTA, for this reason. Two young Canadians had also crossed the American border by mistake in search of these virtual
of these virtual characters...
of these virtual characters...
Illustration image of a drone in front of a nuclear power plant
More worrying has been the unclaimed drone overflights since 2014 of sensitive sites, including 14 French nuclear power plants (6 of which on the same day, October 31, 2014), as well as the Creys Malville nuclear site being deconstructed, 4 research centers, and the Ile Longue naval base, which houses nuclear ballistic missile submarines.
Patrol of the Gendarmerie Maritime and members of the group of mine-clearing divers
in August 2018 near Bregancon
in August 2018 near Bregancon
We can also note the neutralization of a drone that had tried to fly over a place where the President of the French Republic was at the Fort of Bregançon in August 2018.
Map from the 2015 report on the reinforcement of access to French nuclear facilities
A very detailed 2015 report indicates this risk and the importance of securing sensitive nuclear sites.
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Gendarmes during an exercise in a French nuclear power plant
For this, the protection of French nuclear power plants had already been improved in 2009, with the reorganization of the gendarmes protecting these sites with the PSPG.
With more than 900 gendarmes and an annual budget of 200 million euros financed by EDF Company, these PSPGs ensure the security and integrity of these sites on a daily basis, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
With more than 900 gendarmes and an annual budget of 200 million euros financed by EDF Company, these PSPGs ensure the security and integrity of these sites on a daily basis, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
PSMP patrols
There are also the PSMP, created after the 2001 attacks, which are Gendarmerie platoons in charge of protecting ports against terrorist risks.
Demonstration during the military parade on 14/07/19 of drone jammers
Regarding the anti-drone fight, the French Army during the 14 July 2019, showed equipment to neutralize a drone by means of systems jamming their commands.
Training of American soldiers from a US ARMY SRT
Each country has legislation allowing their military to protect sensitive sites. On September 20, 2019, the Americans strengthened the protection of one of their most sensitive and best guarded sites:
"Base 51" in NEVADA.
Indeed, 1 million people had signed up on social media to follow an event proposing to "force" their way into Area 51 in huge numbers on September 20, 2019. The US AIR Force took this risk very seriously.
This one didn't happen...
"Base 51" in NEVADA.
Indeed, 1 million people had signed up on social media to follow an event proposing to "force" their way into Area 51 in huge numbers on September 20, 2019. The US AIR Force took this risk very seriously.
This one didn't happen...
American soldiers of the TRT USAF during a training of intrusion of a base
The security of the American military sites is ensured
by specialized military :
by specialized military :
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Armed guards from the G4S Company guarding a nuclear site in the USA
Note that following the September 11, 2001 attacks, U.S. and Canadian nuclear sites are mostly guarded by armed private companies.
- English Version -
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Protection of an entrance to a French military base in OPEX in Cote d'Ivoire
For France, training is provided to the military to control crowds around sensitive bases in France, as in OPEX.
Illustration image of a military patrol near a sensitive site
Photo of the entrance to Air Force Base 105
If the army is taking seriously the risk of terrorist intrusion on its bases, this follows various arrests of people ready to commit attacks inside, such as in May 2017 of a 34-year-old man, a former military man who became radicalized, and who was planning to attack Air Base 105.
- Version Française -
- Version Française -
Military patrol during an operation SENTINELLE at the foot of the Eiffel Tower
Finally, note the alert levels that complete the anti-terrorist devices
and which are always activated...
and which are always activated...
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