British Rescue in the face of a terrorist attack
"English Version"
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- Version Française -
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On July 30, 2015, the London emergency response services carried out a simulation of terrorist attacks like those that had taken place in January 2015 in Paris against Charlie Hebdo or on a resort on June 26, 2015 in Tunisia, by terrorists shooting at anything that moved.
The operation was called "Strong Tower." It was carried out in the Aldwych metro station which is disused.
It mobilized more than a thousand people: police, firefighters, paramedics, doctors, and extras.
In such situations it is advisable for civilians
to follow these recommendations:
to follow these recommendations:
It is important to know that the first responders on site are not there to evacuate or rescue injured people. They are well trained and are there to neutralize the shooter.
The purpose of this British exercise was to see the intervention times and the means of medical evacuation, better known under the term of EVASAN.
For information, in London, there are the rapid intervention units of the Police, the ARV for "Armed Response Vehicle" which are the first responders
in the face of terrorists
in the face of terrorists
During the intervention of the special forces, medical units are briefed by police officers to start preparing casualty extraction columns...
and can begin to evacuate injured people.
The National Health Service (NHS) London has equipped its units with bulletproof vests and tactical helmets.
This allows them to get as close as possible to the injured.
and to allow them to give first aid,
and to organize for the evacuation.
Each of the extras knew what they had to say or not say and do...
Also the units of the London Fire department, the London firemen have, them also, this equipment.
to get as close as possible to the attack,
To help doctors and emergency workers.
This allows them to quickly evacuate the injured,
Both civilians,
as well as police officers hit by the terrorists...
They help the police quickly, even if the terrorists are not neutralized, and allow them to continue the assault
with all the police intervention forces
with all the police intervention forces
The other reason to have a rescue column for the extraction of the injured
is to allow them to be treated safely away from the attack in progress...
is to allow them to be treated safely away from the attack in progress...
Knowing that a mass terrorist attack lasts between 30 and 80 minutes, the need for rapid intervention and appropriate armed response, i.e. weapons of war against weapons of war by trained and qualified personnel
will allow for rapid intervention, but it is also necessary to succeed in saving lives...
will allow for rapid intervention, but it is also necessary to succeed in saving lives...
The NYPD has been conducting this type of simulation for several years:
The UK continues its exercises to be ready in case of attacks:
It is interesting to realize that the English have already put this in place while in France, a parliamentary commission of inquiry gave its conclusions in a French parliamentary report following the Bataclan attacks on November 13, 2015, presented on July 04, 2016.
This report indicated that it would be necessary for French emergency care units to also be equipped with protection to have a victim extraction column that would follow the police assault column.... What France did afterwards on all its territory.

The French rescue services have subsequently adopted operating procedures and protections to intervene in this type of situation:
FRANCE has signed partnership agreements with several social networks, as well as public and private actors to alert in real time on their network or billboards an alert message:
Exercise in a Brussels theater of the CET in July 2017.
Belgium has also adopted this type of emergency casualty extraction unit:
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Here is a video of that 2015 British exercise:
Exercises with European intervention units
are also carried out within the ATLAS group
are also carried out within the ATLAS group
France also carries out this type of simulations as many countries in real situation:
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Other topics on responses to the attacks:
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