Operazione Strade Sicure in Italy
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Operazione "Strade Sicure" (which translates into english as "Secure Roads") is an operation by the Italian military to protect the entire Italian territory.
Two Italian soldiers in a street in Rome.
This operation was conceived in 2008. The Italian government of the time, deemed it necessary to call in the army to support the Italian police and the Italian Carabinieri, to cover all of Italy in the face of a terrorist risk.
Soldier guarding a tourist site
When they were created in 2008, the Italian police unions criticized this operation, because these soldiers are heavily armed to patrol the streets of Italian cities.
Indian soldier in front of the "Taj Mahal" hotel in Bombay where the terrorists had taken refuge in 2008
However, the attack in November 2008 in Bombay by a dozen over-armed men creating numerous victims during 2 days (173 people killed and more than 310 wounded) showed the necessity to be prepared against this type of attack.
Figures of European jihadists who left to join DAESH in 2015
The risk also of Italians, who went to fight alongside DAESH and having returned to the territory, could continue the fight in Italy. In 2015, 87 Italian citizens would have gone to fight in Syria and Iraq. Italy experienced waves of attacks with the Red Brigades during the 1980s, and has not had an ideological attack on its territory since then. However, an attack that targeted the Italian consulate in Cairo, Egypt, on July 11, 2015, which killed one person and injured five, claimed by DAESH, shows that no risk should be overlooked...
Two Italian soldiers on patrol in the streets of Rome
Italy has extended this operation several times. There had been talk of lightening this device, but many Italian mayors demanded this presence to reassure their fellow citizens.
Italian soldiers with police officers at the Ventimiglia border between France and Italy
These soldiers are also called upon to deal with migrants or during disasters such as earthquakes. The Italian soldiers intervene quickly according to the requests of the prefects of the Italian provinces.
Two Italian soldiers on patrol
They are deployed in urban areas throughout Italy and patrol
in tourist areas,
in tourist areas,
Italian soldier on duty
like the Museums,
Soldiers in front of the Colosseum in Rome
Italian symbolic places,
Two Italian soldiers on duty
of work zones,
Two italian soldiers in front of a subway entrance
the subway stations,
Three Italian soldiers on the Garibaldi square of Naples
the official buildings,
Two Italian soldiers in front of the Naples train station
and train stations.
Italian soldier in an Italian square
To be able to exercise their roles on the public highway, they have a status of "Agente di pubblica sicurezza" which translates into english as "public security Agent".
Road control Italian police and soldiers of the Strade Sicure operation
In 2017, between 2,000 and 3,000 soldiers are distributed throughout the territory depending on terrorist alerts during attacks in Europe.
Here are 2 videos of their activities in Italy:
Italian Carabinieri and Police in front of the Vatican in Rome
The Italian Police and the Italian Carabinieri have also set up intervention units, in case of attacks, to intervene quickly
on the whole of the Italian cities:
on the whole of the Italian cities:
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Anti-ramming vehicle barrier device in a street of a Belgian city
Other countries have formed this type of presence like France, which was the first in 1995, facing attacks on its territory, with the "VIGIPIRATE" operation:
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Then Belgium, in 2015 with the operation "VIGILANT GUARDIAN" :
A police officer and a military man patrolling in front of Westminster and Big Ben in London on 24/05/2017
The United Kingdom has an operation called "TEMPERER"
which mobilizes more than 4,000 British military personnel when the
"Critical" level, the highest level of alert, is reached. They come to
support the police forces for a limited period of time just after the
attacks, to counter the risk of multiple attacks on the British
German military, deminer and police officer during the GETEX from 07 to 09/03/2017
In March 2017, German army exercises took place in several lander with German Police Forces, a first in German history since World War II...
2005 - Training of Danish Military Policemen
Other European countries, such as Denmark, are also thinking about using their army on their territory for law enforcement
and in support of the local police.
and in support of the local police.
New York National Guard soldiers at Grand Central Station in NY, March 22, 2016.
with alert levels or attacks, such as the attacks in the Brussels
subway and airport in March 2016, countries like the USA also react by
deploying, as in the photo above, the New York National Guard (US Army Reservists) in sensitive locations, such as here, in New York's "Grand Central" station
Belgian military on patrol in the Brussels metro
This phenomenon of the military intervening on the national territory has generalized on Europe.
Other topics on responses to the attacks:
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