Setting up of alert levels in France
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To protect its population, France has put in place several actions:
VIGIPIRATE, the level of Emergency and a very complete site on the attitudes to adopt according to all kinds of risks (terrorist, health, technological, natural, and cyber)

First of all, the VIGIPIRATE plan, updated on December 1, 2016,
with 3 levels of threats:
Vigilance - Enhanced Security - Emergency Attack
VIGIPIRATE, the level of Emergency and a very complete site on the attitudes to adopt according to all kinds of risks (terrorist, health, technological, natural, and cyber)

First of all, the VIGIPIRATE plan, updated on December 1, 2016,
with 3 levels of threats:
Vigilance - Enhanced Security - Emergency Attack
VIGIPIRATE was created in 1978 and triggered for the first time in 1995.
It is the french abbreviation of "VIGIlance et Protection des Installations
contre le Risque d’Attentats TErroriste".
It is the french abbreviation of "VIGIlance et Protection des Installations
contre le Risque d’Attentats TErroriste".
This plan was updated in 2000, 2002, 2003, 2006, 2014
and 2016.
and 2016.
Its main purpose is to reassure the population by deploying armed forces in the field in public or sensitive places.
Under the link below, you are presented different reasons
on the risk of attacks in several European countries:
on the risk of attacks in several European countries:
It is present as well in tourist places
with dynamic patrols (in movement)
with dynamic patrols (in movement)
Than in static on places with many people.
Like schools.
The device has been coupled with the operation SENTINELLE deployed in the aftermath of the January 2015 attacks. Between 7,000 and 10,000 soldiers are deployed throughout France, depending on the severity of the alert, in fixed positions in sensitive locations, as well as on dynamic patrols on foot or by car...
Progression of a PSIG Sabre and soldiers during the exercise of 01/02/19
Trainings and simulations are also carried out with different units and police forces in order to know how to progress in case of intervention against terrorist attacks...
Hostage taking simulation at the Louvre Museum - 2016
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During the Bataclan attacks on November 13, 2015, SENTINELLE soldiers deployed around,
also allowing to protect the rescue workers.
Similarly, they helped secure the perimeter during the intervention of the Police forces to arrest other members of the commando on November 18, 2015.
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During the Bataclan attacks on November 13, 2015, SENTINELLE soldiers deployed around,
also allowing to protect the rescue workers.
Similarly, they helped secure the perimeter during the intervention of the Police forces to arrest other members of the commando on November 18, 2015.
The 3 levels of threats in detail are as follows:
Vigilance : It corresponds to a permanent security posture involving the implementation of a base of 100 measures (out of 300)
Enhanced Security / Attack Risk : This level corresponds to a high or even very high terrorist threat. Additional measures can be activated. These range from searches, identity checks, dynamic patrols on all sensitive points and increased filtering.
Urgence Attentat : This new level of threat is adopted on an ad hoc basis, limited by the activation of a crisis unit immediately after an attack or an imminent risk of terrorist action. It includes exceptional measures such as the call by the radio, on institutional websites or television as well as by social networks, the confinement of the population in the place where it is, the closure of roads, subways, stations, the stop of school travel
and public transport.
It is based on the imminent attack alert scheme
that Germany and Belgium have already implemented and deployed during risks such as late November 2015 in Belgium, or in 2016 in Munich in Germany.
- English Version -
and public transport.
It is based on the imminent attack alert scheme
that Germany and Belgium have already implemented and deployed during risks such as late November 2015 in Belgium, or in 2016 in Munich in Germany.
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Here are some tips in the event of a shooting or knife attacks, on what to do:
FRANCE has signed partnership agreements with several social networks, as well as public and private actors to alert in real time on their network or billboards an alert message:
Belgium allows to have an alert application
for this kind of situation.
Here is the official Belgian Be Alert website:
>>> Link by clicking here <<<
for this kind of situation.
Here is the official Belgian Be Alert website:
>>> Link by clicking here <<<
France has already prepared for this risk in different simulation exercises in many cities in France :
This new level « Urgence Attentat » is part of a scheme close to the level of siege. The level of siege is the situation superior to the level of emergency.
A Level of siege in FRANCE has never been implemented.
It can only be implemented on a part of the territory, after deliberation of the Council of Ministers and with a presidential signature when there is an imminent danger due to an armed insurrection or war. During a state of siege, there is a transfer of powers from the civil authorities to the military authorities.
The extension of a level of siege beyond 12 days is subject to parliamentary authorization. However, France has prepared COS Special Forces to intervene in case of shootings in cities as linked below:
It can only be implemented on a part of the territory, after deliberation of the Council of Ministers and with a presidential signature when there is an imminent danger due to an armed insurrection or war. During a state of siege, there is a transfer of powers from the civil authorities to the military authorities.
The extension of a level of siege beyond 12 days is subject to parliamentary authorization. However, France has prepared COS Special Forces to intervene in case of shootings in cities as linked below:

Faced with the terrorist threat, the creation of a "French National Guard" is constituted, during the year 2016, with the addition of the "Operational Reserve" already existing since 1999, to alleviate, among others, the career soldiers used in the operation "SENTINELLE".
More french information with the link below:

The French National Guard
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Brussels - Belgium - Late November 2015
Belgium also has this possibility to deploy its army, as at the end of 2015, in Brussels, where for more than 3 days, the city was totally blocked.
Brussels - Belgium - Late November 2015
A total "Black Out" had been carried out in order to protect the population.
Patrol of Belgian military in the central station of Brussels
Since then, their presence has been visible until 2021, in Belgian cities or during mobilization of personnel following major risks and attacks. The name of the Belgian operation is "Vigilant Guardian".
As for the Italian army, it has launched an operation to secure its territory with Italian soldiers patrolling the cities and controlling access points and which is called "STRADE SICURE":
A police officer and a military man patrolling in front of Westminster and Big Ben in London on 24/05/2017
The United Kingdom has also developed the operation "TEMPERER" since 2015, which it activates when its alert level reaches the 5th level which is the most serious: "Critical Level". The authorities then deploy more than 3,500 military personnel throughout its territory, to counter the risk of multiple attacks on its soil. But this operation has a limited duration of a few days to analyze the situation...
Then the Level of Emergency, launched in the aftermath of the attacks of November 13, 2015, and which has been renewed many times with the latest end date being November 1, 2017.
This measure, which should be temporary, allows the prefect and the Police to take measures restricting freedoms such as the prohibition of movement or the delivery of firearms of certain categories.
It also allows for house arrest, the closure of certain places, a ban on demonstrations and allows for day and night searches.
To deal with attacks, the French state has reorganized its special forces:
Then the Level of Emergency, launched in the aftermath of the attacks of November 13, 2015, and which has been renewed many times with the latest end date being November 1, 2017.
This measure, which should be temporary, allows the prefect and the Police to take measures restricting freedoms such as the prohibition of movement or the delivery of firearms of certain categories.
It also allows for house arrest, the closure of certain places, a ban on demonstrations and allows for day and night searches.
The President of the French Republic, E.MACRON, during a visit to Mali
to the French military forces - 19/05/2017
In addition, the President of the French Republic has set up an "Anti-Terrorist Task Force": The National Counter-Terrorist Center (CNCT). Present 24 hours a day, it is a permanent headquarters, of about fifty people, for the fight against terrorism, attached directly to the Head of State and involving the Ministries of the Interior, Transport, Defense and Health. It provides recommendations to be implemented in less than half an hour to act immediately in the face of an imminent threat.
to the French military forces - 19/05/2017
In addition, the President of the French Republic has set up an "Anti-Terrorist Task Force": The National Counter-Terrorist Center (CNCT). Present 24 hours a day, it is a permanent headquarters, of about fifty people, for the fight against terrorism, attached directly to the Head of State and involving the Ministries of the Interior, Transport, Defense and Health. It provides recommendations to be implemented in less than half an hour to act immediately in the face of an imminent threat.
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A law was drafted, in 2017, to take over the level of Emergency, while ensuring the security of the French.
Indeed, the State of Emergency has been renewed many times since November 13, 2015 while it is designed for a temporary way.
Indeed, the State of Emergency has been renewed many times since November 13, 2015 while it is designed for a temporary way.
A balance has been made between this optimal security and the respect of individual liberties
thanks to 4 measures:
- The establishment of a protective perimeter on places subject to terrorist risk: palpations, visual inspections of luggage and vehicle searches will be authorized. In case of refusal, individuals will have to leave this perimeter.
- The end of house arrest, replaced by the obligation not to leave a geographical area, at least the commune.
- The immediate closure of places of worship that incite terrorist acts by prefects.
- Administrative searches will again be authorized by a judicial judge.
on the attitudes
to adopt according to all kinds of risks
on the attitudes
to adopt according to all kinds of risks
There has been an official website on risk prevention for several years with very comprehensive measures on what to do in case of terrorist, health, technological, natural or cyber risks:
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with many headings:
Technological Risks
How to react to: an Industrial Accident, nuclear accident, mining risk,
dam rupture, transport of dangerous materials
dam rupture, transport of dangerous materials
>>> Link by clicking here <<<
Health Risks
Ebola – Epizootic - Flu pandemic
>>> Link by clicking here <<<
Natural Risks
How to react to: an avalanche, heat wave, cyclone, volcanic eruption, forest fires, extreme cold, flooding, land movement, earthquake, storm, tsunami
>>> Link by clicking here <<<
Cyber risks
How to react to : Cybercrime, image damage, espionage, sabotage
>>> Link by clicking here <<<
Terrorist Threat
>>> Link by clicking here <<<
As well as sections:
Exercise in the amusement park ASTERIX on 29/011/2015
This site is part of the measures to take and reflexes to adopt to protect yourself and act against this type of risk.
Indeed, France has been equipped for many years with measures to protect the French population.
Indeed, France has been equipped for many years with measures to protect the French population.
Euro 2016 exercises - Nîmes - 15/03/2016
As well as simulations to keep ready:
Other topics around the risk of attacks :
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