Force / Security / Protection
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>>> Cliquez ici <<< Two members of the GIGN FSP in Iraq
The GIGN has a unit called "FSP" which stands for "Force Sécurité/Protection" and whose members are in charge of the security and protection, on the national territory or abroad, of sensitive and/or threatened personalities, ambassadors
in risk zones, as well as the sites where these people are located.
in risk zones, as well as the sites where these people are located.
Training of the GIGN FSP members
It has operated in Cote d'Ivoire (2004, 2011), Libya (2011, 2014) and Yemen (2014). Currently the FSP is in one of the most dangerous cities in the world in the world: BAGHDAD.
Training of the GIGN FSP members
Composed of more than 40 gendarmes, the FSP can be deployed on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or international organizations (UN, European Union, etc.)
A member of the GIGN FSP in protection of the French ambassador in Iraq
The FSP also provides expertise in the security of sensitive sites, thanks to its tactical know-how in hostile or crisis zones as the service of the French Police : The RAID.
Training of the GIGN FSP members
The regular training of their members allows them to get out of complicated situations of attacks or exfiltration.
Member of the GIGN FSP on mission in Iraq
They are equipped with armored vehicles such as the Toyota LC200:
Exfiltration Training of the GIGN FSP members
Training can also be done in military clothing, as shown here in an exfiltration exercise,
Exfiltration Training of the GIGN FSP members
or like here.
Training of the GIGN FSP members
To assist the members of the GIGN FSP, the GIGN trains Mobile Gendarmerie or Republican Guard gendarmes to guarantee the security of sensitive sites, such as an embassy in a war zone. They obtain the certificate of Technicians of Authority Escort and Site Security (TEASS).
Two members of the GIGN FSP in Iraq
More than 75% of the FSP's engagements are abroad, as above, with the protection of the French Embassy in Baghdad, IRAQ.
Member of the GIGN FSP on mission in Iraq
They are equipped with armored vehicles such as the Toyota LC200:
Exfiltration Training of the GIGN FSP members
Training can also be done in military clothing, as shown here in an exfiltration exercise,
Exfiltration Training of the GIGN FSP members
or like here.
Training of the GIGN FSP members
To assist the members of the GIGN FSP, the GIGN trains Mobile Gendarmerie or Republican Guard gendarmes to guarantee the security of sensitive sites, such as an embassy in a war zone. They obtain the certificate of Technicians of Authority Escort and Site Security (TEASS).
Two members of the GIGN FSP in Iraq
More than 75% of the FSP's engagements are abroad, as above, with the protection of the French Embassy in Baghdad, IRAQ.
Member of the GIGN FSP at the Stade de France.
They also guaranteed the protection of 12 delegations during the Euro 2016 soccer event.Compilation of video clips of the FSP service of the GIGN:
Members of the German PSA BPOL with the German Ambassador to Iraq
Germany also has this type of unit, to protect its ambassadors in conflict zones, like here an ambassador and members of the PSA BPOL guaranteeing his protection.
Members of the German PSA BPOL
The German Ministry of the Interior decided to provide this security to these government members in various countries such as Afghanistan and Iraq following the 2001 attacks.
Members of the German PSA BPOL
This ensures effective protection against the risk of kidnapping or attack. They are trained by the German GSG9.
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MSD members in September 2015 at the United Nations General Assembly.
Similarly, the Americans have units called "Mobile Security Deployment" that are deployed to protect their diplomats around the world or in the U.S., depending on the arrival of foreign diplomats who could be targeted by a major risk. Discover other forces
of the French Gendarmerie:
of the French Gendarmerie:
- GIGN -
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- DGIGN Overseas -
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and for PLAYMOBIL fans
Création de Freddy BAILLY
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Discover the others adventures
in "English Version":
Discover the Web Series "GSG9 1/87 Special Unit"
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OF "GSG9 1/87":
Des dioramas sous différentes échelles:
et au 1/87
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et la web série au 1/87
" GSG9 - Unité spéciale "
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