Detachment of GIGN
French National Gendarmerie
Detachment of GIGN
French National Gendarmerie
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
(Sorry if there are errors in the meaning, word or verb of the expressions).
- Version Française -
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Official handover of the Command of the GIGN on 02/10/2020 to General Ghislain Réty
On October 5, 2020, a reorganization of the GIGN was carried out, creating an intervention unit that is unique in Europe in terms of its numbers and missions.
Indeed, the GIGN is now divided, since spring 2021, between a Central GIGN and 14 GIGN Detachments in metropolitan France and overseas. The detachments were previously called AGIGN.
Indeed, the terrorist risk is real on the French territory:
For years, this one has taken on different faces:
Solutions have been found and these units have adapted to them:
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Previously the AGIGNs were known as PI2G meaning "Peloton d'Interrégional de Gendarmerie" under the French Gendarmerie Nationale. They were reconfigured in 2016 as "Antennes du GIGN" (AGIGN) or also known as "GIGN Régional".
This unit is the intermediary force between the PSIG SABRE and the Central GIGN and which allows to support or even replace the first arrivals on crisis situations
There will be 14 of them in 2022, including 7 in the overseas territories (formerly called GPI). For those in mainland France, they are based in the French cities of Toulouse, Orange, Dijon, Nantes, Reims, Tours and Caen for 2021.
Their intervention missions are very varied: intervening in support of the PSIG SABRE, supporting the Central GIGN, intervening on nuclear sites or "classified Seveso" (sensitive industrial sites), ensuring close protection missions (in civilian clothes), carrying out transfers or escorts of particularly dangerous detainees
particularly dangerous detainees
particularly dangerous detainees
They can also intervene for the arrest of dangerous people and in cases of management of entrenched forcenés. Each one is made up of about fifty gendarmes.
Members of an AGIGN which became a DGIGN during the tracking of the fugitive in the Cévennes in May 2021
Since 2021, the DGIGNs have been able to include a system that allows for a rapid and massive increase in intervention resources to support the first responders: the DIAG
- The French DIAG -
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Entrainement des membres du GIGN FSP
The TEASS (Technician in Escort of Authorities and Site Security) come from the Mobile Gendarmerie and follow a six-week training course, supervised by the GIGN. They are then deployed to ensure the security of French citizens or diplomats in countries at risk (terrorism or violence).
The GIGN provides security for high-risk embassies through its FSP unit..
The GIGN provides security for high-risk embassies through its FSP unit..
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Regular training in all kinds of unexpected places such as stadiums, trains, buses, streetcars, ships, factories, etc., allows them a high technicality in their interventions.
Each DGIGN has "Emergency Assault", "Support-Observation", "Breacher" teams
In the French Overseas Departments (DOM) and Overseas Communities, these units, previously called "GPI" or "GPIOM", have also been deployed:
- DGIGN Overseas -
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Members of the AGIGN of Reunion Island during the exercise of 23/05/2017
You can find an exercise carried out in 2017 on Reunion Island:
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Tactical progress during the NOVI Alpha exercise in Héric on 15/11/17
Image Gendarmerie Nationale
Image Gendarmerie Nationale
Or here in Héric in Loire Atlantique on November 15, 2017:
Gendarmes in protection behind the armoured vehicle of the AGIGN.
during the exercise of 28/01/19
during the exercise of 28/01/19
They continue to train regularly to be ready to intervene as here at the end of January 2019, in a "Center Parcs" in the Aisne:
Two members of the AGIGN and two soldiers during the exercise of 01/02/19
as well as with military personnel in the framework of joint operations or in the framework of French operation "SENTINELLE" so that they can maneuver together, as here in the military schools of St Cyr - Coëtquidan, early February 2019.
To give you an idea of the type of anti-terrorist exercise, here are images shot by the Gendarmerie, during an exercise in 2017, at the Tarbes- Lourdes airport where the Brigade de Gendarmerie des Transports Aériens (BGTA), several Gendarmerie units and the DGIGN of Toulouse were involved.
The AGIGNs participated in the 3 intervention pillars of the National Gendarmerie created in late 2015:
The elementary intervention: It concerned the gendarmes of the territorial brigades, first interveners on the places of attacks which will freeze the situation.
The intermediate intervention: It concerned the PSIG SABRE which intervened to neutralize the attackers and to stabilize the situation by pushing back possible attacks and preventing terrorists, hostage-takers or criminals to escape.
The specialized intervention: It involved the GIGN and the AGIGN. They proceeded to the final assault.
Since 2017, the terms of these interventions are simpler and are now classified in 2 stages: the "Primo arrivals", then the "Reinforcements", easier to manage in the perception of interventions.
Since 2017, the terms of these interventions are simpler and are now classified in 2 stages: the "Primo arrivals", then the "Reinforcements", easier to manage in the perception of interventions.
Knowing that a mass terrorist attack lasts between 30 and 80 minutes, the need for rapid intervention and appropriate armed response, i.e. weapons of war against weapons of war by trained and qualified personnel will to intervene quickly.
- English Version -
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Training of the French Military Special Forces
It is to be noted that military means are added to this device in case of multiple attacks of high intensity in French cities with precise commandos of the Army, the National Navy and the Air Force.
This defense scheme is part of this rise in military intervention forces:
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They also conduct joint exercises between the DGIGN and the PSPG (Peloton Spécialisé de Protection de la Gendarmerie), like here, in this simulation that took place in June 2016:
Simulation d'attaque 2016 dans un collège français
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- PSPG -
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Simulation of a police intervention in an SNCF train as part of the "Train Marshall's" operation
It can also be noted that the GIGN and DGIGN are now engaged in operation "TRAIN MARSHALL'S" in July 2018 in case of a terrorist attack on a train. France was inspired by the AIR MARSHALs, the police officers who travel on American planes.
TOYOTA LC200 from the manufacturer CENTIGON.
These vehicles are 4X4 armored vehicles designed to withstand all common calibers of weapons of war and explosive devices.
Escorte GIGN of 05/02/18
They can also be used to escort dangerous prisoners who could escape thanks to heavily armed accomplices...
- Coming soon in English version -

will also have at their service in front of a dangerous armed person,
90 "CENTAURE", vehicles of the National Gendarmerie, pre-positioned on
the French territory.
- English Version -
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Germany has also created this type of first responder unit:
Here is a video presenting the PI2G of Toulouse and Orange a few years ago
Training on a boat of gendarmes of a PSMP
complete the security of the French territory, the ports and maritime
zones are also protected by special units of the Gendarmerie: The PSMP "Espadon". They can be part of the newcomers.
- PSMP -
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and for PLAYMOBIL fans
Création de Freddy BAILLY
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Discover the others adventures
in "English Version":
Discover the Web Series "GSG9 1/87 Special Unit"
- Link to the episodes translated into English -
- Link to the episodes translated into English -
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OF "GSG9 1/87":
Des dioramas sous différentes échelles:
et au 1/87
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et la web série au 1/87
" GSG9 - Unité spéciale "

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Jeux d'action-aventures sur ordinateur
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