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verb of the expressions).
Updatet: 19/08/2022
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The "Pelotons de Sécurité et d'Intervention de la Gendarmerie" SABRE (PSIG SABRE) are part of the French Gendarmerie Nationale
Following the attacks of 2015 and particularly that of November 13, 2015, with terrorist attacks type "Mass Killing", the government decided to create 150 PSIG SABRE, distributed throughout the territory, and which have equipment and weapons to cope with this type of extreme situations.
Indeed, the terrorist risk is real on the French territory:

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For years, this one has taken on different faces:
Solutions have been found and these units have adapted to them:
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And currently, France has to face the Islamist terrorism...
They are part of the French Ministry of the Interior's rapid intervention forces to intervene on any point of the territory
For the civilians who are in the place of the attack,
here is how to react on this link:
The first 50 SABRE PSIGs were put in place as of August 1, 2016. In addition to performing the traditional missions of a PSIG, they are now the first level of intervention for planned killings, among others.
Since 2018, the 150 PSIG SABRE cover the entire French territory.
They are equipped with HK G36 assault rifles, ballistic protection, heavy helmets, as well as fast geolocated vehicles to dispatch the closest team to an attack.
The PSIG Sabre are equipped, among others, with VW SHARANs allowing them to carry their equipment. GENDARMERIE magnetic strips are affixed to the bodywork for patrols and interventions, but can be removed for greater discretion.
Regularly training to all types of simulations, the PSIG SABRE respond quickly on the whole department.
Composed of 20 to 30 soldiers, they are permanently on patrol. These units can intervene in less than 20 minutes on the whole territory.
Gendarmes during the tracking of the fugitive in Dordogne in late May 2021
The PSIG SABRE can also include a device launched in 2021, during the tracking of armed forcenes: the DIAG 
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Previously, they participated in the 3 intervention pillars of the National Gendarmerie created in late 2015:
The elementary intervention: It concerned the gendarmes of the territorial brigades, first interveners on the places of attacks which will freeze the situation.
The intermediate intervention: It concerned the PSIG SABRE
which intervened to neutralize the attackers and to stabilize the
situation by pushing back possible attacks and preventing terrorists,
hostage-takers or criminals to escape.
The specialized intervention: It involved the GIGN and the AGIGN. They proceeded to the final assault.
Gendarmes of a PSIG SABRE in protection behind a van
Since 2017, the terms of these interventions are simpler and are now classified in 2 stages: the "Primo arrivals", then the "Reinforcements", easier to manage in the perception of interventions.
Gendarmes of the PSIG SABRE in progress during the exercise in Echillais on 31/05/2016
Here is a simulation made in 2016
in Charentes Maritimes by the PSIG SABRE of Echillais:
Gendarme of the PSIG SABRE of Nantes during the exercise NOVI Alpha in Héric on 15/11/17
Image Gendarmerie Nationale
or here in a college, in November 2017, in Héric in Loire Atlantique:

Progression of rescue workers protected by members of a PSIG Sabre
during the exercise of 28/01/19
They continue to train regularly to be ready to intervene as here at the end of January 2019, in a "Center Parcs" in the Aisne:
Progression of a PSIG Sabre and soldiers during the exercise of 01/02/19
as well as with military personnel in the framework of joint operations or in the framework of operation "SENTINELLE" so that they can maneuver together, as here in the military schools of St Cyr - Coëtquidan, early February 2019.

Progression of a PSIG Sabre during the exercise of 06/06/19
and in the Santa Claus village in Haute Savoie in June 2019

Here are some PSIG SABRE patches
Training on a boat of gendarmes of a PSMP
To complete the security of the French territory, the ports and maritime zones are also protected by special units of the Gendarmerie: the PSMP "Espadon":
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Progression of a PSPG unit
As well as the Nuclear Power Plants with the "PSPG":
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Official handover of the Command of the GIGN on 02/10/2020 to General Ghislain Réty
This Defense Plan is part of this increase in military intervention forces with the reorganization of the GIGN New Generation, with 1,000 gendarmes, announced by the Director General of the Gendarmerie, Christian RODRIGUEZ, when the new General of the GIGN, Ghislain Réty, took command in October 2020.
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Staging of a PSIG Sabre by Freddy BAILLY
Police officer with a G36
For the big cities of France, they can also intervene to help the BAC (Brigades Anti Criminalité) of the French National Police who can also be equipped with HK G36 machine guns, heavy bulletproof vests, helmets with bulletproof visors and fast cars.
French Police officers with a G36 during a simulated terrorist attack
Knowing that a mass terrorist attack lasts between 30 and 80 minutes, the need for rapid intervention and appropriate armed response, i.e. weapons of war against weapons of war by trained and qualified personnel, will allow for rapid intervention.
Illustration of a member of a SPI4G of the French National Police
Note that among the CRS units there is the "SPI4G CRS". These are police officers also equipped with assault weapons who intervene in a sports, festive or other event, in case a terrorist takes advantage of the mass of people to shoot or drive a vehicle into the crowd.

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Gendarmes mobiles durant une démonstration à Lyon en novembre 2018
This is also the case for the French Mobile Gendarmerie, which also intervenes in demonstrations. Currently, 22 Mobile Gendarmerie Squadrons (EGM) have an additional platoon of about 20 gendarmes who can intervene with weapons of war.
Training of the French Military Special Forces
is to be noted that military means are added to this device in case of
multiple attacks of high intensity in French cities with precise commandos of the Army, the National Navy and the Air Force.
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Germany has also created this type of first responder unit:
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Other specialized units
of the National Gendarmerie:

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