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The "1/87 Secret Defense"stories are a fiction
Discover this Web series at 1/87
With spies, and state secrets.
Meet the agent Alexandre AVEN who works for the DRSD
(Direction du Renseignement et de la Sécurité de la Défense Nationale, in English: Office of Intelligence and Security of National Defence)
This new direction which replaces the DPSD (Direction for the Protection and the Security of the French Defense.) since October 07, 2016
In a world of multiple dangers...
And the instability of many countries has never been greater...
The French DRSD is
a service whose missions are very varied in the face of these dangers:
Intelligence and protection of French defense against any threat that
may take the form of terrorism, espionage, subversion, sabotage or
organized crime.
This service contributes to the protection of persons authorized to "National Defence Secret",
to sensitive areas or materials or installations, to scientific and
industrial threats related to defense, to the repression of the illicit
trade of war materials, weapons or ammunition, as well as to the
defensive computer fight ....
To help it, it uses all the French military services at its disposal for interventions....
for intelligence in distant countries,
investigations in different countries,
where the French army is deployed,
and can project itself quickly....
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Alexandre AVEN was recruited by the DPSD, Directorate of Protection and Security of the French Defense, a service in charge of protecting the "SECRET DEFENSE" but also of insuring the persons concerned by the "SECRET DEFENSE".
His first mission is to gather as much information as possible about an Islamic terrorist named Abu Mazar El Kali.

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General DUPONT MARTIN takes Alexandre AVEN to discover a new building of the French National Defense.

the French "PENTAGON" in reference to the American one, this new
building regroups the headquarters of the French Army and the French
Ministry of Defense.
Alexandre AVEN is going to meet one of the officers of the DPSD in charge of supervising that these buildings at the end of construction integrate well the references "Secret Defense" because it is a strategic site.
During these evaluations, they will meet a chief of construction site very angry against the army and the politicians.
Back in the offices of the DPSD, the officer discovers, at the same time as Alexandre AVEN, an alert message.
Indeed, the GIC,
the french service of tapping has detected key words of alert in front
of imminent risks against France, and the detected telephone is none
other than the chief of construction site met the same morning.
Alexandre has a presentiment and returns in company of the officer of the DPSD to the BALARD Hexagon, and in the bend of a corridor, he crosses the chief of building site in suit and tie...
After some questions, this one runs away...
Why ???
Why ???
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General DUPONT MARTIN is showing Alexandre AVEN around the site of the
Military Staff at BALARD Hexagon, a phone call warns the General of an
unusual fact.

In this episode, you will discover one of the best kept secrets of the DPSD, the service where Alexandre AVEN works...
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Captain Alexandre AVEN of the DPSD, the service in charge of guaranteeing "Secret Defense", is investigating the risk of leakage of strategic data that could be sold to a foreign power.
He discovers the GRIFFON-JAGUAR program, in company of Captain CITIZEN.
Will they succeed in arresting this unscrupulous employee ???- ENGLISH VERSION -
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and the Seasons of "MEDEVAC 1/87"
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OF "GSG9 1/87":
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OF "GSG9 1/87":
Des dioramas sous différentes échelles:
et au 1/87
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et la web série au 1/87
" GSG9 - Unité spéciale "

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