The DANISH Riot Force
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13/05/2014 - Police officers interfering in a demonstration
Between pro and anti Nazi in Copenhagen
Between pro and anti Nazi in Copenhagen
Danish police prepared to deal with violent protests
in the early 2000s.
in the early 2000s.
13/12/2009 - Protest at a climate conference
Indeed, the riots of Gothenburg in Sweden, in June 2001, made Denmark aware of the need for a special force for the maintenance of order, because the following year, it was going to take the presidency of the European Union from 01 July 2002 to 31 December 2002.
01/03/2007 - Intervention of the riot police in a squat in Copenhagen.
The Danish police had to manage these last years some violent demonstrations in the streets of Copenhagen (in particular following popular consultations on the participation of Denmark in the construction of the European Union).
04/08/2016 - Evacuation of a place called Christiania in Copenhagen.
The Police detachment in charge of riot control is exclusive
to the Copenhagen police.
to the Copenhagen police.
It is equipped with vehicles allowing it to deploy quickly,
13/12/2009 - Demonstration during a conference on climate
as well as by the important deployment of its law enforcement units.
10/03/2016, Police officers standing guard around the Copenhagen court.
The risk of Islamist terrorism being present on the Danish territory, Denmark has equipped some of its units, with intervention and framing forces that can intervene quickly.
14/02/2015. Police officer securing the area around a cultural center in Copenhagen.
We remember the 14 and 15 February 2015 when a man attacked a synagogue and a cultural center in the Danish capital that caused 2 deaths and 5 injuries.
10/03/2016, Police officer standing guard around the court in Copenhagen.
On March 10, 2016, 4 suspects, who were on trial for "complicity in a terrorist act" required a presence around the court in Copenhagen of these units.
17/11/2015 - Police officers in Copenhagen, providing security around the meeting
between 2 teams in view of the qualifications for the Euro 2016
between 2 teams in view of the qualifications for the Euro 2016
Since 2005, following the drawings of Kurt Westergaard who was one of the authors of the cartoons of Mohammed published in the magazine Jykllands-Posten, Denmark is a target for fanatics.
17/11/2015 - Police officers in Copenhagen, providing security around the meeting
between 2 teams for the Euro 2016 qualification
between 2 teams for the Euro 2016 qualification
For this, Denmark deploys during sports meetings or various events, these units to reassure the population, but also to be able to intervene
in case of an attack.
in case of an attack.
In the risk of terrorist attacks, Denmark has
also has a specialized unit :
also has a specialized unit :
04/08/2016 - Evacuation of a place called Christiania in Copenhagen.
Denmark partnered with 12 European countries in the " GODIAC" project during the years 2010 to 2013.
GODIAC Project
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17/12/2010 - Demonstration at a climate conference
The aim of this project is to improve the methods of police
in the management of demonstrations.
in the management of demonstrations.
13/12/2009 - Demonstration at a climate conference
The results of this project led to recommendations that the Danish riot police implemented:
13/12/2009 - Demonstration at a climate conference
Basis for communication between the police and the demonstrators,
2009 - Protection of a pro-Israel demonstration in Copenhagen.
Facilitation of declared and/or regular demonstrations,
Differentiation of law enforcement sub-operations:
A- Individual treatment of offenses,
A- Individual treatment of offenses,
B- Gradation of responses,
13/12/2009 - Demonstration during a conference on the climate
C- Fine targeting of zones.
The demonstration that was chosen for the "GODIAC" project in Denmark was the meeting against Jihad in AARHUS on March 31, 2012.
These techniques are also known as "de-escalation" tactics
March 2007 - Intervention in Copenhagen
However, the evolution of violence shows a limit to this type of demonstration management.
March 2007 - Intervention in Copenhagen
as here in 2007, during the evacuation of a social center. You can see, under the link below, this evolution of this violence:
2005 - Training of military police to repel a hostile crowd.
This is why the Danish legal texts allow the Danish army to intervene on the domestic soil. This has never happened yet, but the Danish army has training among its units. The Danish army has trained soldiers for law enforcement through its military police,
themselves trained by the Danish police.
themselves trained by the Danish police.
2005 - Danish MP training
Concretely, the Danish Army can act in the case where a criminal is heavily armed and the means available to the police are not sufficient. It can also be a case of multiple terrorist attacks.
2006 - Training of military police to repel a hostile crowd.
It can also intervene on "internal disorders" in front of which the only resources of the police would be insufficient to restore public order. The involvement of the armed forces in a mission to restore order in an insurrectionary situation is only authorized as a last resort.
Here are some videos of these riot forces:
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