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The PANHARD PVP meaning Small Protected Vehicle
team of the French RAID units..
team of the French RAID units..
This vehicle allows you to enter buildings such as shopping centers or technical premises, and to sneak into narrow streets.
Simulation in a theater in Pau - 08/03/2017
It is French made and comes from the military world.
RAID vehicle in the yard of the Lycée Guy MOLLET in Arras - 15/03/2017
RAID training for Euro 2016
RAID training for Euro 2016 - Toulouse - April 2016
These pictures, above and below, were taken
during a counter-terrorism training
for the Euro 2016 in Toulouse in April 2016..
during a counter-terrorism training
for the Euro 2016 in Toulouse in April 2016..
RAID training for Euro 2016 - Toulouse - April 2016
It can take up to eigth police officers on board..
RAID training for Euro 2016 - Toulouse - April 2016
Find this simulation by clicking on the link below:
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This vehicle can also exfiltrate seriously injured people
as here, during the exercise in March 2017 in PAU:
as here, during the exercise in March 2017 in PAU:
Simulation d'attaque d'une salle de spectacle à Pau
dans les Pyrénées Atlantiques - 2017
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dans les Pyrénées Atlantiques - 2017
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and is integrated into the protection of victim extraction corridors:
Orly on March 18, 2017
It was sent during the attack on Orly on March 17, 2017 by a forcible person who tried to snatch the rifle of a military officer of the operation SENTINELLE.
They can also be seen during full-scale exercises in France:
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PVP en Géorgie en 2008
The French National Gendarmerie had in 2008 PVP for a peace mission in Georgia:
Discover the PVP at 1/48
Here are two videos of this vehicle
Other armored vehicles of the French Police:
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with terrorist threats, armed entrenched people or AMOK (a
person or sometimes two, taking weapons and shooting at random in a
school, a shopping center or an administrative building), other
countries such as USA, FRANCE, CANADA, GERMANY, ENGLAND, have also equipped
their intervention forces with this type of weaponry and vehicles:
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Discover on "GSG9 1/87":
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OF "GSG9 1/87":
Des dioramas sous différentes échelles:
et au 1/87
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et la web série au 1/87
" GSG9 - Unité spéciale "

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Jeux d'action-aventures sur ordinateur
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