jeudi 10 novembre 2022

The GODIAC project - English Version


The GODIAC project

- English Version -

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March against austerity in London, UK, March 26, 2011
The GODIAC project (GOod Practice for DIAlogue and Communication as Strategic Principles for Policing Political Manifestations in Europe), is a pan-European research project that contributes to a comprehensive and collective European approach, on policing methods, to establish a dialogue with demonstrators, with a focus on The openness and respect for the right to peaceful assembly and demonstration.

Protection of CASTOR wagons in the Wenland region in Germany 08/11/2010
This project was carried out during 3 years from 2010 to 2013. 12 national or territorial police services and 8 security research centers contributed to this project.

The Cairde Nah Eireann parade in Liverpool, United Kingdom, on October 13, 2012
12 European countries participated in GODIAC: Austria, Germany, Cyprus, Hungary, Romania, Sweden, United Kingdom, Denmark, Spain, Netherlands, Portugal, and Slovakia.

10 operations were analyzed in detail :

The written or audio comments in the videos presented in this article are the sole responsibility of the authors of these videos.

These videos are there to illustrate the article on the tensions they had during these events and which served as analysis in the GODIAC project.

Video of this day 
1- The transport of radioactive material in CASTOR wagons in the Wenland region of Germany from November 6 to 7, 2010

2- The NATO summit in Lisbon, Portugal, from November 19 to 21, 2010

Video of this day 
3- Demonstration against the WKR Ball in Vienna, Austria, January 30, 2011

Video of this day
4- March against austerity in London, UK, March 26, 2011

Demonstration on the Catalan National Day in the streets of Barcelona
5- National Catalan Day in Barcelona, Spain, September 11, 2011

Demonstrators on this day on 23/10/2011
6- National Day in Budapest, Hungary, October 23, 2011

7- A meeting against jihad in Aarhus, Denmark, March 31, 2012

8- Gay Pride in Bratislava, Slovakia, June 09, 2012

Video of this day 
9- A meeting against jihad in Stockholm, Sweden, August 04, 2012

Video of this day
10- The Cairde Nah Eireann parade in Liverpool, UK, October 13, 2012

Demonstration against the WKR Ball in Vienna, Austria, January 30, 2011

The GODIAC project resulted in numerous recommendations grouped
under several themes:
Knowledge base, Communication between law enforcement and demonstrators, Facilitation of declared and/or regular demonstrations, differentiation of policing sub-operations (individual treatment of offenses, gradation of responses, fine targeting of areas, etc)

Demonstration against the NATO summit in Lisbon, Portugal, November 19-21, 2010
The GODIAC project recommends the creation of specific police mediation units, perfectly identified and known to the public, with the aim of maintaining (or creating) a dialogue with the demonstrators throughout the event.

German police officer in charge of communication 
These units are also, in countries like Germany where they are already used, a source of dialogue with the forces specialized in restoring order.

German police liaison officer 
They provide information and dialogue and provide a rich and dense insight to the civil authority and the law enforcement commander.

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Here are some of the law enforcement units from European countries that have worked on this project and are applying some of its recommendations:

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- The Portuguese Riot Force -
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The English Riot Police
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- The PSU - Police Support Unit -
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The Spanish Riot Forces

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- The Danish Riot Control Forces -
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March against austerity in London, UK, March 26, 2011.
However the increasingly violent acts of aggression pose a real reflection as you can discover on the link below:   

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- The action of masked gangs in demonstrations -
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" GSG9 - Unité spéciale "

Jeux d'action-aventures sur ordinateur

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