Riot Control Forces
in the Province of Québec
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The Province of Quebec has specialized units to intervene in the maintenance and restoration of order. They are part of the provincial service of the "Sureté du Québec".
It has mobile forces depending on this service and are called "Pelotons d'Intervention" (In english: Intervention Platoons). They are trained and deployed according to the current situation. They are members of the emergency service.
It was following protests in 1968 and 1969 that the first emergency unit was created in Montreal in October 1969
In case of mobilization for the maintenance of order, the Pelotons d'Intervention are called and carry out missions of crowd control
in urban, semi-urban or rural areas.
in urban, semi-urban or rural areas.
They are required to arrest hostile groups committing criminal acts, as well as to intercept vehicles or persons not respecting
areas and infrastructures to be protected.
areas and infrastructures to be protected.
Their intervention uniform is green and their number is indicated on their helmet and epaulets. They wear protective gear under their uniforms to protect them from being hit or having objects thrown at them.
You can see them getting equipped on this video:
They can also support the riot control units of the city of Montreal (the GI, for Intervention Groups) in case of important tension.
Canadians did some investigative work at the 2001 Summit of the Americas on the categories of protesters: Regardless of the country, protesters are not homogeneous. They fall into several categories:
- The demonstrator who asks for permission to march and does not break anything.
- The pacifist who is less convenient,
- The adept of civil disobedience and sitting deliberately obstructing official ceremonies.
But it is on the fringe of these majority groups that
the "dangerous categories":
- First of all, the rioters, for whom the demonstration serves as an alibi;
the "dangerous categories":
- First of all, the rioters, for whom the demonstration serves as an alibi;
- The groups made up of autonomists and anarchists, better and better equipped and using the method known as "Black Blocs", i.e. individuals hidden behind black masks, black gloves and black outfits and operating in groups so as not to be spotted during violent actions or damage.
Canadian Mediator (City of Montreal)
Canadian law enforcement agencies are committed to the principle of de-escalation through police mediators.
Mediation teams - Canada
They are close to the demonstrators and listen to them so that everything goes well. You can find above the explanation of this principle:
However, the increasingly violent acts of aggression pose a real reflection as you can discover on the link below:
When they are not on a law enforcement mission, they perform different activities: highway patrols, classical security,
and community policing missions.
and community policing missions.
Teams deployed in the search for a young girl in September 2011.
They can also be mobilized to search for missing persons.
They can also be mobilized to search for missing persons.
armed man entrenched in January 2016
And to support intervention units such as the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) GTI, in the case of entrenched man or dangerous wanted persons, to seal off the perimeter.
And to support intervention units such as the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) GTI, in the case of entrenched man or dangerous wanted persons, to seal off the perimeter.
Videos of interventions of their platoons
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